
資料類型 書名 作者 出版年 資源相關分類
Book Trade and health : seeking common ground / c2007. 國際貿易與金融制度
Book Trade and structural adjustment : embracing globalisation. c2005. 國際貿易與金融制度
Book Trade and the American dream : a social history of postwar trade policy / Aaronson, Susan A. c1996. 國際貿易與金融制度
Book Trade and trade policies in eastern and southern Africa / 2000. 國際貿易與金融制度
Book Trade finance : a legal guide for cross-border transactions / 2003. 國際貿易與金融制度
Book Trade in goods : the GATT and the other agreements regulating trade in goods / Mavroidis, Petros C. 2007. 國際貿易與金融制度
Book Trade in health services : global, regional, and country perspectives / c2002. 國際貿易與金融制度
Book Trade liberalization and APEC / 2004. 國際貿易與金融制度
Book Trade like Warren Buffett / Altucher, James. c2005. 國際貿易與金融制度
Book Trade policies in Russia : the role of local and regional governments / c2003. 國際貿易與金融制度
Book Trade policy at the crossroads : the recent experience of developing countries / Shafaeddin, S. M. 1945- (S. Mehdi), 2005. 國際貿易與金融制度
Book Trade policy developments in the Middle East and North Africa / 2000. 國際貿易與金融制度
Book Trade policy in a globalizing world / c2009. 國際貿易與金融制度
Book Trade policy reform in the countries of the former Soviet Union / c1994. 國際貿易與金融制度
Book Trade policy, inequality and performance in Indian manufacturing / Sen, Kunal, 1961- 2009. 國際貿易與金融制度
Book Trade reform : lessons from eight countries / ©1991. 國際貿易與金融制度
Book Trade reform and regional integration in Africa / c1998. 國際貿易與金融制度
Book Trade remedies : laws of dumping, subsidies, and safeguards in China / Huang, Thomas Weishing. c2003. 國際貿易與金融制度
Book Trade remedies for global companies / c2006. 國際貿易與金融制度
Book Trade rules in the making : challenges in regional and multilateral negotiations / c1999. 國際貿易與金融制度
Book Trade strategies for a new era : ensuring U.S. leadership in a global economy / c1998. 國際貿易與金融制度
Book Trade that benefits the environment and development : opening markets for environmental goods and services. c2005. 國際貿易與金融制度
Book Trade unions, the Labour Party and political funding : the next step : reform with restraint / Ewing, K. D. (Keith D.) 2002. 國際貿易與金融制度
Book Trade what you see : how to profit from pattern recognition / Pesavento, Larry. c2007. 國際貿易與金融制度
Book Trade, direct investment and production policies / Machinea, José Luis. 2006. 國際貿易與金融制度
Book Trade, exchange rate, and agricultural pricing policies in Egypt / Dethier, Jean-Jacques, 1952- c1989- 國際貿易與金融制度
Book Trade, finance, and investment in South Asia / c2002. 國際貿易與金融制度
Book Trade, investment and fragmentation of the global market : is Latin America lagging behind? / Kosacoff, Bernardo. 2008. 國際貿易與金融制度
Book Trade, investment and the environment : proceedings of the Royal Institute of International Affairs conference, Chatham House, London, October 1998 / Royal Institute of International Affairs. Conference London, England) (1998 : 2000. 國際貿易與金融制度
Book Trade, investment, and development in the Middle East and North Africa : engaging with the world. c2003. 國際貿易與金融制度
Book Trade-offs : negotiating the Omnibus Trade and Competitiveness Act / Schwab, Susan Carol, 1955- c1994. 國際貿易與金融制度
Book Trading identities : why countries and companies are taking on each others' roles / Olins, Wally. 1999. 國際貿易與金融制度
Book Trading risk : enhanced profitability through risk control / Grant, Kenneth L. c2004. 國際貿易與金融制度
Book Training and consulting : designing, developing and delivering training and consulting interventions. 2005. 國際貿易與金融制度
Book Training in neurosurgery in the countries of the EU : a guide to organize a training programme / c2004. 國際貿易與金融制度
Book Transatlantic governance in the global economy / c2001. 國際貿易與金融制度
Book Transatlantic perspectives on the euro / Henning, C. Randall. c2000. 國際貿易與金融制度
Book Transfer of Japanese technology and management to the ASEAN countries / c1991. 國際貿易與金融制度
Book Transfer pricing in the 1990s : tax and management perspectives / Tang, Roger Y. W. 1993. 國際貿易與金融制度
Book Transforming public enterprise in Europe and North America : networks, integration and transnationalisation / 2007. 國際貿易與金融制度
Book Transnational marketing in the information age / DeSimone, Diane, 1949- 1998. 國際貿易與金融制度
Book Transport policies for the Euro-Mediterranean free-trade area : an agenda for multimodal transport reform in the southern Mediterranean / Müller-Jentsch, Daniel, 1969- c2002. 國際貿易與金融制度
Book Transport policy and planning : an integrated analytical approach / Bayliss, Brian T. c1992. 國際貿易與金融制度
Book Transport policy in the European Union / Stevens, Handley. 2004. 國際貿易與金融制度
Book Trends in international migration : annual report. c2004. 國際貿易與金融制度
Book Trends in public sector pay in OECD countries / 1995. 國際貿易與金融制度
Book Troubled times : U.S.-Japan trade relations in the 1990s / Lincoln, Edward J. c1999. 國際貿易與金融制度
Book Turkey : crucial support for economic recovery. c2002. 國際貿易與金融制度
Book U.S. fiscal policies and priorities for long-run sustainability / 2004. 國際貿易與金融制度
Book U.S. trade policy : balancing economic dreams and political realities / Rothgeb, John M. c2001. 國際貿易與金融制度