
資料類型 書名 作者 出版年 資源相關分類
Book The Spread of English : the sociology of English as an additional language / c1977. 應用人類學
Book The SuperFerry chronicles : Hawaii's uprising against militarism, commercialism and the suppression of the earth / Paik, Koohan. c2009. 應用人類學
Book The Taliban : ascent to power / Gohari, M. J. 2000. 應用人類學
Book The Telephone's first century--and beyond : essays on the occasion of the 100th anniversary of telephone communication / c1977. 應用人類學
Book The U.S. military and human rights promotion : lessons from Latin America / Laurienti, Jerry M. 2007. 應用人類學
Book The United States labor force : a descriptive analysis / Prywes, Ruth W. 2000. 應用人類學
Book The Upper Palaeolithic Revolution in global perspective : papers in honour of Sir Paul Mellars / c2010. 應用人類學
Book The Urban Development Corporation : private interests and public authority / Brilliant, Eleanor L. [1975] 應用人類學
Book The Uses of science in the age of Newton / c1983. 應用人類學
Book The White Arctic : anthropological essays on tutelage and ethnicity / c1977. 應用人類學
Book The Winona LaDuke reader : a collection of essential writings / LaDuke, Winona. c2002. 應用人類學
Book The Woodland Southeast / c2002. 應用人類學
Book The accompaniment : assembling the contemporary / Rabinow, Paul. 2011. 應用人類學
Book The aesthetics of action : continuity and change in a West African town / Hardin, Kris L. c1993. 應用人類學
Book The ancient human occupation of Britain / c2011. 應用人類學
Book The animal part : human and other animals in the poetic imagination / Payne, Mark (Mark Edward) c2010. 應用人類學
Book The apostolic tradition : a commentary / Bradshaw, Paul F. c2002. 應用人類學
Book The archaeology of ritual and magic / Merrifield, Ralph. 1988. 應用人類學
Book The archaeology of the Hellenistic far east : a survey / Mairs, Rachel. 2011. 應用人類學
Book The archaeology of warfare : prehistories of raiding and conquest / c2006. 應用人類學
Book The banality of indifference : Zionism & the Armenian genocide / Auron, Yair. 2000. 應用人類學
Book The banana tree at the gate : a history of marginal peoples and global markets in Borneo / Dove, Michael, 1949- author. [2011] 應用人類學
Book The barefoot expert : the interface of computerized knowledge systems and indigenous knowledge systems / Schoenhoff, Doris M. c1993. 應用人類學
Book The bedrock of opinion : science, technology and society in the siting of high-level nuclear waste / Sundqvist, Göran. c2002. 應用人類學
Book The biological variation in Indian populations / Singh, K. Suresh 1935- (Kumar Suresh), 1994. 應用人類學
Book The birth of God : the Bible and the historian / Bottéro, Jean. c2000. 應用人類學
Book The blame game : rethinking Ireland's sustainable development and environmental performance / Flynn, Brendan, 1971- 2007. 應用人類學
Book The book of Daniel : composition and reception / 2002. 應用人類學
Book The book of the Everglades / 2002. 應用人類學
Book The book of the Gospels : the Roman missal restored by decree of the Second Ecumenical Council of the Vatican and promulgated by authority of Pope Paul VI and revised by order of Pope John Paul II : for use in the dioceses of the United States of America according to the second typical edition of the order of readings for mass / c2000. 應用人類學
Book The book of the world : a parallel Hebrew-English critical edition of the two versions of the text / Ibn Ezra, Abraham ben Meïr, 1092-1167. 2010. 應用人類學
Book The breakup of the Soviet Union : opposing viewpoints / c1994. 應用人類學
Book The case of the animals versus man before the King of the Jinn : an Arabic critical edition and English translation of Epistle 22 / Ikhwān al-Ṣafāʼ 2009. 應用人類學
Book The challenges of history and leadership in Africa : the essays of Bethwell Allan Ogot / Ogot, Bethwell A. c2002. 應用人類學
Book The changing climate : selected papers / Lamb, H. H. 2011. 應用人類學
Book The changing constitution / 2011. 應用人類學
Book The changing information environment / McHale, John. 1976. 應用人類學
Book The changing nature of economic value : indigenous forest garden values in Kalimanatan [sic] Indonesia / Gatzweiler, Franz W. 2003. 應用人類學
Book The choice : evolution or extinction? : a thinking person's guide to global issues / Laszlo, Ervin, 1932- c1994. 應用人類學
Book The chrysalis effect : the metamorphosis of global culture / Slater, Philip Elliot. 2009. 應用人類學
Book The circumference of home : one man's yearlong quest for a radically local life / Hoelting, Kurt. c2010. 應用人類學
Book The civilization of illiteracy / Nadin, Mihai. 1997. 應用人類學
Book The cliff walk : a memoir of a job lost and a life found / Snyder, Don J. c1997. 應用人類學
Book The cloister and the world : early modern convent voices / c2007. 應用人類學
Book The collapse of palatial society in LBA Greece and the postpalatial period / Middleton, Guy D. 2010. 應用人類學
Book The computerization of human service agencies : a critical appraisal / Murphy, John W. 1991. 應用人類學
Book The conservation of archaeological materials : current trends and future directions / 2010. 應用人類學
Book The cultural dimension of ecology / 1998. 應用人類學
Book The culture of German environmentalism : anxieties, visions, realities / 2002. 應用人類學
Book The culture of extinction : toward a philosophy of deep ecology / Bender, Frederic L. 2003. 應用人類學