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The art and archaeology of the Moche : an ancient Andean society of the Peruvian north coast / |
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The art of Hellenistic Palestine / |
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The art of urbanism : how Mesoamerican kingdoms represented themselves in architecture and imagery / |
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The beginnings of Mesoamerican civilization : inter-regional interaction and the Olmec / |
Rosenswig, Robert M. |
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The bioarchaeology of metabolic bone disease / |
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The bone readers : atoms, genes and the politics of Australia's deep past / |
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The cave and the cathedral : how a real-life Indiana Jones and a renegade scholar decoded the ancient art of man / |
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The covenant of Genesis / |
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The crumbs of creation : trace elements in history, medicine, industry, crime and folklore / |
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The crystal sun : rediscovering a lost technology of the ancient world / |
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The day the johnboat went up the mountain : stories from my twenty years in South Carolina maritime archaeology / |
Naylor, Carl. |
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The destruction of Sodom, Gomorrah, and Jericho : geological, climatological, and archaeological background / |
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The destruction of cultural heritage in Iraq / |
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The development of pre-state communities in the ancient Near East : studies in honour of Edgar Peltenburg / |
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The eagle and the spade : archaeology in Rome during the Napoleonic Era / |
Ridley, Ronald T., 1940- |
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The early Bronze Age I tombs and burials of Bâb edh-Dhrâ', Jordan / |
Ortner, Donald J. |
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The early Bronze Age pottery of Karataş : habitation deposits / |
Eslick, Christine. |
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The early prehistory of Fiji / |
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The early use of iron in India / |
Chakrabarti, Dilip K. |
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The edge of reason? : science and religion in modern society / |
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The elite late period Egyptian tombs of Memphis / |
Stammers, Michael. |
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The emergence of Israel in ancient Palestine : historical and anthropological perspectives / |
Pfoh, Emanuel. |
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The engines of Hippocrates : from the dawn of medicine to medical and pharmaceutical informatics / |
Robson, Barry. |
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The environment and aggregate-related archaeology / |
Brown, A. G. |
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The estates of Winchcombe Abbey, Gloucestershire : a preliminary landscape archaeological survey / |
Ellis, Anne V. |
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The ethics of cultural appropriation / |
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The evolution of technology and society : a reader / |
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The evolution of the built environment : complexity, human agency and thermal performance / |
Wilkins, Helen. |
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The evolutionary archaeology of ceramic diversity in ancient Fiji / |
Cochrane, Ethan E. |
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The exploitation and cultural importance of sea mammals / |
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The extinction of Sivapithecus : faunal and environmental changes surrounding the disappearance of a miocene hominoid in the Siwaliks of Pakistan / |
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The family in life and in death : the family in ancient Israel : sociological and archaeological perspectives / |
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The faunal remains from Arroyo Hondo Pueblo, New Mexico : a study in short-term subsistence change / |
Lang, Richard W. |
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The final analysis of weights from Port Royal, Jamaica / |
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The final days of Jesus : the archaeological evidence / |
Gibson, Shimon. |
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The first Africans : African archaeology from the earliest tool makers to most recent foragers / |
Barham, Lawrence. |
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The first HMS Invincible (1747-58) : her excavations (1980-1991) / |
Bingeman, John. |
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The frontiers of the Ottoman world / |
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The future from the past : archaeozoology in wildlife conservation and heritage management / |
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The future of rock art : a world review / |
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