Book |
Individuals, families, and communities in Europe, 1200-1800 : the urban foundations of western society / |
Lynch, Katherine A. |
2003. |
都市與區域規劃以及政策研究 |
Book |
Industrial organisation and location / |
McDermott, P. J. (Philip J.) |
1982. |
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Book |
Informal city : Caracas case / |
Caracas Urban Think Tank. |
c2005. |
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Book |
Information technology and the ethics of globalization : transnational issues and implications / |
Schultz, Robert A., 1942- |
c2010. |
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Book |
Inner-city renewal in Addis Ababa : the impact of resettlement on the socio-economic and housing situation of low income residents / |
Gossaye, Ashenafi. |
2008. |
都市與區域規劃以及政策研究 |
Book |
Innovation in environmental policy? : integrating the environment for sustainability / |
c2008. |
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Book |
Innovations in government : research, recognition, and replication / |
c2008. |
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Book |
Innovative approaches to global sustainability / |
2008. |
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Book |
Innovative approaches to researching landscape and health : open space, people space 2 / |
2010. |
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Book |
Innovative cities / |
2001. |
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Book |
Innovative surface structures : technology and applications / |
Bechthold, Martin. |
2008. |
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Book |
Insecure spaces : peacekeeping, power and performance in Haiti, Kosovo and Liberia / |
Higate, Paul. |
2009. |
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Book |
Inside out : a visual tour of outdoor kitchens, garden living rooms, and more / |
Santos Quartino, Daniela. |
c2008. |
都市與區域規劃以及政策研究 |
Book |
Inside out : women negotiating, subverting, appropriating public and private space / |
2008. |
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Book |
Inspections and reports on dwellings / |
Melville, Ian A. |
2004-2008. |
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Book |
Institutional governance and regulation of water services : the essential elements / |
Rouse, Michael J. |
2007. |
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Book |
Insuring security : biopolitics, security and risk / |
Lobo-Guerrero, Luis. |
2011. |
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Book |
Intercultural journeys : from study to residence abroad / |
Jackson, Jane, 1954- |
2010. |
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Book |
Interdisciplinary community development : international perspectives / |
c2007. |
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Book |
Interdisciplinary treatment planning / |
c2008-2012. |
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Book |
Intergroup misunderstandings : impact of divergent social realities / |
c2009. |
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Book |
Interior atmospheres / |
2008. |
都市與區域規劃以及政策研究 |
Book |
International Society of City and Regional Planners : four decades of knowledge creation and sharing. |
International Society of City and Regional Planners. |
c2005. |
都市與區域規劃以及政策研究 |
Book |
International and cross-cultural management studies : a postcolonial reading / |
Gavin, Jack, 1973- |
2009. |
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Book |
International entrepreneurship : innovative solutions for a fragile planet / |
Samli, A. Coskun. |
2009. |
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Book |
International exhibitions and urbanism : the Zaragoza Expo 2008 project / |
Monclús, F. J. (Francisco Javier) |
c2009. |
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Book |
International governance, regimes, and globalization : case studies from Beijing and Taipei / |
c2010. |
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Book |
International migration and human rights : the global repercussions of U.S. policy / |
c2009. |
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Book |
International migration and knowledge / |
Williams, Allan M. |
2008. |
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Book |
International migration in Southeast Asia / |
2004. |
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Book |
International perspectives of festivals and events : paradigms of analysis / |
2008, c2009. |
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Book |
International trade in services and intangibles in the era of globalization / |
2009. |
都市與區域規劃以及政策研究 |
Book |
Interni : spazio, luce, materiale / |
c2004. |
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Book |
Intertwinings : interdisciplinary encounters with Merleau-Ponty / |
c2008. |
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Book |
Interviewing as qualitative research : a guide for researchers in education and the social sciences / |
Seidman, Irving, 1937- |
c2006. |
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Book |
Introducing Revit architecture 2009 : BIM for beginners / |
Demchak, Greg. |
c2008. |
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Book |
Introducing cultural studies / |
2008. |
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Book |
Introduction to architectural science : the basis of sustainable design / |
Szokolay, S. V. |
2008. |
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Book |
Introduction to study and immigration in USA / |
Lee, Patrick. |
c2008. |
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Book |
Intérieurs : espace, lumière, matériaux / |
c2004. |
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Book |
Invented cities : the creation of landscape in nineteenth-century New York & Boston / |
Domosh, Mona, 1957- |
c1996. |
都市與區域規劃以及政策研究 |
Book |
Inventing autopia : dreams and visions of the modern metropolis in jazz age Los Angeles / |
Axelrod, Jeremiah B. C., 1970- |
c2009. |
都市與區域規劃以及政策研究 |
Book |
Investing in design : home / |
Littlefield, David. |
2008. |
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Book |
Invisible walls : why we ignore the damage we inflict on the planet-- and ourselves / |
Seidel, Peter, 1926- |
1998. |
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Book |
Ioannis Baptistae Piranesii antiquariorum regiae societatis Londinensis socii = Campvs Martivs antiqvae vrbis. |
Piranesi, Giovanni Battista, 1720-1778. |
1995. |
都市與區域規劃以及政策研究 |
Book |
Iraq and Eleanor Egan's The war in the cradle of the world / |
Egan, Eleanor Franklin, d. 1925. |
c2009. |
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Book |
Ireland and India : nationalism, empire and memory / |
Silvestri, Michael, 1966- |
2009. |
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Book |
Islam in South Asia : a short history / |
Malik, Jamal. |
2008. |
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Book |
Islamic philosophy : a beginner's guide / |
Fakhry, Majid. |
2009. |
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Book |
Islanders : the Pacific in the age of empire / |
Thomas, Nicholas, 1960- |
c2010. |
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