
資料類型 書名 作者 出版年 資源相關分類
Book Tutankhamun : the golden king and the great pharaohs / Hawass, Zahi A. c2008. 科技考古學
Book Tutankhamun : the last secret / Jacq, Christian. 2009. 科技考古學
Book Twilight / Golden, Christie. c2009. 科技考古學
Book Typisierung alter DNA zur Rekonstruktion von Verwandtschaft in einem bronzezeitlichen Skelettkollektiv / Schultes, Tobias. 2000. 科技考古學
Book U istokov ︠t︡siviliza︠t︡sii / Nakhushev, K. I. (Kazavat Indrisovich) 2007. 科技考古學
Book Ueber alte Eisen- und Silber-Funde : Archäologisch-chemische Skizze / Bibra, Ernst von. c2005. 科技考古學
Book Umwelt - Wirtschaft - Siedlungen im dritten vorchristlichen Jahrtausend Mitteleuropas und Südskandinaviens : internationale Tagung Kiel 4.-6. November 2005 / 2008. 科技考古學
Book Understanding complexity in the prehistoric Southwest / c1994. 科技考古學
Book Understanding heritage in practice / c2010. 科技考古學
Book Understanding humans : introduction to physical anthropology and archaeology / Lewis, R. Barry. c2010. 科技考古學
Book Understanding place : GIS and mapping across the curriculum / Sinton, Diana Stuart, 1966- 2007. 科技考古學
Book Understanding the workplace : a research framework for industrial archaeology in Britain / c2007. 科技考古學
Book Underwater and maritime archaeology in Latin America and the Caribbean / c2008. 科技考古學
Book Unearthing Atlantis : an archaeological odyssey to the fabled lost civilization / Pellegrino, Charles R. 2001. 科技考古學
Book Unifying the universe : the physics of heaven and earth / Padamsee, Hasan, 1945- c2003. 科技考古學
Book United States history : Reconstruction to the present / c2010. 科技考古學
Book United States history : modern America / c2010. 科技考古學
Book Unknown / Jungstedt, Mari, 1962- 2009. 科技考古學
Book Untersuchungen an Skelettresten von Tieren aus dem Hafen von Haithabu / 2006. 科技考古學
Book Upper Palaeolithic and Epipalaeolithic Lithic technologies at Raqefet Cave, Mount Carmel East, Israel / Lengyel, György. 2007. 科技考古學
Book Urban-rural connexions : perspectives from environmental archaeology / 1994. 科技考古學
Book Using stone tools : the evidence from Aksum, Ethiopia / Phillipson, Laurel. 2009. 科技考古學
Book Utimut : past heritage -- future partnerships, discussions on repatriation in the 21st century / 2008. 科技考古學
Book Vegetation and environment in Nydam, Denmark, during the Iron Age / Kolstrup, Else. c2009. 科技考古學
Book Veiled brightness : a history of ancient Maya color / 2009. 科技考古學
Book Vignes et vins dans la Méditerranée gallo-romaine / Galas, Jacques. 2003. 科技考古學
Book Vinum : the story of Roman wine / Fleming, Stuart James. c2001. 科技考古學
Book Virginia's Montgomery County / c2009. 科技考古學
Book Virtual retrospect 2007 : actes du colloque, Pessac, 14-15-16 novembre 2007 / 2008. 科技考古學
Book Visual practices across the university / 2007. 科技考古學
Book Voennoe delo alan I-XV vv. / Slanov, Alan Akimovich. 2007. 科技考古學
Book Volcanic eruptions, tree rings and multielemental chemistry : an investigation of dendrochemical potential for the absolute dating of past volcanism / Pearson, Charlotte L. 2006. 科技考古學
Book Voyages, the age of sail : documents in American maritime history / c2009. 科技考古學
Book Walking the Bible : a journey by land through the five books of Moses / Feiler, Bruce S. 2002. 科技考古學
Book Walter Benjamin : an introduction to his work and thought / Steiner, Uwe. 2010. 科技考古學
Book War and rumours of war : the evidential base for the recognition of warfare in prehistory / Wileman, Julie. 2009. 科技考古學
Book War paths, peace paths : an archaeology of cooperation and conflict in native eastern North America / Dye, David H. c2009. 科技考古學
Book Warfare in cultural context : practice, agency, and the archaeology of violence / c2009. 科技考古學
Book Warrior spirit / Archer, Alex. 2007. 科技考古學
Book Wasperton : a Roman, British and Anglo-Saxon community in central England / 2009. 科技考古學
Book Water management in ancient Greek cities / Crouch, Dora P. 1993. 科技考古學
Book Water of life : a history of wine-distilling and spirits : 500 BC-AD 2000 / Wilson, C. Anne. 2006. 科技考古學
Book Wavelets in chemistry / 2000. 科技考古學
Book Waves across the past : adventures in underwater archeology / Lyttle, Richard B. 1981. 科技考古學
Book West Cotton, Raunds : a study of medieval settlement dynamics, AD 450-1450 : excavation of a deserted medieval hamlet in Northamptonshire, 1985-89 / Chapman, Andy, 1951- c2010. 科技考古學
Book Western civilizations : their history & their culture / Coffin, Judith G., 1952- c2009. 科技考古學
Book What a find : analyzing natural and cultural systems, c2007. 科技考古學
Book When fish got feet, sharks got teeth, and bugs began to swarm : a cartoon prehistory of life long before dinosaurs / Bonner, Hannah. c2007. 科技考古學
Book When time began / Sitchin, Zecharia. c1993. 科技考古學
Book Where rivers meet : the archaeology of Catholme and the Trent-Tame confluence / Buteux, Simon. 2009. 科技考古學