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Multinationals and employment : the global economy of the 1990s / |
1993. |
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Multinationals in India : FDI and complementation strategy in a developing country / |
Nayak, Amar K. J. R. |
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NYU selected essays on labor and employment law / |
Sherwyn, David. |
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Naming the system : inequality and work in the global economy / |
Yates, Michael, 1946- |
c2003. |
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Book |
Narrating the rise of big business in the USA : how economists explain Standard Oil and Wal-Mart / |
Mayhew, Anne. |
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Nation building in South Korea : Koreans, Americans, and the making of a democracy / |
Brazinsky, Gregg. |
c2007. |
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National politics in a global economy : the domestic sources of U.S. trade policy / |
Mundo, Philip A. |
c1999. |
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Book |
Nationalism and the state : welfare and identity in Scotland and Quebec / |
McEwen, Nicola, 1970- |
c2006. |
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Book |
Nature conservation and sustainable development in India / |
Gole, Prakāśa. |
c2001. |
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Need and care : glimpses into the beginnings of Eastern Europe's professional welfare / |
2005. |
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Neoliberalism and education in the Americas / |
Puiggrós, Adriana. |
1999. |
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Neoliberalism and globalization in Africa : contestations from the embattled continent / |
2008. |
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Neoliberalism in crisis, accumulation, and Rosa Luxemburg's legacy / |
2004. |
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Neoliberalism, globalization, and inequalities : consequences for health and quality of life / |
c2007. |
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Book |
Nerds on Wall Street : math, machines, and wired markets / |
Leinweber, David, 1952- |
c2009. |
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Book |
Nestlé : the secrets of food, trust, and globalization / |
Schwarz, Friedhelm. |
c2002. |
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Book |
Network power : the social dynamics of globalization / |
Grewal, David Singh, 1976- |
c2008. |
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Book |
Networking for career success : 24 lessons for getting to know the right people / |
Darling, Diane. |
c2005. |
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Book |
Networking futures : the movements against corporate globalization / |
Juris, Jeffrey S., 1971- |
2008. |
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Book |
New Hungarian peasants : an east central European experience with collectivization / |
1983. |
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Book |
New Labour's state of health : political economy, public policy, and the NHS / |
Paton, Calum R., 1956- |
c2006. |
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Book |
New Zealand in a globalising world / |
Wellington Conference on World Affairs Victoria University) 2003 : (4th : |
2005. |
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Book |
New dimensions of economic globalization : surge of outward foreign direct investment from Asia / |
c2008. |
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Book |
New directions in economic anthropology / |
Narotzky, Susana. |
1997. |
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New directions in the study of work and employment : revitalizing industrial relations as an academic enterprise / |
c2008. |
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Book |
New institutional economics : a guidebook / |
2008. |
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Book |
New international poverty reduction strategies / |
2003. |
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Book |
New perspectives for intercultural dialogue and an alternative economic order / |
c1999. |
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Book |
New perspectives on globalization / |
c2002. |
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Book |
New perspectives on retailing and store patronage behavior : a study of the interface between retailers and consumers / |
Hansen, Torben, 1966- |
c2004. |
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Book |
New technology @ work / |
2008. |
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Book |
New unions, new workplaces : a study of union resilience in the restructured workplace / |
Danford, Andy. |
2003. |
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Book |
News in public memory : an international study of media memories across generations / |
c2006. |
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Book |
Niagara falling : globalization in a small town / |
Miller, Carol D. |
c2007. |
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Book |
Nine common misconceptions about competitiveness and globalization / |
Dehesa, Guillermo de la. |
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Book |
No place like home : organizing home-based labor in the era of structural adjustment / |
Staples, David E. |
c2006. |
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Book |
Nobodies : modern American slave labor and the dark side of the new global economy / |
Bowe, John. |
c2007. |
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Book |
Non-market entrepreneurship : interdisciplinary approaches / |
c2008. |
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Book |
Nonprofits made easy / |
Bangs, David H. |
c2006. |
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Book |
Normative foundations of the welfare state : the Nordic experience / |
2005. |
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Book |
North American labor markets : a comparative profile. |
Steinberg, Joanne. |
1997. |
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Book |
North India human development report / |
2003. |
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Book |
North Korea in the world economy / |
2003. |
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Book |
Norwegian catch-up : development and globalization before World War II / |
Moses, Jonathon Wayne, 1962- |
c2005. |
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Book |
Not without a storm : towards a communist manifesto for the age of globalisation / |
Slaughter, Cliff. |
2006. |
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Book |
OECD environmental strategy : 2004 review of progress. |
2004. |
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Book |
Obama's challenge : America's economic crisis and the power of a transformative presidency / |
Kuttner, Robert. |
c2008. |
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Book |
Obamanomics : how bottom-up economic prosperity will replace trickle-down economics / |
Talbott, John R., 1955- |
c2008. |
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Book |
Obsolescent capitalism : contemporary politics and global disorder / |
Amin, Samir. |
c2003. |
經濟社會學 |
Book |
Occupational outlook handbook 2008-2009 / |
c2008. |
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