
資料類型 書名 作者 出版年 資源相關分類
Book Expositions of the Psalms / Augustine, of Hippo, Saint, 354-430. 2000- 應用人類學
Book Extraterritorial use of force against non-state actors / Lubell, Noam. 2010. 應用人類學
Book Ezekiel / Bowen, Nancy R., 1956- c2010. 應用人類學
Book Ezekiel / Odell, Margaret S. c2005. 應用人類學
Book Ezekiel : a commentary / Joyce, Paul (Paul M.) c2009. 應用人類學
Book Ezekiel : a commentary based on Iezekiēl in Codex Vaticanus / Olley, John W. 1938- (John William), 2009. 應用人類學
Book Fabricating consumers : the sewing machine in modern Japan / Gordon, Andrew, 1952- c2012. 應用人類學
Book Face to face : children of the AIDS crisis in Africa / Ande, Karen, 1950- c2010. 應用人類學
Book Facing Kirinyaga : a social history of forest commons in southern Mount Kenya / Castro, Alfonso Peter. 1995. 應用人類學
Book Fade to black and white : interracial images in popular culture / Childs, Erica Chito, 1971- c2009. 應用人類學
Book Faith and its critics : a conversation / Fergusson, David. 2009. 應用人類學
Book Faith in schools : religion, education, and American evangelicals in East Africa / Stambach, Amy, 1966- c2010. 應用人類學
Book Faith no more : why people reject religion / Zuckerman, Phil. 2012. 應用人類學
Book Faith, politics, and reconciliation : Catholicism and the politics of indigeneity / O'Sullivan, Dominic, 1970- 2005. 應用人類學
Book Faithfulness and the purpose of Hebrews : a social identity approach / Marohl, Matthew J. 2010. 應用人類學
Book Fake stuff : China and the rise of counterfeit goods / Lin, Yi-Chieh Jessica. 2011. 應用人類學
Book Falling through the cracks : AIDS and the urban poor / Ayala, Victor, Dr. c1996. 應用人類學
Book Fame to infamy : race, sport, and the fall from grace / c2010. 應用人類學
Book Families in context / Starbuck, Gene H. c2010. 應用人類學
Book Famine early warning systems : victims and destitution / Walker, Peter. 2009. 應用人類學
Book Farming with fire and water : the human ecology of a composite swiddening community in Vietnam's northern mountains / 2009. 應用人類學
Book Fascinatingly disturbing : interdisciplinary perspectives on Michael Haneke's cinema / c2010. 應用人類學
Book Fastforward and out of control : how technology is changing your life / Menzies, Heather, 1949- c1989. 應用人類學
Book Fatal system error : the hunt for the new crime lords who are bringing down the Internet / Menn, Joseph. c2010. 應用人類學
Book Fear of freedom : with the essay, "Fear of painting" / Levi, Carlo, 1902-1975. c2008. 應用人類學
Book Feasting and social rhetoric in Luke 14 / Braun, Willi, 1954- 1995. 應用人類學
Book Feasts and festivals / 2009. 應用人類學
Book Feminism and anthropological theory / Verma, Shoumitra. c2010. 應用人類學
Book Feminist perspectives on environment and society / Littig, Beate. 2001. 應用人類學
Book Femmes claires, hommes foncés : les racines oubliées du colorisme / Frost, Peter. c2010. 應用人類學
Book Fertile ground : papers in honour of Susan Limbrey / c2005. 應用人類學
Book Fertility policy in Israel : the politics of religion, gender, and nation / Portugese, Jacqueline, 1969- 1998. 應用人類學
Book Field guide to freshwater invertebrates of North America / Thorp, James H. c2011. 應用人類學
Book Fifty key anthropologists / 2011. 應用人類學
Book Fighting the Antichrist : a cultural history of anti-Catholicism in Tudor England / Alvarez Recio, Leticia. 2011. 應用人類學
Book Figures on fabric : embroidery design sources and their application / Swain, Margaret H. 1980. 應用人類學
Book Figuring rural development : concepts and cases of land use, sustainability and integrative indicators / Hobbes, Marieke, 1976- c2010. 應用人類學
Book Filipino crosscurrents : oceanographies of seafaring, masculinities, and globalization / Fajardo, Kale Bantigue. c2011. 應用人類學
Book Final report of the Advisory Committee on Human Radiation Experiments. United States. Advisory Committee on Human Radiation Experiments. 1996. 應用人類學
Book Financing gender equality : Commonwealth perspectives, 2007. 2007. 應用人類學
Book Finding the right words : Isidore's Synonyma in Anglo-Saxon England / Di Sciacca, Claudia. c2008. 應用人類學
Book Finding wisdom in East Asian classics / c2011. 應用人類學
Book Fire in my bones : transcendence and the Holy Spirit in African American gospel / Hinson, Glenn. c2000. 應用人類學
Book Fire in the dark : telling Gypsiness in North East England / Buckler, Sarah. 2007. 應用人類學
Book Fire on the rim : the cultural dynamics of East/West power politics / Thornton, William H., 1950- c2002. 應用人類學
Book First World dreams : Mexico since 1989 / Dawson, Alexander S. 1967- (Alexander Scott), 2006. 應用人類學
Book Fishers' knowledge in fisheries science and management / c2007. 應用人類學
Book Fishponds in farming systems / 2007. 應用人類學
Book Fishy business : salmon, biology, and the social construction of nature / Scarce, Rik, 1958- 2000. 應用人類學
Book Fixing Haiti : MINUSTAH and beyond / c2011. 應用人類學