
資料類型 書名 作者 出版年 資源相關分類
Book Without prejudice : CEDAW and the determination of women's rights in a legal and cultural context / c2010. 性別研究〈一〉
Book Wives and husbands : gender and age in Southern Arapaho history / Fowler, Loretta, 1944- c2010. 性別研究〈一〉
Book Wo(men) and bears : the gifts of nature, culture and gender revisited / c2008. 性別研究〈一〉
Book Wo(men)--journey of life in the novels of Shashi Deshpande and Anne Tyler / Sunalini, K. K. 2011. 性別研究〈一〉
Book Woman and goddess in Hinduism : reinterpretations and re-envisionings / 2011. 性別研究〈一〉
Book Woman and nation in Turkey : Kadin Gazetesi (1947-1950) and Kadin Sesi (1957-1960) / Okutan, Birsen Banu. 2010. 性別研究〈一〉
Book Woman in sexist society : studies in power and powerlessness / Gornick, Vivian. 1972, c1971. 性別研究〈一〉
Book Woman of worth : lifelong encouragement from Psalm 139 / Coghill, Ruth, 1945- c2011. 性別研究〈一〉
Book Woman thinking : feminism and transcendentalism in nineteenth-century America / Wayne, Tiffany K., 1968- c2005. 性別研究〈一〉
Book Woman today : a celebration : fifty years of South African women / 2003. 性別研究〈一〉
Book Woman's identity and the Qurʼan : a new reading / Barazangi, Nimat Hafez, 1943- c2004. 性別研究〈一〉
Book Woman's labor and poverty : the case of Eskisehir province in Turkey. Gunes, Fatime. 2011. 性別研究〈一〉
Book Woman, native, other : Postkolonialität und Feminismus schreiben / Trinh, T. Minh-Ha 1952- (Thi Minh-Ha), 2010. 性別研究〈一〉
Book Womanist forefathers : Frederick Douglass and W.E.B. Du Bois / Lemons, Gary L. c2009. 性別研究〈一〉
Book Women & Catholicism : gender, communion, and authority / Zagano, Phyllis. 2011. 性別研究〈一〉
Book Women & public policy : a revolution in progress / Conway, M. Margaret 1935- (Mary Margaret), c2005. 性別研究〈一〉
Book Women : America's last best hope / Fletcher, Kimberly. c2010. 性別研究〈一〉
Book Women across cultures : a global perspective / Burn, Shawn Meghan. c2011. 性別研究〈一〉
Book Women adrift : the literature of Japan's imperial body / Horiguchi, Noriko J. 2011. 性別研究〈一〉
Book Women and Islam / c2010. 性別研究〈一〉
Book Women and authority : the key biblical texts / Paul, Ian. c2011. 性別研究〈一〉
Book Women and belief, 1852-1928 : history of feminism / 2013. 性別研究〈一〉
Book Women and change in Cyprus : feminisms and gender in conflict / Hadjipavlou, Maria. 2010. 性別研究〈一〉
Book Women and child abuse / Mbuya, John Chibaya 2010 性別研究〈一〉
Book Women and contemporary world literature : power, fragmentation, and metaphor / Weagel, Deborah Fillerup. c2009. 性別研究〈一〉
Book Women and disability in medieval literature / Pearman, Tory Vandeventer, 1980- 2010. 性別研究〈一〉
Book Women and economy : the politics of empowerment / Zulfiqar, Bushra. c2010. 性別研究〈一〉
Book Women and exercise : the body, health and consumerism / 2011. 性別研究〈一〉
Book Women and gender in early Jewish and Palestinian nationalism / Katz, Sheila H. c2003. 性別研究〈一〉
Book Women and gender in the new South : 1865-1945 / Turner, Elizabeth Hayes. c2009. 性別研究〈一〉
Book Women and governance : inclusive women's governance and decision making process in Nepel / Acharya, Keshav K. 2010. 性別研究〈一〉
Book Women and indigenous religions / c2010. 性別研究〈一〉
Book Women and justice : it's a crime / c2012. 性別研究〈一〉
Book Women and language : essays on gendered communication across media / c2011. 性別研究〈一〉
Book Women and law in sub-Saharan Africa / 2003. 性別研究〈一〉
Book Women and literacy : local and global inquiries for a new century / c2007. 性別研究〈一〉
Book Women and local social security : a study in Kerala / Devaki, Renjini. c2010. 性別研究〈一〉
Book Women and madness / Chesler, Phyllis. [1972] 性別研究〈一〉
Book Women and political participation in Uganda / Ntawubona, Juliet M. 2010. 性別研究〈一〉
Book Women and public life in early Meiji Japan : the development of the feminist movement / Patessio, Mara, 1975- 2011. 性別研究〈一〉
Book Women and public policies : reassessing gender politics / Gelb, Joyce, 1940- c1996. 性別研究〈一〉
Book Women and public policy in Ireland : a documentary history, 1922-1997 / Finnegan, Richard B. 2005. 性別研究〈一〉
Book Women and relationship violence : Understanding women sho use defensive and aggressive actions in the context of a violatile situation. Adams, Sheila. 2009. 性別研究〈一〉
Book Women and resistance in South Africa / Walker, Cherryl. c1991. 性別研究〈一〉
Book Women and revolution : a discussion of the unhappy marriage of Marxism and feminism / c1981. 性別研究〈一〉
Book Women and rights / c1995. 性別研究〈一〉
Book Women and social reform in modern India : a reader / c2008. 性別研究〈一〉
Book Women and substance abuse / c1993. 性別研究〈一〉
Book Women and the American experience / Woloch, Nancy, 1940- c2011. 性別研究〈一〉
Book Women and the Canadian state / c1997. 性別研究〈一〉