
資料類型 書名 作者 出版年 資源相關分類
Book Heterosexuality in theory and practice / Beasley, Chris. 2012. 性別研究〈一〉
Book Heterosexuelle Verhältnisse / 2000. 性別研究〈一〉
Book Hidden intercourse : eros and sexuality in the history of Western esotericism / 2011. 性別研究〈一〉
Book Higglers in Kingston : women's informal work in Jamaica / Brown-Glaude, Winnifred R., 1966- c2011. 性別研究〈一〉
Book Hijab & the republic : uncovering the French headscarf debate / Winter, Bronwyn, 1955- 2008. 性別研究〈一〉
Book Himmel und Erde : Frauen in Gewaltverhältnissen / c1995. 性別研究〈一〉
Book Hinn sanni Íslendingur : þjóðerni, kyngervi og vald á Íslandi 1900-1930 / Sigríður Matthíasdóttir. 2004. 性別研究〈一〉
Book Hiratsuka Raichō and early Japanese feminism / Tomida, Hiroko. c2004. 性別研究〈一〉
Book Hiring the black worker : the racial integration of the Southern textile industry, 1960-1980 / Minchin, Timothy J. c1999. 性別研究〈一〉
Book His majesty's enemies : Great Britain's war against Holocaust victims and survivors / Levin, Itamar. 2001. 性別研究〈一〉
Book Hispanic Baroques : reading cultures in context / 2005. 性別研究〈一〉
Book Histoire de la princesse de Montpensier : et autres nouvelles / La Fayette, Madame de 1634-1693. (Marie-Madeleine Pioche de La Vergne), c2009. 性別研究〈一〉
Book Historic Charlotte County : an illustrated history / 2011. 性別研究〈一〉
Book Historical dictionary of African American cinema / Berry, Torriano. 2007. 性別研究〈一〉
Book Historical dictionary of the Russo-Japanese War / Kowner, Rotem. 2006. 性別研究〈一〉
Book Historical portraits of women home scientists : the University of New Zealand, 1911-1947 / Fitzgerald, Tanya, 1960- c2011. 性別研究〈一〉
Book Histories of computing / Mahoney, Michael S. (Michael Sean) 2011. 性別研究〈一〉
Book Histories, cultures, and national identities : women writing Spain, 1877-1984 / Arkinstall, Christine. c2009. 性別研究〈一〉
Book History & women, culture & faith : selected writings of Elizabeth Fox-Genovese / Fox-Genovese, Elizabeth, 1941-2007. c2011-2012. 性別研究〈一〉
Book History and gender : some explorations / 2005. 性別研究〈一〉
Book History and literature : new readings of Jewish texts in honor of Arnold J. Band / c2002. 性別研究〈一〉
Book History of the 19th Army Corps of the Union Army during the American Civil War / Irwin, Richard B. 2009. 性別研究〈一〉
Book History of the First Regiment, Delaware Volunteers : a union regiment's campaigns during the American Civil War / Seville, William P. c2010. 性別研究〈一〉
Book History of the civil wars of Ireland, from the Anglo-Norman invasion, till the union of the country with Great Britain / Taylor, W. C. 1800-1849. (William Cooke), 2010] 性別研究〈一〉
Book History of the national survey of sexual attitudes and lifestyles : the transcript of a Witness Seminar held by the Wellcome Trust Centre for the History of Medicine at UCL, London, on 14 December 2009 / 2011. 性別研究〈一〉
Book History on the couch : essays in history and psychoanalysis / 2003. 性別研究〈一〉
Book History's passion : stories of sex before Stonewall / 2011. 性別研究〈一〉
Book Hitting hard / Signorile, Michelangelo, 1960- 2005. 性別研究〈一〉
Book Holy rollers / Byrnes, Rob. 2011. 性別研究〈一〉
Book Holy terror : lies the Christian right tells us to deny gay equality / White, Mel, 1940- 2012. 性別研究〈一〉
Book Home, work, & play : situating Canadian social history / 2010. 性別研究〈一〉
Book Homegrown Yankees : Tennessee's Union cavalry in the Civil War / Baggett, James Alex. c2009. 性別研究〈一〉
Book Homo americanus : Ernest Hemingway, Tennessee Williams, and queer masculinities / Bak, John S. c2010. 性別研究〈一〉
Book Homofiles : theory, sexuality, and graduate studies / c2011. 性別研究〈一〉
Book Homophobia : from social stigma to hate crimes / Palmer, Bill, 1957- c2011. 性別研究〈一〉
Book Homophobie und Devianz : weibliche und männliche Homosexualität im Nationalsozialismus / c2012. 性別研究〈一〉
Book Homosexuality around the world : safe havens, cultural challenges / Seba, Jaime. c2011. 性別研究〈一〉
Book Homosexualität in der NS-Zeit : Dokumente einer Diskriminierung und Verfolgung / 2004. 性別研究〈一〉
Book Homosexualität in der deutschen Jugendbewegung : Jungenfreundschaft und Sexualität im Diskurs von Jugendbewegung, Psychoanalyse und Jugendpsychologie am Beginn des 20. Jahrhunderts / Geuter, Ulfried, 1950- 1994. 性別研究〈一〉
Book Homosexuelle Männer im KZ Sachsenhausen / Müller, Joachim. c2000. 性別研究〈一〉
Book Homosexuelle und kinderwunsch : Von den Möglichkeiten und Folgen auf die Elternschaft / Ender, Stefanie. 2009. 性別研究〈一〉
Book Honor versus the Amazonian world : effeminate leadership by the chattering classes / Milo, Mitchell Edward. c2006. 性別研究〈一〉
Book Honour in African history / Iliffe, John. 2005. 性別研究〈一〉
Book Honour, violence, women and Islam / 2011. 性別研究〈一〉
Book Hope & solidarity : Jon Sobrino's challenge to Christian theology / c2008. 性別研究〈一〉
Book Hope and feminist theory / 2011. 性別研究〈一〉
Book Hormone replacement therapy (male-to-female) : transgender, transsexual, hormone, intersex, secondary sex characteristic, sexual reassignment surgery, cartilaginous, hyperlipoproteinaemia / 2010. 性別研究〈一〉
Book Hormone/behavior relations of clinical importance : endocrine systems interacting with brain and behavior / 2009. 性別研究〈一〉
Book Horror after 9/11 : world of fear, cinema of terror / 2011. 性別研究〈一〉
Book Hot spot Horn of Africa : between integration and disintegration / Arbeitstagung Horn von Afrika Hamburg University) (2002 : 2003. 性別研究〈一〉