
資料類型 書名 作者 出版年 資源相關分類
Book The theology of the Christian life in J.I. Packer's thought : theological anthropology, theological method, and the doctrine of sanctification / Payne, Don J. (Donny Joe) Waynesboro, Ga. : 應用人類學
Book The trading states of the oil rivers : a study of political development in Eastern Nigeria / Jones, G. I., 1904-1995. c2000. 應用人類學
Book The triple bottom line : how today's best-run companies are achieving economic, social, and environmental success-and how you can too / Savitz, Andrew W. c2006. 應用人類學
Book The tropical islands of the Indian and Pacific Oceans / Arnberger, Hertha, 1920- 2001. 應用人類學
Book The values of psychotherapy / Holmes, Jeremy, 1943- 1989. 應用人類學
Book The victimization of women : law, policies, and politics / Meloy, Michelle L. 2011. 應用人類學
Book The virtues in medical practice / Pellegrino, Edmund D., 1920- 1993. 應用人類學
Book The visible scientists / Goodell, Rae. c1977. 應用人類學
Book The warm winds of change : globalisation in contemporary Sāmoa / Macpherson, Cluny. 2009. 應用人類學
Book The way : an ecological world-view / Goldsmith, Edward, 1928-2009. c1998. 應用人類學
Book The way schools work : a sociological analysis of education / DeMarrais, Kathleen Bennett. c1999. 應用人類學
Book The way the wind blows : climate, history, and human action / c2000. 應用人類學
Book The weaponsmakers, personal and professional crisis during the Vietnam war / Schevitz, Jeffrey. c1979. 應用人類學
Book The western Roman Atlantic façade : a study of the economy and trade in the Mar Exterior from the Republic to the Principate / 2010. 應用人類學
Book The woman who decided to die : challenges and choices at the edges of medicine / Munson, Ronald, 1939- 2009. 應用人類學
Book The wonder of their voices : the 1946 Holocaust interviews of David Boder / Rosen, Alan (Alan Charles) 2010. 應用人類學
Book The word of light : piercing the veil of chaos / Shoham, S. Giora, 1929- 2009. 應用人類學
Book The world ahead : an anthropologist anticipates the future / Mead, Margaret, 1901-1978. 2005. 應用人類學
Book The year 2000 : essays on the end / c1997. 應用人類學
Book Theological issues in bioethics : an introduction with readings / 2002. 應用人類學
Book Theology through the theologians : selected essays 1972-1995 / Gunton, Colin E. 1996. 應用人類學
Book Theories of crime and punishment / Grant, Claire, Dr. 2002. 應用人類學
Book Theories of personality : contemporary approaches to the science of personality / Magnavita, Jeffrey J. c2002. 應用人類學
Book Theory and method in biblical and cuneiform law : revision, interpolation and development / c1994. 應用人類學
Book This sacred earth : religion, nature, environment / 2004. 應用人類學
Book Those of us who loved her : the men in George Eliot's life / Adams, Kathleen. 2001. 應用人類學
Book Three dollars / Perlman, Elliot. 1998. 應用人類學
Book Through Eugène Dubois' eyes : stills of a turbulent life / Albers, Paulinus Cornelis Hendricus, 1965- 2010. 應用人類學
Book Time and order in metropolitan Vienna : a seizure of schedules / Rotenberg, Robert Louis, 1949- c1992. 應用人類學
Book Time discounting and future generations : the harmful effects of an untrue economic theory / Kula, Erhun. 1997. 應用人類學
Book Tiwi plants and animals : aboriginal flora and fauna knowledge from Bathurst and Melville Islands, northern Australia / 2001. 應用人類學
Book To feed the earth : agro-ecology for sustainable development / Dover, Michael J. c1987. 應用人類學
Book To make do in the city : social identities and cultural transformations among urban Aymara speakers in La Paz / Widmark, Charlotta. 2003. 應用人類學
Book To save the wild earth : field notes from the environmental frontline / Careless, Ric, 1951- 1997. 應用人類學
Book Tomorrow's child : reproductive technologies in the 90s / Birke, Lynda I. A. c1990. 應用人類學
Book Toothpicks and logos : design in everyday life / Heskett, John. 2002. 應用人類學
Book Torah : a modern commentary / c2006. 應用人類學
Book Tormented births : passages to modernity in Europe and the Middle East / Khafājī, ʻIṣām. 2004. 應用人類學
Book Torture : the role of ideology in the French-Algerian war / Maran, Rita. 1989. 應用人類學
Book Torture and the twilight of empire : from Algiers to Baghdad / Lazreg, Marnia. c2008. 應用人類學
Book Tourism : the state of the art / c1994. 應用人類學
Book Tourism and indigenous peoples / 1996. 應用人類學
Book Tourism in the economy of Madhya Pradesh / Dube, Rajiv, 1958- 1987. 應用人類學
Book Towards corporate environmental excellence : the role of business in sustainable development / c1996. 應用人類學
Book Toxic belonging? : identity and ecology in Southern Africa / 2008. 應用人類學
Book Traditional knowledge and sustainable development : proceedings of a conference sponsored by the World Bank Environment Department and the World Bank Task Force on the International Year of the World's Indigenous People held at the World Bank, Washington, D.C., September 27-28, 1993 / 1995. 應用人類學
Book Traditional weapons of Africa (billhooks, sickles and scythes) : a regional approach with technical, morphological, and aesthetic classifications / Arbousse Bastide, Tristan. 2010. 應用人類學
Book Traditions and transformations : approaches to Eneolithic (Copper age) and Bronze age metalworking and society in eastern Central Europe and the Carpathian basin / Kienlin, Tobias L. 2010. 應用人類學
Book Tragic soul-life : W.E.B. Du Bois and the moral crisis facing American democracy / Johnson, Terrence L. c2012. 應用人類學
Book Training manual in development anthropology / c1984. 應用人類學