
資料類型 書名 作者 出版年 資源相關分類
Book Sustainable communities : people, places and prosperity : a five year plan / Great Britain. Office of the Deputy Prime Minister. 2005. 應用人類學
Book Sustainable development : population and the environment : proceedings of a workshop on Sustainable Development in Sub-Saharan Africa held in Baltimore, Maryland, May 19-21, 1993 / Sustainable Development in Sub-Saharan Africa Baltimore, Md.) (1993 : 1994. 應用人類學
Book Sustainable development and learning : framing the issues / Scott, William, 1946- 2003. 應用人類學
Book Sustainable development in Western Europe : coming to terms with Agenda 21 / 1997. 應用人類學
Book Sustainable development in fragile environments : an operational framework for arid, semi-arid, and mountain areas / Jodha, N. S. c1995. 應用人類學
Book Sustainable development strategies in South-East Europe. 2008. 應用人類學
Book Ta'n teli-ktlamsitasit (Ways of believing) : Mi'kmaw religion in Eskasoni, Nova Scotia / Robinson, Angela, 1957- c2005 [i.e. 2004] 應用人類學
Book Taking liberties : the war on terror and the erosion of american democracy / Herman, Susan N. 2011. 應用人類學
Book Taking the clinical history : eliciting symptoms, knowing the patient, ethical foundations / DeMyer, William, 1924- 2009. 應用人類學
Book Tales of the barbarians : ethnography and empire in the Roman West / Woolf, Greg. 2011. 應用人類學
Book Tech High : globalization and the future of Canadian education : a collection of critical perspectives on social, cultural and political dilemmas / 1997. 應用人類學
Book Technique and application in dental anthropology / 2008. 應用人類學
Book Technological and social change : a transdisciplinary model / Fried, Jacob. c1978. 應用人類學
Book Technological hazards / Zeigler, Donald J., 1951- c1983. 應用人類學
Book Technologized images, technologized bodies / 2010. 應用人類學
Book Technology and human affairs / 1981. 應用人類學
Book Technology and human fulfillment / Thompson, George W. M. c1985. 應用人類學
Book Technology and human values : collision and solution / Watkins, Bruce O. 1978, c1977. 應用人類學
Book Technology and survival / Braun, Ernest, 1925- 1977. 應用人類學
Book Technology and values in American civilization : a guide to information sources / Cutcliffe, Stephen H. c1980. 應用人類學
Book Technology, man, and progress / Cottrell, Fred, 1903-1979. c1972. 應用人類學
Book Technology, society, and man / Dorf, Richard C. c1974. 應用人類學
Book Telling and Duxbury's planning law and procedure. Duxbury, Robert. 2006. 應用人類學
Book Territory, globalization and international relations : the cartographic reality of space / Strandsbjerg, Jeppe, 1973- 2010. 應用人類學
Book Texas quails : ecology and management / c2007. 應用人類學
Book Textbook on international human rights / Smith, Rhona K. M. 2010. 應用人類學
Book Textbook on land law / MacKenzie, Judith-Anne. 2010. 應用人類學
Book The "War on terror" narrative : discourse and intertextuality in the construction and contestation of sociopolitical reality / Hodges, Adam. c2011. 應用人類學
Book The African condition : a political diagnosis / Mazrui, Ali AlʼAmin. 1980. 應用人類學
Book The African voice in Southern Rhodesia, 1898-1930 Ranger, T. O. (Terence O.) 1970. 應用人類學
Book The American South in a global world / c2005. 應用人類學
Book The American civil rights movement : a documentary history / 2009. 應用人類學
Book The Baltic states after independence / 1999. 應用人類學
Book The Bible and literature : a reader / 1999. 應用人類學
Book The Bible and the Dead Sea scrolls : the second Princeton Symposium on Judaism and Christian Origins / Princeton Symposium on Judaism and Christian Origins Princeton Theological Seminary) 1997 : (2nd : c2006. 應用人類學
Book The Bible in Africa : transactions, trajectories, and trends / 2000. 應用人類學
Book The Bible in three dimensions : essays in celebration of forty years of biblical studies in the University of Sheffield / [2009?] 應用人類學
Book The Black man's burden : African colonial labor on the Congo and Ubangi rivers, 1880-1900 / Samarin, William J. 1989. 應用人類學
Book The Brazilian Amazon rainforest : global ecopolitics, development, and democracy / Barbosa, Luiz C. c2000. 應用人類學
Book The Built environment / 1978. 應用人類學
Book The Calusa and their legacy : South Florida people and their environments / MacMahon, Darcie A. c2004. 應用人類學
Book The Canadian distinctiveness into the XXIst century / c2003. 應用人類學
Book The Chittagong Hill Tracts : militarization, oppression and the hill tribes / c1984. 應用人類學
Book The City within / c1992. 應用人類學
Book The Columbia guide to American Indians of the Southwest / Griffin-Pierce, Trudy, 1949-2009. c2010. 應用人類學
Book The Cuban cure : reason and resistance in global science / Reid-Henry, Simon. c2010. 應用人類學
Book The Darfur conflict : geography or institutions? / Suliman, Mohamed Osman, 1951- 2011. 應用人類學
Book The Dení of western Brazil : a study of sociopolitical organization and community development / Koop, Gordon. 1980. 應用人類學
Book The ELF Odyssey : National Security Versus Environmental Protection / Klessig, Lowell L. 1980. 應用人類學
Book The Earth in transition : patterns and processes of biotic impoverishment / 1990. 應用人類學