
資料類型 書名 作者 出版年 資源相關分類
Book Christmas in early New England, 1620-1820 : Puritanism, popular culture, and the printed word / Nissenbaum, Stephen W. 1996. 早期美國文學
Book Christmas on the American frontier, 1800-1900 / Baur, John E. 1961. 早期美國文學
Book Chronicle of the Indian wars : from colonial times to Wounded Knee / Axelrod, Alan, 1952- c1993. 早期美國文學
Book Chronicles of the first planters of the colony of Massachusetts Bay, 1623-1636 / Young, Alexander, 1800-1854. [2007?] 早期美國文學
Book Church and state in America : the first two centuries / Hutson, James H. 2008. 早期美國文學
Book Church's great picture, the Heart of the Andes / Avery, Kevin J. c1993. 早期美國文學
Book Cincinnatus : George Washington and the Enlightenment / Wills, Garry, 1934- 1984. 早期美國文學
Book Citizens of the world : London merchants and the integration of the British Atlantic community, 1735-1785 / Hancock, David, 1957- 1995. 早期美國文學
Book Civic ideals : conflicting visions of citizenship in U.S. history / Smith, Rogers M., 1953- c1997. 早期美國文學
Book Civil War and revolution on the Rio Grande frontier : a narrative and photographic history / Thompson, Jerry D. c2004. 早期美國文學
Book Civilizing terrains : mountains, mounds and mesas / Morrish, William R., 1948- 2005. 早期美國文學
Book Civilizing the machine : technology and republican values in America, 1776-1900 / Kasson, John F., 1944- author. 1999. 早期美國文學
Book Claiming the pen : women and intellectual life in the early American South / Kerrison, Catherine, 1953- 2006. 早期美國文學
Book Clash of empires : the British, French & Indian War, 1754-1763 / Stephenson, R. Scott. c2005. 早期美國文學
Book Classical antiquity and the politics of America : from George Washington to George W. Bush / c2006. 早期美國文學
Book Close observation : selected oil sketches by Frederic E. Church from the collections of the Cooper-Hewitt Museum, the Smithsonian Institution's National Museum of Design / Church, Frederic Edwin, 1826-1900. c1978. 早期美國文學
Book Clovernook : or recollections of our neighborhood in the west / Cary, Alice, 1820-1871. [2007?] 早期美國文學
Book Coded encounters : writing, gender, and ethnicity in colonial Latin America / c1994. 早期美國文學
Book Collected wisdom : American Indian education / Cleary, Linda Miller. c1998. 早期美國文學
Book Colonial America : a history in documents / Gray, Edward G., 1964- c2003. 早期美國文學
Book Colonial America : a history, 1565-1776 / Middleton, Richard, 1941- 2002. 早期美國文學
Book Colonial America : essays in politics and social development / c2001. 早期美國文學
Book Colonial America : from Jamestown to Yorktown / Geiter, Mary K. 2002. 早期美國文學
Book Colonial American history / 2002. 早期美國文學
Book Colonial American newspapers : character and content / Copeland, David A., 1951- c1997. 早期美國文學
Book Colonial American portraiture : the economic, religious, social, cultural, philosophical, scientific, and aesthetic foundations / Craven, Wayne. 1986. 早期美國文學
Book Colonial American travel narratives / 1994. 早期美國文學
Book Colonial Anglicanism in North America / Woolverton, John Frederick, 1926- 1984. 早期美國文學
Book Colonial Chesapeake society / c1988. 早期美國文學
Book Colonial Presbyterianism : old faith in a new land : commemorating the 300th anniversary of the first presbytery in America / c2007. 早期美國文學
Book Colonial South Carolina : a history / Weir, Robert M. c1983. 早期美國文學
Book Colonial identity in the Atlantic world, 1500-1800 / c1987. 早期美國文學
Book Colonial saints : discovering the holy in the Americas, 1500-1800 / 2003. 早期美國文學
Book Colonial subjects : an African intelligentsia and Atlantic ideas / Zachernuk, Philip Serge. 2000. 早期美國文學
Book Colonialism and race in Luso-Hispanic literature / Branche, Jerome. c2006. 早期美國文學
Book Colonies to nation, 1763-1789 : a documentary history of the American Revolution / Greene, Jack P., comp. [1975] 早期美國文學
Book Colonists in bondage : white servitude and convict labor in America, 1607-1776/ Smith, Abbot Emerson. 1971, c1947. 早期美國文學
Book Color-line to borderlands : the matrix of American ethnic studies / c2001. 早期美國文學
Book Columbus and beyond : views from Native Americans / c1992. 早期美國文學
Book Comanche / Libal, Joyce. c2004. 早期美國文學
Book Comedy : a geographic and historical guide / 2005. 早期美國文學
Book Coming into communion : pastoral dialogues in colonial New England / Henigman, Laura, 1960- c1999. 早期美國文學
Book Coming to terms with democracy : Federalist intellectuals and the shaping of an American culture / Foletta, Marshall, 1955- 2001. 早期美國文學
Book Common ground or mutual exclusion? : women's movements and international relations / c2002. 早期美國文學
Book Common whores, vertuous women, and loveing wives : free will Christian women in colonial Maryland / Meyers, Debra, 1956- c2003. 早期美國文學
Book Communication and change in American religious history / c1993. 早期美國文學
Book Communities of dissent : a history of alternative religions in America / Stein, Stephen J., 1940- c2003. 早期美國文學
Book Companion to the new literatures in English / c2002. 早期美國文學
Book Comparative perspectives on Indian literature / c1992. 早期美國文學
Book Compass and clock : defining moments in American culture : 1800, 1850, 1900 / Wilmerding, John. 1999. 早期美國文學