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Financial programming and policy : the case of Hungary / |
1992. |
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Financial programming and policy : the case of Sri Lanka / |
c1996. |
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Financial programming and policy : the case of Turkey / |
Barth, Richard C. 1938- (Richard Carl), |
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Financial reform : what shakes it? what shapes it? / |
Abiad, Abdul. |
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Financial sector assessment program / |
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Financial sector policy for developing countries : a reader / |
c2002. |
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Financial sector reform : a review of World Bank assistance / |
Mathieu, N. |
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Financial sector transformation : lessons from economies in transition / |
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Financial soundness indicators : compilation guide. |
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Financial stability in dollarized economies / |
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Financial transition in Europe and Central Asia : challenges of the new decade / |
c2001. |
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Financing corporate growth in the developing world / |
c1991. |
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Financing international trade / |
Baker, James Calvin, 1935- |
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Financing of private hydropower projects / |
Head, Chris R. |
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Financing vocational training in Sub-Saharan Africa / |
Ziderman, Adrian. |
c2003. |
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Financing, efficiency, and equity in Albanian education / |
Palomba, Geremia, 1966- |
c2001. |
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Finding a common interest : the story of Dick Dusseldorp and Lend Lease / |
Clark, Lindie, 1962- |
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Fiscal and macroeconomic impact of privatization / |
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Fiscal decentralization to rural governments in India / |
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Fiscal dimensions of sustainable development / |
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Fiscal incentives for investment and innovation / |
c1995. |
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Fiscal management of scaled-up aid / |
c2008. |
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Fiscal policy formulation and implementation in oil-producing countries / |
c2003. |
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Fiscal policy, stabilization, and growth : prudence or abstinence? / |
c2008. |
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Fishing for coherence : proceedings of the workshop on policy coherence for development in fisheries. |
c2006. |
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Five star futures trades : the premier system for trading the biggest market moves / |
Alexander, Colin. |
c1997. |
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Fixed or flexible? : getting the exchange rate right in the 1990s / |
Caramazza, Francesco. |
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Fixing African economies : policy research for development / |
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Fixing global finance / |
Wolf, Martin, 1946- |
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Flexibility and European unification : the logic of differentiated integration / |
Kölliker, Alkuin, 1972- |
c2006. |
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Focus on politics and economics of Russia and Eastern Europe / |
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Food and agriculture in the Czech Republic : from a "Velvet" transition to the challenges of EU accession / |
Csáki, Csaba. |
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Foodborne disease in OECD countries : present state and economic costs. |
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For the love of Murphy's : the behind-the-counter story of a great American retailer / |
Togyer, Jason. |
c2008. |
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Forecasts of the economic growth in OECD countries and Central and Eastern European countries for the period 2000-2040 : a study / |
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Foreign direct investment : six country case studies / |
c2004. |
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Foreign direct investment : trends, data availability, concepts, and recording practices / |
2004. |
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Foreign direct investment and strategic alliances in Europe / |
c2001. |
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Foreign direct investment and tax competition/ |
Mutti, John H. |
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Foreign direct investment in a changing global political economy / |
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Foreign direct investment in the states of the former USSR / |
1992. |
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Foreign direct investment statistics : how countries measure FDI 2001. |
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Foreign exchange exposure in emerging markets : how companies can minimize it / |
Forńés, Gastón, 1971- |
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Foreign investment and restructuring : the evidence from Hungary / |
Kamiński, Bartłomiej, 1944- |
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Foreign ownership restrictions and liberalization reforms / |
Conklin, David. |
c1997. |
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Foreign trade regime and trade liberalization in Turkey during the 1980s / |
Togan, Sübidey. |
c1994. |
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Forest concession policies and revenue systems : country experience and policy changes for sustainable tropical forestry / |
Gray, John Andrew, 1934- |
c2002. |
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Forest products statistical information systems of EU and EFTA / |
2003. |
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Forestry in the Middle East and North Africa : an implementation review / |
Pswarayi-Riddihough, Idah, 1963- |
c2002. |
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Forex wave theory : a technical analysis for spot and futures currency traders / |
Bickford, Jim L. |
c2007. |
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