
資料類型 書名 作者 出版年 資源相關分類
Book Innovative approaches to reducing global poverty / c2007. 經濟社會學
Book Innovative technology and globalization / c2007. 經濟社會學
Book Insatiable appetite : the United States and the ecological degradation of the tropical world / Tucker, Richard P., 1938- c2000. 經濟社會學
Book Inside an internal labor market : formal rules, flexibility and career lines in a Dutch manufacturing company / Van Veen, Kees. 1997. 經濟社會學
Book Inside and out : universities and education for sustainable development / c2006. 經濟社會學
Book Inside the family : changing role of men and women / Henwood, Melanie. 1987. 經濟社會學
Book Inside the minds : the green company : industry leaders on the environmental benefits and economic rewards of running an ecologically-minded company. c2004. 經濟社會學
Book Inside the teaching machine : rhetoric and the globalization of the U.S. public research university / Chaput, Catherine. c2008. 經濟社會學
Book Inside the volcano : the history and political economy of Central America / Weaver, Frederick Stirton, 1939- 1994. 經濟社會學
Book Institutional efficiency and its determinants : the role of political factors in economic growth / Borner, Silvio. c2004. 經濟社會學
Book Institutional pathways to equity : addressing inequality traps / c2008. 經濟社會學
Book Institutional requirements for market-led development in Latin America / 2003. 經濟社會學
Book Institutions and development / Shirley, Mary M., 1945- c2008. 經濟社會學
Book Institutions and economic theory : the contribution of the new institutional economics / Furubotn, Eirik Grundtvig, 1923- 2005. 經濟社會學
Book Institutions and the evolution of capitalism : implications of evolutionary economics / c1999. 經濟社會學
Book Integrating China : towards the coordinated market economy / Nolan, Peter, 1949- 2007. 經濟社會學
Book Integrating Europe's financial markets / c2007. 經濟社會學
Book Integrating immigrants in the Netherlands : cultural versus socio-economic integration / c2003. 經濟社會學
Book Integrating poverty and gender into health programmes : a report on surveys of health ministries and educational institutions. Coll-Black, Sarah. c2005. 經濟社會學
Book Integrating the economy and the environment : policy and practice. c1997. 經濟社會學
Book Integrating work and family : challenges and choices for a changing world / c1999. 經濟社會學
Book Integration and resistance : the relation of social organisations, global capital, governments, and international immigration in Spain and Portugal / Morén-Alegret, Ricard. c2002. 經濟社會學
Book Integration of endogenous cultural dimension into development / 1997. 經濟社會學
Book Intellectual property and biological resources / 2004. 經濟社會學
Book Inter-organizational trust in business-to-business e-commerce / Ratnasingam, Pauline. c2003. 經濟社會學
Book Interfirm networks in the Japanese electronics industry / Paprzycki, Ralph. 2005. 經濟社會學
Book Internal labor markets and employment transitions in South Korea / Sunghoon, Kim. c2005. 經濟社會學
Book International development : issues and challenges / 2008. 經濟社會學
Book International division of labour and regional development / 1989. 經濟社會學
Book International economics and trade liberalisation : challenges to Muslims countries / 2004. 經濟社會學
Book International environmental economics : a survey of the issues / 2001. 經濟社會學
Book International handbook on gender roles / 1993. 經濟社會學
Book International labor standards : globalization, trade, and public policy / c2003. 經濟社會學
Book International perspectives on social entrepreneurship / 2009. 經濟社會學
Book International political economy : an intellectual history / Cohen, Benjamin J. c2008. 經濟社會學
Book International trade and labor standards : a proposal for linkage / Barry, Christian. c2008. 經濟社會學
Book Internationalisation and changing skills needs in European small firms : synthesis report / Hassid, Joseph. 2002. 經濟社會學
Book Internationalization of research and development and the emergence of global R&D networks / 2004. 經濟社會學
Book Intersecting inequalities : class, race, sex, and sexualities / c2007. 經濟社會學
Book Intersections of gender, race, and class : readings for a changing landscape / c2007. 經濟社會學
Book Introduction to Latin America : twenty-first century challenges / Kirby, Peadar. 2003. 經濟社會學
Book Inventing the electronic century : the epic story of the consumer electronics and computer industries : with a new preface / Chandler, Alfred D. 1918-2007. (Alfred Dupont), 2005. 經濟社會學
Book Invested interests : capital, culture, and the World Bank / Benjamin, Bret. c2007. 經濟社會學
Book Investing in natural capital : the ecological economics approach to sustainability / c1994. 經濟社會學
Book Investing in people : the World Bank in action. c1995. 經濟社會學
Book Investing in people : towards corporate capability / Critten, Peter. 1993. 經濟社會學
Book Investment in higher education McMahon, Walter W. [1974] 經濟社會學
Book Investment in human capital : schooling supply constraints in rural Ghana / Lavy, Victor. c1992. 經濟社會學
Book Ireland : the emigrant nursery and the world economy / Mac Laughlin, Jim. 1994. 經濟社會學
Book Ireland before and after the famine : explorations in economic history, 1800-1925 / Ó GrádaCormac. 1993. 經濟社會學