
資料類型 書名 作者 出版年 資源相關分類
Book Mediating globalization : domestic institutions and industrial policies in the United States and Britain / Cortell, Andrew P., 1964- c2006. 經濟社會學
Book Mediating the transition : labour markets in Central and Eastern Europe / Boeri, Tito. 1998. 經濟社會學
Book Medicine at the border : disease, globalization and security, 1850 to the present / 2006. 經濟社會學
Book Medium sized firms and economics growth / c2005. 經濟社會學
Book Men in dual-career families : current realities and future prospects / Gilbert, Lucia Albino. 1985. 經濟社會學
Book Men, women and equality / 1996. 經濟社會學
Book Merchants, midwives, and laboring women : Italian migrants in urban America / Vecchio, Diane C., 1949- c2006. 經濟社會學
Book Merging traffic : the consolidation of the international automobile industry / Conybeare, John A. C. c2004. 經濟社會學
Book Mexican migration to the United States : the role of migration networks and human capital accumulation / Zahniser, Steven. 1999. 經濟社會學
Book Mexico in transition : neoliberal globalism, the state and civil society / 2004. 經濟社會學
Book Microelectronics : a challenge for Europe's industrial survival : microelectronics innovations in the context of the international division of labour / Gizycki, Rainald von. 1984, c1983. 經濟社會學
Book Microfinance and poverty reduction / Johnson, Susan, 1963- 1997. 經濟社會學
Book Microfinance for poverty reduction : building inclusive financial sectors in Asia and the Pacific. 2006. 經濟社會學
Book Middle-class lifeboat : careers and life choices for navigating a changing economy / Edwards, Paul, 1940- c2007. 經濟社會學
Book Midlife women at work : a fifteen-year perspective / c1986. 經濟社會學
Book Migrant revolutions : Haitian literature, globalization, and U.S. imperialism / Kaussen, Valerie, 1963- ©2008. 經濟社會學
Book Migration and labour markets in the social sciences / c2007. 經濟社會學
Book Migration and mobility : the European context / 2001. 經濟社會學
Book Migration and the labour market in Asia : recent trends and policies. c2003. 經濟社會學
Book Migration, free trade and regional integration in North America. c1998. 經濟社會學
Book Migration, socialism, and the international division of labour : the Yugoslavian experience / Schierup, Carl-Ulrik. c1990. 經濟社會學
Book Migration, unemployment, and trade / Hazari, Bharat R. c2001. 經濟社會學
Book Mind to mind marketing : communicating with 21st-century customers / Alder, Harry. 2001. 經濟社會學
Book Minding our lives : women from the South and North reconnect ecology and health / 1993. 經濟社會學
Book Minds, markets, and money : psychological foundations of economic behavior / Maital, Shlomo. c1982. 經濟社會學
Book Mining women : gender in the development of a global industry, 1670 to 2005 / 2006. 經濟社會學
Book Mobsters, unions, and feds : the Mafia and the American labor movement / Jacobs, James B. c2006. 經濟社會學
Book Models of economic growth with environmental assets / Beltratti, Andrea. 1996. 經濟社會學
Book Modern Catholic social teaching : the popes confront the industrial age, 1740-1958 / Holland, Joe. c2003. 經濟社會學
Book Modern world development : a geographical perspective / Chisholm, Michael, 1931- 1982. 經濟社會學
Book Modernizing China's industries : lessons from wool and wool textiles / Brown, Colin G. c2005. 經濟社會學
Book Modernizing the Korean welfare state : towards the productive welfare model / International Symposium on Sharing Productive Welfare Experience Seoul, Korea) (2001 : c2004. 經濟社會學
Book Mollie's job : a story of life and work on the global assembly line / Adler, William M. 2001. 經濟社會學
Book Money and culture / c2007. 經濟社會學
Book Money and finance in colonial America / Samuel, Charlie. 2003. 經濟社會學
Book Money and its laws : embracing a history of monetary theories, and a history of the currencies of the United States / Poor, Henry V. 1812-1905. (Henry Varnum), 2009. 經濟社會學
Book Money and liberation : the micropolitics of alternative currency movements / North, Peter, 1962- c2007. 經濟社會學
Book Money doctors : the experience of international financial advising, 1850-2000 / 2003. 經濟社會學
Book Money in Africa / c2009. 經濟社會學
Book Money matters : economics and the German cultural imagination, 1770-1850 / Gray, Richard T. c2008. 經濟社會學
Book Monitoring international labor standards : human capital investment : summary of a workshop / c2003. 經濟社會學
Book Monopolies in America : empire builders and their enemies, from Jay Gould to Bill Gates / Geisst, Charles R. 2000. 經濟社會學
Book Moral markets : the critical role of values in the economy / c2008. 經濟社會學
Book Moralists and modernizers : America's pre-Civil War reformers / Mintz, Steven, 1953- 1995. 經濟社會學
Book Moralities : sex, money and power in the twenty-first century / Smith, Joan, 1953- 2001. 經濟社會學
Book More than munitions : women, work and the engineering industries, 1900-1950 / Wightman, Clare. 1999. 經濟社會學
Book Mortgaging the ancestors : ideologies of attachment in Africa / Shipton, Parker MacDonald. c2009. 經濟社會學
Book Moving up or moving on : who advances in the low-wage labor market? / Andersson, Fredrik, 1968- c2005. 經濟社會學
Book Multilateralism and the World Trade Organisation : the architecture and extension of international trade regulation / Wilkinson, Rorden, 1970- 2000. 經濟社會學
Book Multinational companies and global human resource strategies / 2003. 經濟社會學