Book |
The gardens of Pompeii : Herculaneum and the villas destroyed by Vesuvius / |
Jashemski, Wilhelmina Mary Feemster, 1910- |
1979-1993. |
科技考古學 |
Book |
The glittering eye / |
Adlington, L. J. 1970- (Lucy J.), |
2009. |
科技考古學 |
Book |
The golden elephant / |
Archer, Alex. |
2008. |
科技考古學 |
Book |
The great Egyptian grave robbery / |
Pennypacker, Sara, 1951- |
2009. |
科技考古學 |
Book |
The great Valley Road of Virginia : Shenandoah landscapes from prehistory to the present / |
2010. |
科技考古學 |
Book |
The handbook of British archaeology. |
Adkins, Roy (Roy A.) |
2008. |
科技考古學 |
Book |
The harbour of Sebastos (Caesarea Maritima) in its Roman Mediterranean context / |
Raban, Avner. |
2009. |
科技考古學 |
Book |
The headpots of northeast Arkansas and southern Pemiscot County, Missouri / |
Cherry, James F., 1948- |
2009. |
科技考古學 |
Book |
The historian's craft in the age of Herodotus / |
2001. |
科技考古學 |
Book |
The historical ecology handbook : a restorationist's guide to reference ecosystems / |
c2001. |
科技考古學 |
Book |
The history of the British flora : a factual basis for phytogeography / |
Godwin, Harry, Sir, 1901- |
1975. |
科技考古學 |
Book |
The holographic universe / |
Talbot, Michael, 1953- |
1992, c1991. |
科技考古學 |
Book |
The horse and jockey from Artemision : a bronze equestrian monument of the Hellenistic period / |
Hemingway, Séan A. |
c2004. |
科技考古學 |
Book |
The human past : world prehistory & the development of human societies / |
2009. |
科技考古學 |
Book |
The humanistic tradition / |
Fiero, Gloria K. |
c2011. |
科技考古學 |
Book |
The hunt for Atlantis / |
McDermott, Andy. |
[2009] |
科技考古學 |
Book |
The ice chorus / |
Stonich, Sarah, 1958- |
2009. |
科技考古學 |
Book |
The idea of cultural heritage / |
Gillman, Derek. |
2010. |
科技考古學 |
Book |
The illustrated practical encyclopedia of archaeology : the key sites, who discovered them, and how to become an archaeologist / |
Catling, Christopher. |
c2009. |
科技考古學 |
Book |
The invisible diggers : a study of British commercial archaeology / |
Everill, Paul. |
c2009. |
科技考古學 |
Book |
The iron age round-house : later prehistoric building in Britain and beyond / |
Harding, D. W. (Dennis William) |
2009. |
科技考古學 |
Book |
The iron gates in prehistory : new perspectives / |
2008. |
科技考古學 |
Book |
The ivory tower and beyond : participant historians of the Pacific / |
Munro, Doug. |
2009. |
科技考古學 |
Book |
The judgement of strangers / |
Taylor, Andrew, 1951- |
c2009. |
科技考古學 |
Book |
The land in between : the upper St. John Valley, prehistory to World War One / |
Craig, Béatrice. |
2009. |
科技考古學 |
Book |
The land of Boudica : Prehistoric and Roman Norfolk / |
Davies, John A. 1955- (John Arthur), |
[2008] |
科技考古學 |
Book |
The land that I will show you : essays on the history and archaeology of the ancient Near East in honor of J. Maxwell Miller / |
c2001. |
科技考古學 |
Book |
The last word : beyond the Bible wars to a new understanding of the authority of Scripture / |
Wright, N. T. (Nicholas Thomas) |
c2005. |
科技考古學 |
Book |
The late-life reflections of a retired professor on just about everything in the world / |
Larrick, Geary, 1943- |
c2007. |
科技考古學 |
Book |
The laughter of dead kings / |
Peters, Elizabeth, 1927- |
2009. |
科技考古學 |
Book |
The legacy of the wisecrack : stand-up comedy as the great American literary form / |
Tafoya, Eddie. |
2009. |
科技考古學 |
Book |
The letter and the scroll : what archaeology tells us about the Bible / |
Currie, Robin, 1948- |
c2009. |
科技考古學 |
Book |
The life and writings of Julio C. Tello : America's first indigenous archaeologist / |
c2009. |
科技考古學 |
Book |
The life of the longhouse : an archaeology of ethnicity / |
Metcalf, Peter. |
2010. |
科技考古學 |
Book |
The likeness of the king : a prehistory of portraiture in late medieval France / |
Perkinson, Stephen. |
2009. |
科技考古學 |
Book |
The lithic assemblages of Qafzeh Cave / |
Hovers, Erella. |
2009. |
科技考古學 |
Book |
The lords of Lambityeco : political evolution in the Valley of Oaxaca during the Xoo phase / |
Lind, Michael. |
c2010. |
科技考古學 |
Book |
The lost boys of Zeta Psi : a historical archaeology of masculinity at a university fraternity / |
Wilkie, Laurie A. |
c2010. |
科技考古學 |
Book |
The lost scrolls / |
Archer, Alex. |
2007. |
科技考古學 |
Book |
The lost tomb / |
Gibbins, David J. L. |
2009, c2008. |
科技考古學 |
Book |
The lost world of old Europe : the Danube valley, 5000-3500 BC / |
2010. |
科技考古學 |
Book |
The lost wreck of the Isis / |
Ballard, Robert D. |
c1990. |
科技考古學 |
Book |
The making of Stonehenge / |
Castleden, Rodney. |
1993. |
科技考古學 |
Book |
The making of the British landscape : how we have transformed the land, from prehistory to today / |
Pryor, Francis. |
2010. |
科技考古學 |
Book |
The manufacture of iron in ancient Colchis / |
Khakhutaĭshvili, D. A. (David Akhmedovich) |
2009. |
科技考古學 |
Book |
The meaning of "bāmâ" in the Old Testament : a study of etymological, textual and archaeological evidence / |
Vaughan, Patrick H. |
1974. |
科技考古學 |
Book |
The medicine tree : traditional medicine in Wales from prehistory to the present / |
Sharkey, John. |
2009. |
科技考古學 |
Book |
The medieval household : daily life in castles and farmsteads : Scandinavian examples in their European context / |
Svensson, Eva, 1962- |
c2008. |
科技考古學 |
Book |
The millstone quarries of Powell County, Kentucky / |
Hockensmith, Charles D. |
c2009. |
科技考古學 |
Book |
The mingqi pottery buildings of Han Dynasty China, 206 BC-AD 220 : architectural representations and represented architecture / |
Guo, Qinghua. |
2010. |
科技考古學 |