
資料類型 書名 作者 出版年 資源相關分類
Book Women and the Canadian welfare state : challenges and change / c1997. 性別研究〈一〉
Book Women and the Democratic Party : the evolution of Emily's List / Pimlott, Jamie Pamelia. c2010. 性別研究〈一〉
Book Women and the Great War : femininity under fire in Italy / Belzer, Allison Scardino. 2010. 性別研究〈一〉
Book Women and the Israeli occupation : the politics of change / 1994. 性別研究〈一〉
Book Women and the animal rights movement / Gaarder, Emily, 1972- c2011. 性別研究〈一〉
Book Women and the everyday city : public space in San Francisco, 1890-1915 / Sewell, Jessica Ellen. c2011. 性別研究〈一〉
Book Women and the law : Carmen de Burgos, an early feminist / Louis, Anja. 2005. 性別研究〈一〉
Book Women and the law stories / 2011. 性別研究〈一〉
Book Women and the making of America / Buhle, Mari Jo, 1943- c2009. 性別研究〈一〉
Book Women and the military in Europe : comparing public cultures / Eulriet, Iréne, 1975- 2012. 性別研究〈一〉
Book Women and the new business leadership / Thomson, Peninah. 2011. 性別研究〈一〉
Book Women and the teaching profession : exploring the feminisation debate / Kelleher, Fatimah. c2011. 性別研究〈一〉
Book Women and the unstable state in nineteenth-century America / c2000. 性別研究〈一〉
Book Women and war : gender identity and activism in times of conflict / Kaufman, Joyce P. 2010. 性別研究〈一〉
Book Women artists in interwar France : framing femininities / Birnbaum, Paula. 2011. 性別研究〈一〉
Book Women artists of the American West / c2003. 性別研究〈一〉
Book Women as leaders in education : succeeding despite inequity, discrimination, and other challenges / c2011. 性別研究〈一〉
Book Women as portrayed through popular culture : a study of women's portrayal in secular Amharmic songs produced in cassettes from September 2004-2005 / Yohannes, Tsion. 2010. 性別研究〈一〉
Book Women at the helm : for promoting peace and environmental values / Bocci, Velio. 2009. 性別研究〈一〉
Book Women awakened : stories of contemporary spirituality in India / Chopra, Swati. 2011. 性別研究〈一〉
Book Women claim the vote : the rise of the women's suffrage movement, 1828-1860 / Senker, Cath. c2011. 性別研究〈一〉
Book Women creating patrilyny : gender and environment in West Africa / Smedley, Audrey. c2004. 性別研究〈一〉
Book Women editing/editing women : early modern women writers and the new textualism / 2009. 性別研究〈一〉
Book Women elders' life stories of the Omaha Tribe : Macy, Nebraska, 2004-2005 / Summers, Wynne L. c2009. 性別研究〈一〉
Book Women empowerment in Indian context : an impact of self help groups on women livelihoods in pondicherry / Rathinam, Usharani. 2010. 性別研究〈一〉
Book Women empowerment through entrepreneurship / Lavanya, T. 2010. 性別研究〈一〉
Book Women engineers in Turkey : gender, technology, education and professional life / Zengin, Berna. c2010. 性別研究〈一〉
Book Women entrepreneurship in Albania : a study of the motivations and barriers behind the decision to start and run a business. Koja, Marjola. 2011. 性別研究〈一〉
Book Women exiting prison : critical essays on gender, post-release support and survival / 2013. 性別研究〈一〉
Book Women in American history since 1880 : a documentary reader / 2010. 性別研究〈一〉
Book Women in American society / Doak, Melissa J. c2010. 性別研究〈一〉
Book Women in Asia / 2009. 性別研究〈一〉
Book Women in Caribbean politics / 2011. 性別研究〈一〉
Book Women in India : negotiating body, reclaiming agency / Amirtham, Metti. c2011. 性別研究〈一〉
Book Women in Israel : a state of their own / Halperin-Kaddari, Ruth. c2004. 性別研究〈一〉
Book Women in Italian Renaissance culture and society / 2000. 性別研究〈一〉
Book Women in Russia and Ukraine / 1996. 性別研究〈一〉
Book Women in Russian literature after glasnost : female alternatives / Adlam, Carol. 2005. 性別研究〈一〉
Book Women in South Africa : profile of women in South Africa / 2006. 性別研究〈一〉
Book Women in a globalizing world : transforming equality, development, diversity and peace / c2013. 性別研究〈一〉
Book Women in business : theory, practice and flexible approaches / Marković, Mirjana Radović 2010. 性別研究〈一〉
Book Women in combat : a reference handbook / Skaine, Rosemarie. c2011. 性別研究〈一〉
Book Women in developing countries : a reference handbook / Kinnear, Karen L. c2011. 性別研究〈一〉
Book Women in landscape architecture : essays on history and practice / c2012. 性別研究〈一〉
Book Women in leadership : contextual dynamics and boundaries / Klenke, Karin. 2011. 性別研究〈一〉
Book Women in music : a research and information guide / Pendle, Karin, 1939- 2010. 性別研究〈一〉
Book Women in nineteenth-century Europe / Fuchs, Rachel Ginnis, 1939- 2005. 性別研究〈一〉
Book Women in politics : outsiders or insiders? : a collection of readings / c2011. 性別研究〈一〉
Book Women in prison : a reference handbook / Banks, Cyndi. c2003. 性別研究〈一〉
Book Women in search of literary space / c1992. 性別研究〈一〉