
資料類型 書名 作者 出版年 資源相關分類
Book Discovering America's Southeast : a sixteenth century view based on the mannerist engravings of Theodore de Bry / Deák, Gloria-Gilda, 1930- c1992. 早期美國文學
Book Discovering the Chesapeake : the history of an ecosystem / c2001. 早期美國文學
Book Disinherited : the lost birthright of the American Indian / Van Every, Dale, 1896- 1967, c1966. 早期美國文學
Book Disorderly women : sexual politics & Evangelicalism in revolutionary New England / Juster, Susan. 1994. 早期美國文學
Book Disowning slavery : gradual emancipation and "race" in New England, 1780-1860 / Melish, Joanne Pope. 1998. 早期美國文學
Book Displacements and transformations in Caribbean cultures / c2008. 早期美國文學
Book Dispossession by degrees : Indian land and identity in Natick, Massachusetts, 1650-1790 / O'Brien, Jean M., author. 1997. 早期美國文學
Book Dissenters and mavericks : writings about India in English, 1765-2000 / Sabin, Margery, 1940- 2002. 早期美國文學
Book Distant relations : how my ancestors colonized North America / Freeman, Victoria (Victoria Jane) [2002], c2000. 早期美國文學
Book Disturbing Indians : the archaeology of southern fiction / Trefzer, Annette, 1960- c2007. 早期美國文學
Book Diversity and unity in early North America / 1993. 早期美國文學
Book Divisions throughout the whole : politics and society in Hampshire County, Massachusetts, 1740-1775 / Nobles, Gregory H. 2004. 早期美國文學
Book Do this in remembrance of me : a ritual approach to Reformed Eucharistic theology / Moore-Keish, Martha L. 2008. 早期美國文學
Book Doctrine of sakti in Indian literature / Chakravarti, Prabhat Chandra, 1890-1935. [198-?] 早期美國文學
Book Documentary history of Suffield : in the colony and province of the Massachusetts Bay, in New England, 1660-1749 / Sheldon, Hezekiah Spencer, b. 1820. [2004?] 早期美國文學
Book Documents of United States Indian policy / c2000. 早期美國文學
Book Documents relating to New-England Federalism : 1800-1815 / Adams, Henry, 1838-1918. [2004?] 早期美國文學
Book Domestic individualism : imagining self in nineteenth-century America / Brown, Gillian, 1952- c1990. 早期美國文學
Book Dominion and civility : English imperialism and Native America, 1585-1685 / Oberg, Michael Leroy, author. 1999. 早期美國文學
Book Don't carry me back! : narratives by former Virginia slaves / c1995. 早期美國文學
Book Don't know much about mythology : everything you need to know about the greatest stories in human history but never learned / Davis, Kenneth C. c2005. 早期美國文學
Book Dons de mémoire de l'Afrique à la Caraïbe : littérature et culture des îles anglophones / Pradel, Lucie. 2000. 早期美國文學
Book Doomsday delusions : what's wrong with predictions about the end of the world / Pate, C. Marvin, 1952- c1995. 早期美國文學
Book Dorset pilgrims : the story of West Country pilgrims who went to New England in the 17th century / Thistlethwaite, Frank. 1993. 早期美國文學
Book Down & out, on the road : the homeless in American history / Kusmer, Kenneth L., 1945- 2002. 早期美國文學
Book Drawing from nature / Arnosky, Jim. c1982. 早期美國文學
Book Drummers and dreamers : the story of Smowhala the prophet and his nephew Puck Hyah Toot, the last prophet of the nearly extinct River People, the last Wanapums / Relander, Click. c1986. 早期美國文學
Book Dry bones and Indian sermons : praying Indians in colonial America / Bross, Kristina. 2004. 早期美國文學
Book Démons & merveilles : le surnaturel dans l'Océan Indien : actes du colloque international, Université de la Réunion, 26-29 Octobre 2004 / c2005. 早期美國文學
Book Early American abolitionists : a collection of anti-slavery writings 1760-1820 / 2005. 早期美國文學
Book Early American drama / 1997. 早期美國文學
Book Early American nature writers : a biographical encyclopedia / 2008. 早期美國文學
Book Early American taverns : for the entertainment of friends and strangers / Rice, Kym S. c1983. 早期美國文學
Book Early American women dramatists, 1775-1860 / Detsi-Diamanti, Zoe, 1966- 1998. 早期美國文學
Book Early American writing / 1994. 早期美國文學
Book Early New England : a covenanted society / Weir, David A. c2005. 早期美國文學
Book Early encounters--Native Americans and Europeans in New England : from the papers of W. Sears Nickerson / Nickerson, Warren Sears, 1881-1966. 1994. 早期美國文學
Book Early native literacies in New England : a documentary and critical anthology / c2008. 早期美國文學
Book Earth power coming : short fiction in native American literature / c1983. 早期美國文學
Book Earth-mapping : artists reshaping landscape / Casey, Edward S., 1939- c2005. 早期美國文學
Book Earthbound and heavenbent : Elizabeth Porter Phelps and life at Forty Acres, 1747-1817 / Carlisle, Elizabeth Pendergast. c2004. 早期美國文學
Book Eastern Shore Indians of Virginia and Maryland / Rountree, Helen C., 1944- 1997. 早期美國文學
Book Eating fire, tasting blood : breaking the great silence of the American Indian Holocaust / c2006. 早期美國文學
Book Eating in Eden : food and American utopias / c2006. 早期美國文學
Book Echoes from a distant frontier : the Brown sisters' correspondence from antebellum Florida / Aldrich, Corinna Brown, 1812-1854. c2004. 早期美國文學
Book Ecocriticism : creating self and place in environmental and American Indian literatures / Dreese, Donelle N. 1968- (Donelle Nicole), c2002. 早期美國文學
Book Ecological identity : becoming a reflective environmentalist / Thomashow, Mitchell. c1995. 早期美國文學
Book Economic and social history of New England 1620-1789 / Weeden, William B. 1834-1912. (William Babcock), 1978. 早期美國文學
Book Edgar A. Poe : mournful and never-ending remembrance / Silverman, Kenneth. 1992, c1991. 早期美國文學
Book Education and the American Indian : the road to self-determination since 1928 / Szasz, Margaret. c1999. 早期美國文學