
資料類型 書名 作者 出版年 資源相關分類
Book Edward Lear, landscape painter and nonsense poet (1812-1888) Davidson, Angus, 1898- [1968, c1938] 早期美國文學
Book Edward Randolph : including his letters and official papers from the New England, middle, and southern colonies in America : [with other documents relating chiefly to the vacating of the royal charter of the colony of Massachusetts Bay], 1676-1703 : with historical illustrations and a memoir / Randolph, Edward, ca. 1632-1703. [2004?] 早期美國文學
Book Edward Sheriff Curtis : visions of the first Americans / Curtis, Edward S., 1868-1952. 2006. 早期美國文學
Book Edward Taylor : fifty years of scholarship and criticism / Hammond, Jeffrey. c1993. 早期美國文學
Book Edward Taylor's Harmony of the Gospels / Taylor, Edward, 1642-1729. 1983. 早期美國文學
Book Edward W. Redfield : just values and fine seeing / Kimmerle, Constance. c2004. 早期美國文學
Book Edward, Cole, Kim Weston : three generations of American photography / Buchsteiner, Thomas. c1995. 早期美國文學
Book Edwards in our time : Jonathan Edwards and the shaping of American religion / c1999. 早期美國文學
Book Edwards on the will : a century of American theological debate / Guelzo, Allen C. c1989. 早期美國文學
Book Elijah : no ordinary hero / Comeau, Pauline, 1956- c1993. 早期美國文學
Book Elizabeth I : translations, 1544-1589 / Elizabeth I, Queen of England, 1533-1603. 2009. 早期美國文學
Book Eloquence is power : oratory & performance in early America / Gustafson, Sandra M. c2000. 早期美國文學
Book Emerson & Eros : the making of a cultural hero / Gougeon, Len. c2007. 早期美國文學
Book Emerson : a statement of New England transcendentalism as expressed in the philosophy of its chief exponent / Gray, Henry David, 1873- [2008?] 早期美國文學
Book Emerson on transcendentalism / Emerson, Ralph Waldo, 1803-1882. 1986. 早期美國文學
Book Emerson's contemporaries and Kerouac's crowd : a problem of self-location / Stiles, Bradley J., 1953- c2003. 早期美國文學
Book Emily Dickinson and the art of belief / Lundin, Roger. 2004. 早期美國文學
Book Emma Newman, a frontier woman minister / Walker, Randi Jones. 2000. 早期美國文學
Book Empire City : New York through the centuries / c2002. 早期美國文學
Book Empire and slavery in American literature, 1820-1865 / Sundquist, Eric J. 2006. 早期美國文學
Book Empire and the literature of sensation : an anthology of nineteenth-century popular fiction / c2007. 早期美國文學
Book Empire's nature : Mark Catesby's new world vision / c1998. 早期美國文學
Book Empires collide : the French and Indian War, 1754-63 / 2006. 早期美國文學
Book Empires in the forest : Jamestown and the beginning of America / Chenoweth, Avery. c2006. 早期美國文學
Book Empires of religion / 2008. 早期美國文學
Book Encountering the other(s) : studies in literature, history, and culture / c1995. 早期美國文學
Book Encounters in the New World : a history in documents / c2000. 早期美國文學
Book Encyclopaedia of Indian folk literature. 2000. 早期美國文學
Book Encyclopaedia of Indian literature / Pandey, Ravi Narayan. 2007. 早期美國文學
Book Encyclopaedia of South Indian literature / Sinha, Madhubala. 2009. 早期美國文學
Book Encyclopedia of American Indian literature / c2007. 早期美國文學
Book Encyclopedia of Appalachia / c2006. 早期美國文學
Book Encyclopedia of North American Indians / c1996. 早期美國文學
Book Enduring hope : the impact of the Ramallah Friends Schools / Edwards-Konic, Patricia, 1948- c2008. 早期美國文學
Book Enduring traditions : the native peoples of New England / 1994. 早期美國文學
Book Enduring wisdom : sayings from Native Americans / 2003. 早期美國文學
Book Enemies of the Bay Colony / Ranlet, Philip, 1953- c1995. 早期美國文學
Book Enemies of the Bay Colony : Puritan Massachusetts and its foes / Ranlet, Philip, 1953- c2006. 早期美國文學
Book Engaging the doctrine of God : contemporary Protestant perspectives / c2008. 早期美國文學
Book Engaging with Barth : contemporary evangelical critiques / 2008. 早期美國文學
Book England & Roanoke : a collection of poems, 1584-1987 : people, places, events / 1988. 早期美國文學
Book English literature : voices of Indian diaspora / c2009. 早期美國文學
Book Enlightenment geography : the political languages of British geography, 1650-1850 / Mayhew, Robert J. 1971- (Robert John), 2000. 早期美國文學
Book Ensaios sobre lenguas indígenas de las tierras bajas de Sudamérica : contribuciones al 49o Congreso Internacional de Americanistas en Quito 1997 = Essays on indigenous languages of lowland South America : contributions to the 49th International Congress of Americanists in Quito 1997 / 2000. 早期美國文學
Book Envisioning an English empire : Jamestown and the making of the North Atlantic world / c2005. 早期美國文學
Book Epic journeys of freedom : runaway slaves of the American Revolution and their global quest for liberty / Pybus, Cassandra. c2006. 早期美國文學
Book Episodes from Life among the Indians, and Last rambles / Catlin, George, 1796-1872. c1959. 早期美國文學
Book Epistle to Marguerite de Navarre ; and, Preface to a sermon by John Calvin / Dentière, Marie, 1495-1561. c2004. 早期美國文學
Book Erasmus, Contarini, and the religious republic of letters / Furey, Constance M. 2006. 早期美國文學
Book Erimi-Pamboula : a Chalcolithic settlement in Cyprus / Bolger, Diane R. 1988. 早期美國文學