
資料類型 書名 作者 出版年 資源相關分類
Book Earning & caring in Canadian families / Beaujot, Roderic P. c2000. 經濟社會學
Book Earth summit : conversations with architects of an ecologically sustainable future / Lerner, Steve. c1991. 經濟社會學
Book East Asia at a crossroads / c2008. 經濟社會學
Book East Asian labor markets and the economic crisis : impacts, responses & lessons / c2001. 經濟社會學
Book Eastern Europe and the challenges of globalization / 2005. 經濟社會學
Book Easy money : oil promoters and investors in the Jazz Age / Olien, Roger M., 1938- c1990. 經濟社會學
Book Ecological models in economic prehistory / 1983. 經濟社會學
Book Ecological modernisation around the world : perspectives and critical debates / 2000. 經濟社會學
Book Ecology and economics : an approach to sustainable development / Sengupta, Ramprasad. 2001. 經濟社會學
Book Ecology and economy in neolithic Eastern Europe / Dolukhanov, Pavel Markovich. 1979, c1978. 經濟社會學
Book Economic analysis of social common capital / Uzawa, Hirofumi, 1928- 2005. 經濟社會學
Book Economic analysis of the environmental impacts of development projects / 1988. 經濟社會學
Book Economic benefits of ethnolinguistic diversity : implications for international political economy / Aleksy-Szucsich, Agnieszka. c2008. 經濟社會學
Book Economic citizens : a narrative of Asian American visibility / So, Christine, 1967- c2008. 經濟社會學
Book Economic citizenship in the European Union : employment relations in the new Europe / Teague, Paul. 1999. 經濟社會學
Book Economic compulsion and Christian ethics / Barrera, Albino. 2005. 經濟社會學
Book Economic development : an anthropological approach / c2002. 經濟社會學
Book Economic development and Dalit agricultural workers / Mallaiah, L. C. 2007. 經濟社會學
Book Economic development and nation building in Ethiopia / Daniel Teferra, 1946- c2005. 經濟社會學
Book Economic development and social change : United States-Latin American relations in the 1990s / c1992. 經濟社會學
Book Economic development in Saudi Arabia / Wilson, Rodney. 2004. 經濟社會學
Book Economic dynamics, trade and growth : essays on Harrodian themes / 1998. 經濟社會學
Book Economic foundations of capital market returns / Singer, Brian D. c1997. 經濟社會學
Book Economic globalisation today : resource book / Sampat, Preeti. 2003. 經濟社會學
Book Economic growth, biodiversity conservation, and the formation of human capital in a developing country : the case of Guatemala / Löning, Ludger J. 2004. 經濟社會學
Book Economic growth, labour markets and gender in Japan / Rani, Uma. 2003. 經濟社會學
Book Economic justice, globalisation, and quest for alternatives / Oommen, M. A., 1932- c2004. 經濟社會學
Book Economic law in globalizing markets / Meessen, Karl Matthias. c2004. 經濟社會學
Book Economic liberalisation and its implications for employment / c2003. 經濟社會學
Book Economic means for human needs : social indicators of well-being and discontent / 1976. 經濟社會學
Book Economic organizations and social systems / Solo, Robert A. c2000. 經濟社會學
Book Economic policies and unemployment dynamics in Europe / 1996. 經濟社會學
Book Economic psychology : proceedings of the 10th IAREP Annual Colloquium, Linz, 1985 / International Association for Research in Economic Psychology. Colloquium Linz, Austria) 1985 : (10th : 1985. 經濟社會學
Book Economic reform in developing countries : reach, range, reason / c2008. 經濟社會學
Book Economic reforms in India : issues and challenges / 2007. 經濟社會學
Book Economic reforms, growth and inequality in Latin America : essays in honor of Albert Berry / c2004. 經濟社會學
Book Economic structure-functionalism in European unification and globalization of the economies / Kokkinos, Theodore. 2000. 經濟社會學
Book Economic transition in Central and Eastern Europe : planting the seeds / Gros, Daniel, 1955- 2004. 經濟社會學
Book Economics and morality : anthropological approaches / Society for Economic Anthropology (U.S.). Meeting Ventura, Calif.) (2006 : c2009. 經濟社會學
Book Economics as a political muse : philosophical reflections on the relevance of economics for ecological policy / Deblonde, Marian. c2001. 經濟社會學
Book Economics for a round earth / Pierce, Charles A. c1988. 經濟社會學
Book Economics in a changed universe : Joseph E. Stiglitz, globalization, and the death of "free enterprise" / Houseman, Gerald L. c2008. 經濟社會學
Book Economics of enlarging European Union / Palánkai, Tibor. c2004. 經濟社會學
Book Economics of religion / Das, Nilanjana. 2005. 經濟社會學
Book Economics of social issues / Sharp, Ansel Miree, 1924- c2002. 經濟社會學
Book Economics versus human rights / Branco, Manuel Couret. 2009. 經濟社會學
Book Economics, econometrics and the LINK : essays in honor of Lawrence R. Klein / 1995. 經濟社會學
Book Economies of exclusion : underclass poverty and labor market change in Mexico / Sernau, Scott. 1994. 經濟社會學
Book Economy and morality : the philosophy of the welfare state / Shionoya, Yūichi, 1932- c2005. 經濟社會學
Book Educating the consumer-citizen : a history of the marriage of schools, advertising, and media / Spring, Joel H. 2003. 經濟社會學