Book |
Promoting and sustaining economic reform in Zambia / |
2004. |
經濟社會學 |
Book |
Property rights, consumption and the market process / |
Andersson, D. E. |
c2008. |
經濟社會學 |
Book |
Prosperity for all in the global economy -- world class skills : final report / |
Leitch, Sandy, 1948- |
2006. |
經濟社會學 |
Book |
Protest and survival : essays for E.P. Thompson / |
c1993. |
經濟社會學 |
Book |
Psychology and consumer culture : the struggle for a good life in a materialistic world / |
c2004. |
經濟社會學 |
Book |
Psychology of decision making in economics, business and finance / |
c2007. |
經濟社會學 |
Book |
Public intellectuals : an endangered species? / |
c2006. |
經濟社會學 |
Book |
Public investment and public-private partnerships : addressing infrastructure challenges and managing fiscal risks / |
2008. |
經濟社會學 |
Book |
Public management in global perspective / |
Schiavo-Campo, Salvatore. |
c2008. |
經濟社會學 |
Book |
Public sector employment : cases and materials / |
Grodin, Joseph R. |
c2004. |
經濟社會學 |
Book |
Public services or private profit? / |
Whitfield, Dexter. |
2001. |
經濟社會學 |
Book |
Public values and public interest : counterbalancing economic individualism / |
Bozeman, Barry. |
c2007. |
經濟社會學 |
Book |
Pulling apart : the deterioration of employment and income in North America under free trade / |
1999. |
經濟社會學 |
Book |
Purchased development : the Irish Republic's export oriented development strategy / |
Fink, Philipp. |
c2004. |
經濟社會學 |
Book |
Pushing ahead with reform in Korea : labour market and social safety-net policies. |
c2000. |
經濟社會學 |
Book |
Putting our house in order : a guide to social security and health care reform / |
Shultz, George Pratt, 1920- |
c2008. |
經濟社會學 |
Book |
Race and economic opportunity in the twenty-first century / |
2007. |
經濟社會學 |
Book |
Race and entrepreneurial success : Black-, Asian-, and white-owned businesses in the United States / |
Fairlie, Robert W. |
c2008. |
經濟社會學 |
Book |
Race and gender discrimination at work / |
Cohn, Samuel, 1954- |
2000. |
經濟社會學 |
Book |
Race and wealth disparities : a multidisciplinary discourse / |
c2008. |
經濟社會學 |
Book |
Race, class, and community in Southern labor history / |
c1994. |
經濟社會學 |
Book |
Race, equality, and the burdens of history / |
Arthur, John, 1946-2007. |
2007. |
經濟社會學 |
Book |
Race, money, and the American welfare state / |
Brown, Michael K. |
1999. |
經濟社會學 |
Book |
Race, space, and youth labor markets / |
Stoll, Michael A. |
1999. |
經濟社會學 |
Book |
Racial politics in an era of transnational citizenship : the 1996 "Asian Donorgate" controversy in perspective / |
Chang, Michael, 1970- |
c2004. |
經濟社會學 |
Book |
Racism and the labour market : historical studies / |
c1995. |
經濟社會學 |
Book |
Radical : a memoir of wars, Communists & work / |
Fiske, Mel. |
c2002. |
經濟社會學 |
Book |
Radical artisans in England and France, 1830-1870 / |
Prothero, I. J., 1939- |
c1997. |
經濟社會學 |
Book |
Radical consumption : shopping for change in contemporary culture / |
Littler, Jo, 1972- |
2009. |
經濟社會學 |
Book |
Railways and the formation of the Italian state in the nineteenth century / |
Schram, Albert. |
1997. |
經濟社會學 |
Book |
Raising consumers : children and the American mass market in the early twentieth century / |
Jacobson, Lisa, 1962- |
c2004. |
經濟社會學 |
Book |
Rapid growth of selected Asian economies : lessons and implications for agriculture and food security. |
2006- |
經濟社會學 |
Book |
Rationality gone awry? : decision making inconsistent with economic and financial theory / |
Schwartz, Hugh H. |
1998. |
經濟社會學 |
Book |
Reaching for the dream : challenges of sustainable development in Vietnam / |
2004. |
經濟社會學 |
Book |
Reading between the lies : how to detect fraud and avoid becoming a victim of Wall Street's next scandal / |
Goodman, Jordan Elliot. |
c2003. |
經濟社會學 |
Book |
Readings in advertising, society, and consumer culture / |
c2007. |
經濟社會學 |
Book |
Readings in the sociology of the professions / |
c1988. |
經濟社會學 |
Book |
Rebel city : Larkin, Connolly and the Dublin labour movement / |
Newsinger, John, 1948- |
2004. |
經濟社會學 |
Book |
Rebuilding labor : organizing and organizers in the new union movement / |
2004. |
經濟社會學 |
Book |
Rebuilding the American dream : restoring American jobs and competitiveness through innovation and entrepreneurship / |
Skandalaris, Bob. |
c2006. |
經濟社會學 |
Book |
Recast dreams : class and gender consciousness in Steeltown / |
c1996. |
經濟社會學 |
Book |
Recasting European welfare states / |
2000. |
經濟社會學 |
Book |
Recent social trends in Greece, 1960-2000 / |
c2004. |
經濟社會學 |
Book |
Reciprocity : an economics of social relations / |
Kolm, Serge-Christophe. |
2008. |
經濟社會學 |
Book |
Reclaiming class : women, poverty, and the promise of higher education in America / |
2003. |
經濟社會學 |
Book |
Reclaiming development : independent thought and Caribbean community / |
Levitt, Kari. |
2005. |
經濟社會學 |
Book |
Reconciliation of family and work in Eastern European countries / |
2000. |
經濟社會學 |
Book |
Reconciling economy and society : towards a plural economy. |
c1996. |
經濟社會學 |
Book |
Reconstructing the regional economy : industrial transformation and regional development in Slovakia / |
Smith, Adrian, 1966- |
1998. |
經濟社會學 |
Book |
Rediscovering the other America : the continuing crisis of poverty and inequality in the United States / |
c2003. |
經濟社會學 |