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Flint in focus : lithic biographies in the Neolithic and Bronze Age / |
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Forbidden archeology's impact : how a controversial new book shocked the scientific community and became an underground classic / |
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Forest farmers and stockherders : early agriculture and its consequences in north-central Europe / |
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Fosses, vallée de l'Ysieux : mille ans de production céramique en Île-de-France / |
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Fouilles et découvertes en Alsace / |
Châtelet, Madeleine. |
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Fouilles et découvertes en Franche-Comté / |
Munier, Claudine, 1959- |
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Frauds, myths, and mysteries : science and pseudoscience in archaeology / |
Feder, Kenneth L. |
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Freeing the Dead Sea Scrolls and other adventures of an archaeology outsider / |
Shanks, Hershel. |
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From Bronze Age enclosure to Anglo-Saxon settlement : archaeological excavations at Taplow hillfort, Buckinghamshire, 1999-2005 / |
Allen, T. G. 1955- (Tim G.), |
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From Roman to early Christian Thessalonikē : studies in religion and archaeology / |
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From hunter gatherers to huntsmen : a history of the Stansted landscape / |
Cooke, Nicholas. |
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From present to past through landscape / |
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From surface collection to prehistoric lifeways : making sense of the multi-period site of Orlovo, south east Bulgaria / |
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From the air : understanding aerial archaeology / |
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Functional analysis of space in Syro-Hittite architecture / |
Pucci, Marina. |
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Gaulois sous les pommiers : découvertes de l'âge du Fer en Basse-Normandie, IXe-Ie siècle av. J.-C. / |
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Gaurando : Nihon kōkogaku no chichi / |
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Gaza : à la croisée des civilisations: contexte archéologique et historique / |
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Gender and Italian archaeology : challenging the stereotypes / |
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Gender in archaeology : analyzing power and prestige / |
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Geoarchaeology of the landscapes of classical antiquity : international colloquium Ghent, 23-24 October 1998 = Géoarchéologie des paysages de l'antiquité classique : colloque international Gand, 23-24 octobre 1998 / |
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Globalizations and the ancient world / |
Jennings, Justin. |
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Grandes découvertes de l'archéologie méditerranéenne, 1959-2009 / |
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Graphical markers and megalith builders in the international Tagus, Iberian Peninsula / |
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Grave-mounds and their contents : a manual of archaeology, as exemplified in the burials of the Celtic, the Romano-British, and the Anglo-Saxon periods / |
Jewitt, Llewellynn Frederick William, 1816-1886. |
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Great excavations : shaping the archaeological profession / |
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Great moments in Greek archaeology / |
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Greek Geometric pottery : a survey of ten local styles and their chronology / |
Coldstream, J. N. 1927-2008. (John Nicolas), |
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Greek religion and culture, the Bible, and the ancient Near East / |
Bremmer, Jan N. |
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Guide des méthodes de l'archéologie / |
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Hambledon Hill, Dorset, England : excavation and survey of a Neolithic monument complex and its surrounding landscape / |
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Handbook of postcolonial archaeology / |
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Handbook to the Iron Age : the archaeology of pre-colonial farming societies in Southern Africa / |
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High definition archaeology / |
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Hillforts of the ancient Andes : Colla warfare, society, and landscape / |
Arkush, Elizabeth N. |
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Hispania and the Roman Mediterranean, AD 100-700 : ceramics and trade / |
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Histoire archéologique : descriptive et graphique de la Sainte Chapelle du Palais / |
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Historic archaeology at the Tucson Community Center / |
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Historical archaeology of military sites : method and topic / |
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Histories of archaeology : a reader in the history of archaeology / |
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History, archaeology, and culture of the Narmada Valley / |
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Holocene human ecology in northeastern North America / |
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Holocene prehistory of the Southern Cape, South Africa : excavations at Blombos Cave and the Blombosfontein Nature Reserve / |
Henshilwood, Christopher Stuart. |
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Homelands Lost and Gained : Slavic migration and settlement on Bornholm in the early Middle Ages / |
Naum, Magdalena, 1976- |
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Horizon : a colloquium on the prehistory of the Cyclades / |
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How much of the Florence Baptistery is a surviving Roman building? : a re-evaluation of the archaeological, architectural and artistic evidence / |
Shenfield, Larry. |
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How to unlock the secrets, enigmas, and mysteries of ancient Egypt and other old civilizations. |
Mancini, Anna. |
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Human adaptation to Mediterranean wetlands : the geoarchaeology of polje Ćepič (Istria, Croatia) in the late Pleistocene and Holocene / |
Balbo, Andrea Luca. |
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Human evolution and the origins of hierarchies : the state of nature / |
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