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Location, location, location : a plant location and site selection guide / |
De Meirleir, Marcel. |
c2008. |
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Logging Burma's frontier forests : resources and the regime / |
Brunner, Jake. |
c1998. |
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London as an international business centre / |
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Looking beyond tariffs : the role of non-tariff barriers in world trade. |
c2005. |
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Looking for common ground on U.S. trade policy / |
Weidenbaum, Murray L. |
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M&A titans : the pioneers who shaped Wall Street's mergers and acquisitions industry / |
Cole, Brett, 1965- |
c2008. |
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Macroeconomic issues and policies in the Middle East and North Africa / |
c2001. |
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Macroeconomic management : programs and policies / |
c2002. |
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Macroeconomic policy in the European Monetary Union : from the old to the new stability and growth pact / |
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Macroeconomics / |
Barro, Robert J. |
c1997. |
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Macroprudential indicators of financial system soundness / |
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Main aggregates = Principaux agrégats / |
Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development. |
c2005. |
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Make a million from the falling market / |
Bhoyrul, Anil. |
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Making NAFTA work : U.S. firms and the new North American business environment / |
Blank, Stephen. |
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Making free trade work in the Americas / |
c1993. |
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Making history : European integration and institutional change at fifty / |
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Making the world autonomous : a global role for the European Union / |
Clunies Ross, Anthony, 1932- |
c2005. |
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Making transition work for everyone : poverty and inequality in Europe and Central Asia. |
World Bank. |
c2000. |
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Mammon's music : literature and economics in the age of Milton / |
Hoxby, Blair, 1966- |
c2002. |
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Management education in the Chinese setting / |
c2001. |
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Management of recyclable fissile and fertile materials. |
c2007. |
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Management of uncertainty in safety cases and the role of risk : workshop proceedings, Stockholm, Sweden, 2-4 February 2004 / |
c2005. |
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Managing EU-US relations : actors, institutions and the new transatlantic agenda / |
Steffenson, Rebecca. |
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Managing across borders : the transnational solution / |
Bartlett, Christopher A., 1943- |
c1998. |
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Managing catastrophic disaster risks using alternative risk financing and pooled insurance structures / |
Pollner, John D., 1957- |
c2001. |
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Managing conflict in economic convergence of regions in greater Europe / |
Carluer, Frédéric. |
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Managing conflict of interest in the public sector : a toolkit. |
Whitton, Howard. |
c2005. |
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Managing disaster risk in emerging economies / |
c2000. |
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Managing energy risk : an integrated view on power and other energy markets / |
Burger, Markus. |
c2007. |
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Managing global development risk / |
Hussey, James M. |
c2008. |
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Managing integration : the European Union's responsibilities towards immigrants / |
c2005. |
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Managing international joint ventures : the route to globalizing your business / |
Matthews, Clifford. |
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Managing internationally : succeeding in a culturally diverse world / |
Fatehi, Kamal. |
c2008. |
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Managing multinationals in a knowledge economy : economics, culture, and human resources / |
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Managing the outsourcing relationship / |
Langfield-Smith, Kim. |
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Managing uncertainty : regulating immigration flows in advanced industrial countries / |
Papademetriou, Demetrios G. |
c1995. |
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Manipulation on trial : economic analysis and the Hunt silver case / |
Williams, Jeffrey, 1953- |
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Maritime security and MET / |
c2005. |
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Market panic : wild gyrations, risks, and opportunities in stock markets / |
Vines, Stephen. |
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Market risk management for hedge funds : foundations of the style and implicit value-at-risk / |
Duc, François. |
c2008. |
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Marketing : the basics / |
Moore, Karl. |
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Marketing in the Third World / |
c1996. |
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Marketing management : a contemporary perspective / |
Homburg, Christian, 1962- |
c2009. |
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Marketing strategies for Central and Eastern Europe / |
c2001. |
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Marketing stripped bare : an insider's guide to the secret rules / |
Forsyth, Patrick. |
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Markets and authorites : global finance and human choice / |
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Mastering negotiations : key skills in ensuring profitable and successful negotiations / |
Evans, Eric, 1953- |
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Mastering trading stress : strategies for maximizing performance / |
Kiev, Ari. |
c2008. |
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Maverick management : strategies for success / |
Giacco, Alexander F. |
c2003. |
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Measurement and meaning : combining quantitative and qualitative methods for the analysis of poverty and social exclusion in Latin America / |
c2001. |
國際貿易與金融制度 |