
資料類型 書名 作者 出版年 資源相關分類
Book The political geography of inequality : regions and redistribution / Beramendi, Pablo. 2012. 全球城市,都會區域,以及都會治理
Book The political uncommons : the cross-cultural logic of the global commons / Milun, Kathryn. c2011. 全球城市,都會區域,以及都會治理
Book The politics of European Union regional policy : multi-level governance or flexible gatekeeping? / Bache, Ian. c1998. 全球城市,都會區域,以及都會治理
Book The politics of inequality in Russia / Remington, Thomas F., 1948- 2011. 全球城市,都會區域,以及都會治理
Book The politics of intergovernmental relations / Nice, David C., 1952- c1995. 全球城市,都會區域,以及都會治理
Book The politics of national capitalism : Peronism and the Argentine bourgeoisie, 1946-1976 / Brennan, James P., 1955- c2009. 全球城市,都會區域,以及都會治理
Book The politics of property rights institutions in Africa / Onoma, Ato Kwamena, 1975- 2010. 全球城市,都會區域,以及都會治理
Book The politics of the new international financial architecture : reimposing neoliberal dominational in the global south / Soederberg, Susanne, 1966- 2004. 全球城市,都會區域,以及都會治理
Book The politics of urban renewal : the Chicago findings / Rossi, Peter H. 1921-2006. (Peter Henry), 1981, c1961. 全球城市,都會區域,以及都會治理
Book The postcolonial city and its subjects : London, Nairobi, Bombay / Varma, Rashmi. 2012. 全球城市,都會區域,以及都會治理
Book The power of images, the images of power : Lucca as an imperial city : political iconography / Seidel, Max. c2007. 全球城市,都會區域,以及都會治理
Book The purpose of planning : creating sustainable towns and cities / Rydin, Yvonne, 1957- 2011. 全球城市,都會區域,以及都會治理
Book The quest of the folk : antimodernism and cultural selection in twentieth-century Nova Scotia / McKay, Ian, 1953- c2009. 全球城市,都會區域,以及都會治理
Book The recession and beyond : local and regional responses to the downturn / 2011. 全球城市,都會區域,以及都會治理
Book The regeneration of public parks / 2000. 全球城市,都會區域,以及都會治理
Book The regional economics of knowledge and talent : local advantage in a global context / c2012. 全球城市,都會區域,以及都會治理
Book The regional geography of Canada / Bone, Robert M. 2011. 全球城市,都會區域,以及都會治理
Book The regional paradox : essays in Nepali and South Asian affairs / Baral, Lok Raj, 1941- c2000. 全球城市,都會區域,以及都會治理
Book The restless city reader : a New York City sourcebook / c2010. 全球城市,都會區域,以及都會治理
Book The rise and fall of the Garvey movement in the urban South, 1918-1942 / Harold, Claudrena N. c2007. 全球城市,都會區域,以及都會治理
Book The rise and fall of the healthy factory : the politics of industrial health in Britain, 1914-60 / Long, Vicky, 1978- , author. 2011. 全球城市,都會區域,以及都會治理
Book The rise of a Victorian Ironopolis : Middlesbrough and regional industrialization / Yasumoto, Minoru, 1941- 2011. 全球城市,都會區域,以及都會治理
Book The rise of an early modern shipping industry : Whitby's golden fleet, 1600-1750 / Barker, Rosalin. 2011. 全球城市,都會區域,以及都會治理
Book The rise of regulatory capitalism : the global diffusion of a new order / c2005. 全球城市,都會區域,以及都會治理
Book The rise of the networking region : the challenges of regional collaboration in a globalized world / c2011. 全球城市,都會區域,以及都會治理
Book The role of decentralization in strengthening equity in healthcare : an analysis of healthcare reform plans in Jamaica / Graham, Garth. c2009. 全球城市,都會區域,以及都會治理
Book The role of hospitality spaces within processes of urban regeneration : creating 'hospitable' urban quarters in Manchester / Merron, James. 2010. 全球城市,都會區域,以及都會治理
Book The role of transit in creating livable metropolitan communities / c1997. 全球城市,都會區域,以及都會治理
Book The search for the ultimate sink : urban pollution in historical perspective / Tarr, Joel A. 1934- (Joel Arthur), 1996. 全球城市,都會區域,以及都會治理
Book The skillful self : liberalism, culture, and the politics of skill / Stopford, John, 1953- c2009. 全球城市,都會區域,以及都會治理
Book The small community : foundation of democratic life / Morgan, Arthur Ernest, 1878-1975. 2013. 全球城市,都會區域,以及都會治理
Book The spatialities of Europeanization : power, governance and territory in Europe / Jones, Alun. 2010. 全球城市,都會區域,以及都會治理
Book The spirit of cities : why the identity of a city matters in a global age / Bell, Daniel 1964- (Daniel A.), c2011. 全球城市,都會區域,以及都會治理
Book The stakeholding society : writings on politics and economics / Hutton, Will, 1950- 1999. 全球城市,都會區域,以及都會治理
Book The strategy of Chinese rural-urban coordinated development to 2020 / Sun, Jiuwen. c2013- 全球城市,都會區域,以及都會治理
Book The structural crisis of capital / Mészáros, István. c2010. 全球城市,都會區域,以及都會治理
Book The struggle for civil society in Central Asia : crisis and transformation / Buxton, Charles, 1951- 2011. 全球城市,都會區域,以及都會治理
Book The sustainable city is possible : a possible strategy for recovering urban quality and local economies = La città sostenibile è possibile : una strategia possibile per il rilancio della qualità urbana e delle economie locali / Mazzola, Ettore Maria. [2010] 全球城市,都會區域,以及都會治理
Book The sustainable sites handbook : a complete guide to the principles, strategies, and practices for sustainable landscapes / Calkins, Meg, 1965- c2012. 全球城市,都會區域,以及都會治理
Book The temporary city / Bishop, Peter, 1953- 2012. 全球城市,都會區域,以及都會治理
Book The theory of multi-level governance : conceptual, empirical, and normative challenges / Piattoni, Simona, 1960- c2010. 全球城市,都會區域,以及都會治理
Book The town-, the house- : their spirit / Dulau, Robert. c1993. 全球城市,都會區域,以及都會治理
Book The transactions of the Royal Institute of British Architects Town Planning Conference, London, 10-15 October 1910 / 2011. 全球城市,都會區域,以及都會治理
Book The transformation of Canada's Pacific metropolis : a study of Vancouver / Hutton, T. A. (Thomas A.) c1998. 全球城市,都會區域,以及都會治理
Book The transforming metropolitan economy / Stanback, Thomas M. c2002. 全球城市,都會區域,以及都會治理
Book The transition of China's urban development : from plan-controlled to market-led / Zhu, Jieming, 1957- 1999. 全球城市,都會區域,以及都會治理
Book The urban economy and regional trade liberalization / Kresl, Peter Karl. 1992. 全球城市,都會區域,以及都會治理
Book The urban face of mission : ministering the Gospel in a diverse and changing world / c2002. 全球城市,都會區域,以及都會治理
Book The urban poor and urban basic infrastructure services in Asia : past approaches and emerging challenges / Yeung, Yue-man. c1991. 全球城市,都會區域,以及都會治理
Book The urban sociology reader / 2013. 全球城市,都會區域,以及都會治理