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Bloodletters and badmen : a narrative encyclopedia of American criminals from the Pilgrims to the present / |
Nash, Jay Robert. |
c1995. |
早期美國文學 |
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Blown by the Spirit : Puritanism and the emergence of an antinomian underground in pre-Civil-War England / |
Como, David R., 1970- |
2004. |
早期美國文學 |
Book |
Blue Jacket : warrior of the Shawnees / |
Sugden, John, 1947- |
c2000. |
早期美國文學 |
Book |
Blurred boundaries : critical essays on American literature, language, and culture / |
1996. |
早期美國文學 |
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Bodies of belief : Baptist community in early America / |
Lindman, Janet Moore. |
c2008. |
早期美國文學 |
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Bonds of affection : civic charity and the making of America--Winthrop, Jefferson, and Lincoln / |
Holland, Matthew Scott, 1966- |
c2007. |
早期美國文學 |
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Book of the Hopi / |
Waters, Frank, 1902-1995. |
c1963. |
早期美國文學 |
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Booknotes : on American character / |
c2004. |
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Books and beyond : the Greenwood encyclopedia of new American reading / |
2008. |
早期美國文學 |
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Books on the frontier : print culture in the American West, 1763-1875 / |
Clement, Richard W., 1951- |
2003. |
早期美國文學 |
Book |
Border fictions : globalization, empire, and writing at the boundaries of the United States / |
Sadowski-Smith, Claudia, 1968- |
2008. |
早期美國文學 |
Book |
Born for the shade : stereotypes of the Native American in United States literature and the visual arts, 1776-1894 / |
Lubbers, Klaus. |
1994. |
早期美國文學 |
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Born to die : disease and New World conquest, 1492-1650 / |
Cook, Noble David. |
1998. |
早期美國文學 |
Book |
Bound and determined : captivity, culture-crossing, and white womanhood from Mary Rowlandson to Patty Hearst / |
Castiglia, Christopher. |
1996. |
早期美國文學 |
Book |
Bound away : Virginia and the westward movement / |
Fischer, David Hackett, 1935- |
2000. |
早期美國文學 |
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Brabbling women : disorderly speech and the law in early Virginia / |
Snyder, Terri L., 1956- |
c2003. |
早期美國文學 |
Book |
Bradford's history "of Plimoth plantation." : From the original manuscript. With a report of the proceedings incident to the return of the manuscript to Massachusetts / |
Bradford, William, 1590-1657. |
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Book |
Branching out : German-Jewish immigration to the United States, 1820-1914 / |
Barkai, Avraham. |
1994. |
早期美國文學 |
Book |
Breaking the backcountry : the Seven Years' War in Virginia and Pennsylvania, 1754-1765 / |
Ward, Matthew C. |
c2003. |
早期美國文學 |
Book |
Breaking the iron bonds : Indian control of energy development / |
Ambler, Marjane, 1948- |
c1990. |
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Brethren in Scotland 1838-2000 : a social study of an evangelical movement / |
Dickson, Neil. |
2002. |
早期美國文學 |
Book |
Bright and gloomy days : the Civil War correspondence of Captain Charles Frederic Bahnson, a Moravian Confederate / |
Bahnson, Charles Frederic, 1840-1911. |
c2003. |
早期美國文學 |
Book |
Britain and America go to war : the impact of war and warfare in Anglo-America, 1754-1815 / |
c2004. |
早期美國文學 |
Book |
British Atlantic, American frontier : spaces of power in early modern British America / |
Hornsby, Stephen J. 1956- (Stephen John), |
c2005. |
早期美國文學 |
Book |
British criticisms of American writings, 1815-1833 : a contribution to the study of Anglo-American literary relationships / |
Cairns, William B., 1867-1932. |
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Book |
British identities before nationalism : ethnicity and nationhood in the Atlantic world, 1600-1800 / |
Kidd, Colin. |
1999. |
早期美國文學 |
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British piracy in the golden age : history and interpretation, 1660-1730 / |
2007. |
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Brown : the last discovery of America / |
Rodriguez, Richard. |
2002. |
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Buddhism in Indian literature / |
2007. |
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Buffalo days / |
Hoyt-Goldsmith, Diane. |
c1997. |
早期美國文學 |
Book |
Buffalo days : stories from J. Wright Mooar as told to James Winford Hunt / |
Mooar, J. Wright 1851-1940. (John Wright), |
c2005. |
早期美國文學 |
Book |
Buffalo guns & barbed wire : two frontier accounts : a combined reissue of Pictures of the past and History that will never be repeated / |
Biggers, Don Hampton, 1869-1957. |
c1991. |
早期美國文學 |
Book |
Buffalo soldiers and officers of the Ninth Cavalry, 1867-1898 : black & white together / |
Kenner, Charles L. |
c1999. |
早期美國文學 |
Book |
Buffalo soldiers in the West : a Black soldiers anthology / |
c2007. |
早期美國文學 |
Book |
Building the Bay Colony : local economy and culture in early Massachusetts / |
McWilliams, James E. |
2007. |
早期美國文學 |
Book |
Bulwark of the republic : the American militia in antebellum West / |
Rowe, Mary Ellen, 1953- |
2003. |
早期美國文學 |
Book |
By Cheyenne campfires / |
Grinnell, George Bird, 1849-1938. |
1971, c1962. |
早期美國文學 |
Book |
By nature and by custom cursed : transatlantic civil discourse and New England cultural production, 1620-1660 / |
Round, Phillip H., 1958- |
c1999. |
早期美國文學 |
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Byrd's line : a natural history / |
Ausband, Stephen C., 1943- |
2002. |
早期美國文學 |
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California and the Southwest join the United States / |
Steele, Christy, 1970- |
2005. |
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California impressionism / |
Gerdts, William H. |
c1998. |
早期美國文學 |
Book |
California light, 1900-1930 / |
1990. |
早期美國文學 |
Book |
Californian Indian nights : stories of the creation of the world, of man, of fire, of the sun, of thunder ... / |
Gifford, Edward Winslow, 1887-1959. |
[1990] |
早期美國文學 |
Book |
Calvin : a brief guide to his life and thought / |
Spijker, W. van 't. |
c2009. |
早期美國文學 |
Book |
Calvin : an introduction to his thought / |
Parker, T. H. L. (Thomas Henry Louis) |
1995. |
早期美國文學 |
Book |
Calvin and the Bible / |
2006. |
早期美國文學 |
Book |
Calvin's institutes : abridged edition / |
Calvin, Jean, 1509-1564. |
c2001. |
早期美國文學 |
Book |
Calvinism on the frontier, 1600-1660 : international Calvinism and the Reformed Church in Hungary and Transylvania / |
Murdock, Graeme. |
2000. |
早期美國文學 |
Book |
Campaigns against corporal punishment : prisoners, sailors, women, and children in antebellum America / |
Glenn, Myra C. |
c1984. |
早期美國文學 |
Book |
Canaletto to Constable : paintings of town and country from the Yale Center for British Art / |
Yale Center for British Art. |
c1998. |
早期美國文學 |