
資料類型 書名 作者 出版年 資源相關分類
Book State subsidies in the global economy / Zahariadis, Nikolaos, 1961- 2008. 經濟社會學
Book State-making and labor movements : France and the United States, 1876-1914 / Friedman, Gerald, 1955- 1998. 經濟社會學
Book States of the Indian economy : towards a larger constituency for second generation economic reforms / Khan, Amir Ullah. 2007. 經濟社會學
Book States, firms, and raw materials : the world economy and ecology of aluminum / c1994. 經濟社會學
Book Status and stratification : cultural forms in East and Southeast Asia / 2008. 經濟社會學
Book Staying competitive in the global economy : compendium of studies on global value chains. c2008. 經濟社會學
Book Stealing from each other : how the welfare state robs Americans of money and spirit / Browning, Edgar K. 2008. 經濟社會學
Book Steps to the 21st century : Japan's former Foreign Minister details transition to a market economy / ŌkitaSaburō1914- 1993. 經濟社會學
Book Strange places : the political potentials and perils of everyday spaces / Kogl, Alexandra, 1971- c2008. 經濟社會學
Book Strategic behaviour in network industries : a multidisciplinary approach / c2009. 經濟社會學
Book Strategy and performance : achieving competitive advantage in the global marketplace / 2004. 經濟社會學
Book Stratification in higher education : a comparative study / 2007. 經濟社會學
Book Street entrepreneurs : people, place and politics in local and global perspective / 2007. 經濟社會學
Book Street saints : renewing America's cities / Elliott, Barbara J. c2004. 經濟社會學
Book Strengthening the family : implications for international development / c1995. 經濟社會學
Book Stress at work : a sociological perspective / Peterson, Chris L., 1949- c1999. 經濟社會學
Book Stress, self-esteem, health and work / Dolan, Simon L. 1947- (Simon Landau), 2007. 經濟社會學
Book Structural adjustment and the environment / 1992. 經濟社會學
Book Structural changes in U.S. labor markets : causes & consequences / c1991. 經濟社會學
Book Struggle and purpose in postwar Japanese unionism / Gibbs, Michael H. c2000. 經濟社會學
Book Studies in environment and development / 1988. 經濟社會學
Book Studies in political economy : developments in feminism / 2003. 經濟社會學
Book Subsidizing capitalism : brickmakers on the U.S.-Mexican border / Wilson, Tamar Diana, 1943- c2005. 經濟社會學
Book Subverting greed : religious perspectives on the global economy / c2002. 經濟社會學
Book Super rich : the rise of inequality in Britain and the United States / Irvin, George. 2008. 經濟社會學
Book Supermodernism : architecture in the age of globalization / Ibelings, Hans. c1998. 經濟社會學
Book Supplemental Security Income : action needed on long-standing problems affecting program integrity United States. General Accounting Office. [1999] 經濟社會學
Book Survival of weak countries in the face of globalization : Puerto Rico and the Caribbean / Benetti, Raffaello. 2003. 經濟社會學
Book Surviving capitalism : how we learned to live with the market and remained almost human / Ringmar, Erik. 2005. 經濟社會學
Book Sustainability within a generation : a new vision for Canada / Boyd, David R., (David Richard) c2004. 經濟社會學
Book Sustainable America : America's environment, economy, and society in the 21st Century / c1998. 經濟社會學
Book Sustainable development and the future of mineral investment / 2000. 經濟社會學
Book Sustainable industrial design and waste management : cradle-to-cradle for sustainable development / Haggar, Salah el- c2007. 經濟社會學
Book Sustainable social development in a period of rapid globalization : challenges, opportunities and policy options / 2002. 經濟社會學
Book Sustaining our spirits : women leaders thriving for today and tomorrow / c2008. 經濟社會學
Book Sweden's welfare state : can the bumblebee keep flying? / c2003. 經濟社會學
Book Swedish planning : towards sustainable development / 1997. 經濟社會學
Book Swimming with sharks : global and regional dimensions of the Singapore economy / Blomqvist, H. C. (Hans-Christer) 2005. 經濟社會學
Book T-shirt / Wells, Troth. 2007. 經濟社會學
Book Tackling gender inequality, raising pupil achievement / c2008. 經濟社會學
Book Tackling national competitiveness in a borderless world / Wignaraja, Ganeshan, 1962- 1999. 經濟社會學
Book Taking Southeast Asia to market : commodities, nature, and people in the neoliberal age / 2008. 經濟社會學
Book Taking back the workers' law : how to fight the assault on labor rights / Dannin, Ellen J. 2006. 經濟社會學
Book Taking the environment seriously / c1993. 經濟社會學
Book Talking union / Stepan-Norris, Judith, 1957- c1996. 經濟社會學
Book Taming the tiger : social exclusion in a globalised Ireland / 2006. 經濟社會學
Book Taxation and Latin American integration / c2008. 經濟社會學
Book Teaching English as an international language : identity, resistance and negotiation / Phan, Le Ha, 1976- c2008. 經濟社會學
Book Teaching for change : popular education and the labor movement / 2002. 經濟社會學
Book Teaching the social economics way of thinking : selected papers from the Ninth World Congress of Social Economics / World Congress of Social Economics DePaul University) 1998 : (9th : c1999. 經濟社會學