
資料類型 書名 作者 出版年 資源相關分類
Book Spillovers and cycles in the global economy. c2007. 國際貿易與金融制度
Book Sri Lanka's rubber industry : succeeding in the global market / Ali, Ridwan. c1997. 國際貿易與金融制度
Book Standards and global trade : a voice for Africa / c2003. 國際貿易與金融制度
Book State aid policy in the European Community : a guide for practitioners / Nicolaides, Phedon. c2005. 國際貿易與金融制度
Book States of liberalization : redefining the public sector in integrated Europe / Smith, Mitchell P., 1960- c2005. 國際貿易與金融制度
Book States, firms, and power : successful sanctions in United States foreign policy / Shambaugh, George E., 1963- c1999. 國際貿易與金融制度
Book Stock market essentials / Cuadra, Victor A. 2002. 國際貿易與金融制度
Book Stock movements and speculation / Bond, Frederic Drew, 1876- [2006?] 國際貿易與金融制度
Book Strategic alliances to scale up financial services in rural areas / Gallardo, Joselito S., 1938- c2006. 國際貿易與金融制度
Book Strategies for sustainable financing of secondary education in Sub-Saharan Africa / Lewin, Keith. c2008. 國際貿易與金融制度
Book Strategy and policy for trans-European networks / Johnson, Debra, 1957- 2007. 國際貿易與金融制度
Book Structural and sectoral adjustment : World Bank experience, 1980-92 / Jayarajah, Carl, 1932- c1995. 國際貿易與金融制度
Book Structuring international transactions / 1997. 國際貿易與金融制度
Book Sub-Saharan Africa : forging new trade links with Asia / Carey, Kevin, 1967- c2007. 國際貿易與金融制度
Book Subnational capital markets in developing countries : from theory to practice / c2004. 國際貿易與金融制度
Book Subsidy reform and sustainable development : political economy aspects. c2007. 國際貿易與金融制度
Book Suisse. 2003. 國際貿易與金融制度
Book Support for microenterprises : lessons for sub-Saharan Africa / Dessing, Maryke, 1960- 1990. 國際貿易與金融制度
Book Sustaining India's growth miracle / c2008. 國際貿易與金融制度
Book Sustaining and sharing economic growth in Tanzania / c2008. 國際貿易與金融制度
Book TNCs and the removal of textiles and clothing quotas / United Nations Conference on Trade and Development. 2005. 國際貿易與金融制度
Book Tajikistan / c2005. 國際貿易與金融制度
Book Tanzania at the turn of the century : from reforms to sustained growth and poverty reduction. c2001. 國際貿易與金融制度
Book Targeting the foreign direct investor : strategic motivation, investment size, and developing country investment-attraction packages / Coyne, Edward J., 1930- c1995. 國際貿易與金融制度
Book Tariff rate quotas and their administration : theory, practice, and an econometric model for the EU / Mönnich, Christina. c2004. 國際貿易與金融制度
Book Tax and the economy : a comparative assessment of OECD countries. c2001. 國際貿易與金融制度
Book Tax planning for U.S. MNCs with EU holding companies : goals, tools, barriers / Dorfmueller, Pia. c2003. 國際貿易與金融制度
Book Tax ratios : a critical survey. c2001. 國際貿易與金融制度
Book Tax systems and tax reforms in Latin America / 2008. 國際貿易與金融制度
Book Taxes and business strategy : a planning approach / c2005. 國際貿易與金融制度
Book Taxing international business : emerging trends in APEC and OECD economies / c1997. 國際貿易與金融制度
Book Taxing multinationals : transfer pricing and corporate income taxation in North America / Eden, Lorraine. c1998. 國際貿易與金融制度
Book Taxing wages : special feature : broadening the definition of the average worker 2003-2004. c2005. 國際貿易與金融制度
Book Taxing wages : special feature : thresholds for paying income tax and social security contributions 2002-2003 : les impôts sur les salaires : étude spéciale : seuils pour payer l'impôt sur le revenu et cotisations de sécurité sociale. c2004. 國際貿易與金融制度
Book Technical analysis demystified / Brown, Constance M. c2008. 國際貿易與金融制度
Book Technical report : an OECD survey of upper secondary schools. c2004. 國際貿易與金融制度
Book Technological development and pollution abatement : a study of how enterprises are finding alternatives to chlorofluorocarbons / Ahmed, Kulsum, 1964- c1995. 國際貿易與金融制度
Book Technology and security in the twenty-first century : U.S. military export control reform : a report of the CSIS Military Export Control Project / CSIS Military Export Control Project. c2001. 國際貿易與金融制度
Book Telecommunications and information services for the poor : toward a strategy for universal access / Navas-Sabater, Juan, 1968- c2002. 國際貿易與金融制度
Book Telecommunications legislation in transitional and developing economies / Schwarz, Tim, 1959- c2000. 國際貿易與金融制度
Book Ten steps to a results-based monitoring and evaluation system : a handbook for development practitioners / Kusek, Jody Zall, 1952- c2004. 國際貿易與金融制度
Book Termites in the trading system : how preferential agreements undermine free trade / Bhagwati, Jagdish N., 1934- 2008. 國際貿易與金融制度
Book Terms of trade and terms of trust : the history and contexts of pre-colonial market production around the Upper Zambezi and Kasai / Oppen, Achim von. [1993?] 國際貿易與金融制度
Book Text of the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade / General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade (Organization) 1986. 國際貿易與金融制度
Book The 2007 import and export market for composition- or film-type fixed carbon electrical resistors in south Korea / Parker, Philip M., 1960- 2007. 國際貿易與金融制度
Book The ABCs of environmental regulation / Goldsteen, Joel B. 2005, c2003. 國際貿易與金融制度
Book The Africa Multi-country AIDS Program, 2000-2006 : results of the World Bank's response to a development crisis / c2007. 國際貿易與金融制度
Book The American nightmare : trade politics after Seattle / Hockin, Thomas A., 1938- c2001. 國際貿易與金融制度
Book The Argentine economy policy reform for development / Conesa, Eduardo R. c1989. 國際貿易與金融制度
Book The Bangladesh rural advancement committee's credit programs : performance and sustainability / Khandker, Shahidur R. c1996. 國際貿易與金融制度