Book |
The culture of jazz : jazz as critical culture / |
Salamone, Frank A. |
c2009. |
應用人類學 |
Book |
The death of French culture / |
Morrison, Donald, 1946- |
c2010. |
應用人類學 |
Book |
The delusion of progress : a fallacy of Western society / |
Chomat, Pierre, 1932- |
2008. |
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Book |
The dinosaur club / |
Heffernan, William, 1940- |
1997. |
應用人類學 |
Book |
The dispossessed : an anatomy of exile / |
c2005. |
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Book |
The domestic abroad : diasporas in international relations / |
Varadarajan, Latha. |
2010. |
應用人類學 |
Book |
The domestic sources of American foreign policy : insights and evidence / |
c1999. |
應用人類學 |
Book |
The dream is freedom : Pauli Murray and American democratic faith / |
Azaransky, Sarah. |
c2011. |
應用人類學 |
Book |
The earth charter in action : toward a sustainable world / |
c2005. |
應用人類學 |
Book |
The earthist challenge to economism : a theological critique of the World Bank / |
Cobb, John B. |
1999. |
應用人類學 |
Book |
The elusive promise of indigenous development : rights, culture, strategy / |
Engle, Karen. |
2010. |
應用人類學 |
Book |
The emergence of autocracy in Liberia : tragedy and challenge / |
Sawyer, Amos. |
c1992. |
應用人類學 |
Book |
The emergency market mapping and analysis toolkit / |
Albu, Mike. |
c2010. |
應用人類學 |
Book |
The emperors' needles : Egyptian obelisks and Rome / |
Sorek, Susan. |
2010. |
應用人類學 |
Book |
The empowerment of culture : development, communication, and popular media / |
c1992. |
應用人類學 |
Book |
The end of Irish-America? : globalisation and the Irish disapora / |
Cochrane, Feargal. |
2010. |
應用人類學 |
Book |
The end of poverty : economic possibilities for our time / |
Sachs, Jeffrey. |
2006. |
應用人類學 |
Book |
The end of tolerance : racism in 21st century Britain / |
Kundnani, Arun. |
2007. |
應用人類學 |
Book |
The enemy of nature : the end of capitalism or the end of the world? / |
Kovel, Joel, 1936- |
2007. |
應用人類學 |
Book |
The environment / |
Barbour, Scott, 1963- |
c2000. |
應用人類學 |
Book |
The environment and society reader / |
c2001. |
應用人類學 |
Book |
The environmental state under pressure / |
2002. |
應用人類學 |
Book |
The essential Aldo Leopold : quotations and commentaries / |
c1999. |
應用人類學 |
Book |
The ethics of emerging media : information, social norms, and new media technology / |
c2011. |
應用人類學 |
Book |
The evolution and genetics of Latin American populations / |
Salzano, Francisco M. |
2002. |
應用人類學 |
Book |
The evolution of the Calusa : a nonagricultural chiefdom on the southwest Florida coast / |
Widmer, Randolph J. |
c1988. |
應用人類學 |
Book |
The evolution of the European Convention on Human Rights : from its inception to the creation of a permanent court of human rights / |
Bates, Ed. |
2010. |
應用人類學 |
Book |
The excavation of an enclosed Middle Bronze Age cemetery at Gransha, Co. Londonderry, Northern Ireland / |
Chapple, Robert M. |
2010. |
應用人類學 |
Book |
The excavations of Khirbet er-Rasm, Israel : the changing faces of the countryside / |
Faust, Avi. |
2011. |
應用人類學 |
Book |
The failure of the United Nations development programs for Africa / |
Ratsimbaharison, Adrien M. |
c2003. |
應用人類學 |
Book |
The fall and rise of the stately home / |
Mandler, Peter. |
c1997. |
應用人類學 |
Book |
The fate of King David : the past and present of a biblical icon / |
c2010. |
應用人類學 |
Book |
The fate of nature : rediscovering our ability to rescue the earth / |
Wohlforth, Charles P. |
c2010. |
應用人類學 |
Book |
The fifth language : learning a living in the computer age / |
Logan, Robert K., 1939- |
1995. |
應用人類學 |
Book |
The first boat people / |
Webb, S. G. 1956- (Steve G.), |
2006. |
應用人類學 |
Book |
The forgotten art of healing and other essays / |
Udwadia, Farokh Erach. |
2009. |
應用人類學 |
Book |
The foundations of European Union law : an introduction to the constitutional and administrative law of the European Union / |
Hartley, Trevor C. |
2010. |
應用人類學 |
Book |
The frail hero and virile history : gender and the politics of culture in colonial Bengal / |
Chowdhury, Indira. |
c1998. |
應用人類學 |
Book |
The frontier of leisure : Southern California and the shaping of modern America / |
Culver, Lawrence. |
c2010. |
應用人類學 |
Book |
The full value of parks : from economics to the intangible / |
c2003. |
應用人類學 |
Book |
The fundamentalist mindset : psychological perspectives on religion, violence, and history / |
2010. |
應用人類學 |
Book |
The funerary landscape at Knossos : a diachronic study of Minoan burial customs with special reference to the warrior graves / |
Miller, Madelaine. |
2011. |
應用人類學 |
Book |
The future of bioethics / |
Brody, Howard. |
2009. |
應用人類學 |
Book |
The future of educational studies / |
c2003. |
應用人類學 |
Book |
The future of the Southern Plains / |
c2003. |
應用人類學 |
Book |
The future of tropical savannas : an Australian perspective / |
c1996. |
應用人類學 |
Book |
The gazelle : medieval Hebrew poems on God, Israel, and the soul / |
1999. |
應用人類學 |
Book |
The geography of Manitoba : its land and its people / |
c1996. |
應用人類學 |
Book |
The geography of Ohio / |
c2008. |
應用人類學 |
Book |
The geological imperative : anthropology and development in the Amazon Basin of South America / |
Davis, Shelton H. |
1976. |
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