
資料類型 書名 作者 出版年 資源相關分類
Book Maintaining community in the information age : the importance of trust, place and situated knowledge / Evans, Karen, 1961- 2004. 經濟社會學
Book Major problems in American business history : documents and essays / c2006. 經濟社會學
Book Make poverty business : increase profits and reduce risks by engaging with the poor / Wilson, Craig, 1968- 2006. 經濟社會學
Book Making Russian democracy work : social capital, economic development, and democratization / Marsh, Christopher, 1969- c2000. 經濟社會學
Book Making a living : work and environment in the United States / Montrie, Chad. c2008. 經濟社會學
Book Making a living in the Ottoman lands, 1480 to 1820 / Faroqhi, Suraiya, 1941- [1995] 經濟社會學
Book Making capitalism work / Silk, Leonard Solomon, 1918-1995. c1996. 經濟社會學
Book Making diversity work : 7 steps for defeating bias in the workplace / Thiederman, Sondra B. c2008. 經濟社會學
Book Making freedom pay : North Carolina freedpeople working for themselves, 1865-1900 / Holt, Sharon Ann, 1958- c2000. 經濟社會學
Book Making globalisation sustainable? : the Johannesburg Summit on Sustainable Development and beyond / World Summit on Sustainable Development Johannesburg, South Africa) (2002 : c2003. 經濟社會學
Book Making migration work for Europe / 2008. 經濟社會學
Book Making technology work : applications in energy and the environment / Deutch, John M., 1938- 2004. 經濟社會學
Book Making work pay in Bangladesh : employment, growth, and poverty reduction / Paci, Pierella, 1957- c2008. 經濟社會學
Book Malay peasant women and the land / Stivens, Maila. c1994. 經濟社會學
Book Management under differing labour market and employment systems / 1988. 經濟社會學
Book Management, labour, and industrial politics in modern Europe : the quest for productivity growth during the twentieth century / c1996. 經濟社會學
Book Managing "modernity" : work, community, and authority in late-industrializing Japan and Russia / Sil, Rudra, 1967- c2002. 經濟社會學
Book Managing a global workforce : challenges and opportunities in international human resource management / Vance, Charles, 1952- c2006. 經濟社會學
Book Managing human productivity : people are your best investment / Holoviak, Stephen J. 1987. 經濟社會學
Book Managing human resources in Central and Eastern Europe / c2009. 經濟社會學
Book Managing our margins : women entrepreneurs in suburbia / Reed, Kimberly A. 2001. 經濟社會學
Book Managing people and knowledge in professional service firms / c2006. 經濟社會學
Book Managing time / Fontana, David. 1993. 經濟社會學
Book Managing welfare reform in New York City / c2005. 經濟社會學
Book Managing welfare reform in five states : the challenge of devolution / c2000. 經濟社會學
Book Managing without growth : slower by design, not disaster / Victor, Peter A., 1946- c2008. 經濟社會學
Book Mapping the margins : the family and social discipline in Canada, 1700-1975 / 2004. 經濟社會學
Book Marginalisation of LDCs and small vulnerable states in world trade / Bora, Bijit. c2004. 經濟社會學
Book Market efficiency versus equity / c1998. 經濟社會學
Book Market failure : a guide to the East European "economic miracle" / Andor, Laszlo. 1998. 經濟社會學
Book Market matters : exploring cultural processes in the global marketplace / 2004. 經濟社會學
Book Market rebels : how activists make or break radical innovations / Rao, Hayagreeva, 1959- c2009. 經濟社會學
Book Market sentiments : middle-class market culture in nineteenth-century America / Nelson, Elizabeth White. c2004. 經濟社會學
Book Market, class, and employment / 2007. 經濟社會學
Book Marketing and social construction : exploring the rhetorics of managed consumption / Hackley, Christopher E. 2001. 經濟社會學
Book Markets and cultural voices : liberty vs. power in the lives of Mexican Amate painters / Cowen, Tyler. c2005. 經濟社會學
Book Markets and moral regulation : cultural change in the European Union / Kurzer, Paulette, 1957- 2001. 經濟社會學
Book Markets within planning : socialist economic management in the Third World / c1988. 經濟社會學
Book Marriage choices and class boundaries : social endogamy in history / [2005] 經濟社會學
Book Married to the brand : why consumers bond with some brands for life ; lessons from 60 years of research into the psychology of consumer relationships / McEwen, William J. 2005. 經濟社會學
Book Married with careers : coping with role strain / Stanfield, Jacqueline Bloom. c1996. 經濟社會學
Book Marx and the meaning of capitalism : introduction and analyses / Bober, Stanley. 2008. 經濟社會學
Book Marx in London : an illustrated guide. Briggs, Asa, 1921-2016. 2008. 經濟社會學
Book Marx, Veblen, and contemporary institutional political economy : principles and unstable dynamics of capitalism / O'Hara, Phillip Anthony, 1954- c2000. 經濟社會學
Book Mastering globalization : new sub-states' governance and strategies / 2005. 經濟社會學
Book Mastering project management : applying advanced concepts to systems thinking, control & evaluation, resource allocation / James P. Lewis. Lewis, James P., 1941- c2008. 經濟社會學
Book Material flow-based indicators in environmental reporting / 1999. 經濟社會學
Book Maximum performance : a practical guide to leading and managing people at work / Forster, Nick. c2005. 經濟社會學
Book Meanings of work : considerations for the twenty-first century / c1995. 經濟社會學
Book Measuring human capital : converting workplace behavior into dollars / Kravetz, Dennis J., 1950- c2004. 經濟社會學