
資料類型 書名 作者 出版年 資源相關分類
Book Mom : a celebration of mothers from StoryCorps / 2010. 遷移社會學
Book Moral movements and foreign policy / Busby, Joshua W. 2010. 遷移社會學
Book Morality wars : how empires, the born again, and the politically correct do evil in the name of good / Derber, Charles. c2010. 遷移社會學
Book More perfect unions : the American search for marital bliss / Davis, Rebecca L. 1975- (Rebecca Louise), 2010. 遷移社會學
Book More than chattel : Black women and slavery in the Americas / c1996. 遷移社會學
Book Mormons as citizens of a communist state : a documentary history of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints in East Germany, 1945-1990 / c2010. 遷移社會學
Book Motherhood and feminism / Kinser, Amber E., 1963- c2010. 遷移社會學
Book Mothers on the fast track : how a new generation can balance family and careers / Mason, Mary Ann. 2007. 遷移社會學
Book Mountain families in transition : a case study of Appalachian migration / Schwarzweller, Harry K. [1971] 遷移社會學
Book Moving beyond borders : a history of Black Canadian and Caribbean women in the diaspora / Flynn, Karen C. 1968- (Karen Carole), c2011. 遷移社會學
Book Moving from the margins : a Chicana voice on public policy / Torre, Adela de la. c2002. 遷移社會學
Book Moving mountains : ethnicity and livelihoods in highland China, Vietnam, and Laos / c2011. 遷移社會學
Book Moving within the European Community (EC) c1993. 遷移社會學
Book Multicultural comics : from Zap to Blue Beetle / 2010. 遷移社會學
Book Multicultural education, 96/97 / c1996. 遷移社會學
Book Multicultural experiences, multicultural theories / c1996. 遷移社會學
Book Multicultural policies and the state : a comparison of two European societies / 1998. 遷移社會學
Book Multiculturalism : a critical introduction / Murphy, Michael, 1962- 2012. 遷移社會學
Book Multiculturalism : the changing Australian paradigm / Foster, Lois E. c1984. 遷移社會學
Book Multiculturalism : what is it really about? [1991] 遷移社會學
Book Multiculturalism and Quebec : a province in crisis / Wallen, Thelma J. 1991. 遷移社會學
Book Multiculturalism and the American self / c2000. 遷移社會學
Book Multiculturalism and the Canadian Constitution / c2007. 遷移社會學
Book Multiculturalism and the history of Canadian diversity / Day, Richard J. F. c2000. 遷移社會學
Book Multiculturalism from the margins : non-dominant voices on difference and diversity / 1995. 遷移社會學
Book Multiculturalism in practice : Irish, Jewish, Italian, and Pakistani migration to Scotland / Audrey, Suzanne. c2000. 遷移社會學
Book Multiculturalism in the criminal justice system / McNamara, Robert Hartmann. c2009. 遷移社會學
Book Multiculturalism reconsidered : culture and equality and its critics / c2002. 遷移社會學
Book Multiculturalism's double bind : creating inclusivity, cosmopolitanism and difference / Nagle, John, 1971- c2009. 遷移社會學
Book Multilayered migration governance : the promise of partnership / c2011. 遷移社會學
Book Multilevel analysis : an introduction to basic and advanced multilevel modeling / Snijders, T. A. B. c2012. 遷移社會學
Book Multiple meanings of gender equality : a critical frame analysis of gender policies in Europe / 2007. 遷移社會學
Book Multiracial Americans and social class : the influence of social class on racial identity / 2010. 遷移社會學
Book Multiregional demography : principles, methods and extensions / Rogers, Andrei. c1995. 遷移社會學
Book Muslim reformers in Iran and Turkey : the paradox of moderation / Tezcür, Güneş Murat, 1979- 2010. 遷移社會學
Book Muslims in America : a short history / Curtis, Edward E., 1970- 2009. 遷移社會學
Book Muslims in Europe : from the margin to the centre / c2004. 遷移社會學
Book Muzhik and Muscovite : urbanization in late imperial Russia / Bradley, Joseph. c1985. 遷移社會學
Book My home now : migrants and refugees to New Zealand tell their stories / 2005. 遷移社會學
Book Naga identities : changing local cultures in the northeast of India / 2008. 遷移社會學
Book Nagô Grandma and White Papa : Candomblé and the creation of Afro-Brazilian identity / Dantas, Beatriz Góis. c2009. 遷移社會學
Book Nanshin : Japanese settlers in Papua and New Guinea 1890-1949 / Iwamoto, Hiromitsu. c1999. 遷移社會學
Book National approaches to the administration of international migration / c2010. 遷移社會學
Book National belongings : hybridity in Italian colonial and postcolonial cultures / c2010. 遷移社會學
Book National minorities : breath of diversity, breath of Europe / Weltin, Sandro. c2008. 遷移社會學
Book National solutions to trans-border problems? : the governance of security and risk in a post-NAFTA North America / c2011. 遷移社會學
Book Nationalism without walls : the unbearable lightness of being Canadian / Gwyn, Richard J., 1934- c1995. 遷移社會學
Book Nationalism, education, and migrant identities : the England-returned / Mukherjee, Sumita, 1981- 2010. 遷移社會學
Book Nationality, Immigration and Asylum Act 2002, Chapter 41 : explanatory notes. Great Britain. 2003. 遷移社會學
Book Nationalizing the Russian Empire : the campaign against enemy aliens during World War I / Lohr, Eric. 2003. 遷移社會學