
資料類型 書名 作者 出版年 資源相關分類
Book Transgressive sex : subversion and control in erotic encounters / 2009. 應用人類學
Book Transplanting human tissue : ethics, policy, and practice / 2004. 應用人類學
Book Transporting the deceased to eternity : the Ancient Egyptian term [h3i] / Diamond, Kelly-Anne. 2010. 應用人類學
Book Travail, culture et nature : le développement local dans le contexte des parcs nationaux et naturels régionaux de France / Finger-Stich, Andréa S. c1997. 應用人類學
Book Treadwell gold : an Alaska saga of riches and ruin / Kelly, Sheila, 1942- c2010. 應用人類學
Book Treaty : let's get it right! : a collection of essays from ATSIC's treaty think tank and authors commissioned by AIATSIS on treaty issues. c2003. 應用人類學
Book Tribal constitutionalism : states, tribes, and the governance of membership / Gover, Kirsty. 2010. 應用人類學
Book Tribals of Ladakh : ecology, human settlements, and health / Bhasin, Veena. 1999. 應用人類學
Book Tropical deforestation : the human dimension / c1996. 應用人類學
Book Tropical forests, people and food : biocultural interactions and applications to development / 1993. 應用人類學
Book Tropical rainforest research--current issues : proceedings of the conference held in Bandar Seri Begawan, April 1993 / c1996. 應用人類學
Book Tropical rainforests / Park, Chris C. 1992. 應用人類學
Book True gardens of the gods : Californian-Australian environmental reform, 1860-1930 / Tyrrell, Ian R. c1999. 應用人類學
Book True green : 100 everyday ways you can contribute to a healthier planet / McKay, Kim. 2006. 應用人類學
Book True green kids : 100 things you can do to save the planet / McKay, Kim. 2008. 應用人類學
Book Tubes, tenure and turbulence : the effects of drought related migration on tenure issues and resource management in Northern Senegal / Juul, Kristine. c2005. 應用人類學
Book Turning the tune : traditional music, tourism, and social change in an Irish village / Kaul, Adam R. 2009. 應用人類學
Book Twentieth-century religious thought / Macquarrie, John. 2002, c2001. 應用人類學
Book Typologie des armatures lithiques gravettiennes de la grotte d'Isturitz (Pyrénées-Atlantiques, France) / Simonet, Aurélien. 2010. 應用人類學
Book UK Chapter of Computer Applications and Quantitative Methods in Archaeology : Proceedings of the CAA UK Chapter Meeting, University of Liverpool, 6th and 7th February 2009 / Computer Applications and Quantitative Methods in Archaeology (Organization). U.K. Chapter. Meeting University of Liverpool) (2009 : 2010. 應用人類學
Book Un systeme de sante en mutation: le cas du Cameroun = Changing a health system: the Cameroon case / [2002] 應用人類學
Book Uncertainty on a Himalayan scale : an institutional theory of environmental perception and a strategic framework for the sustainable development of the Himalaya / Thompson, M. 1937- (Michael), 2007. 應用人類學
Book Uncovering Nevada's past : a primary source history of the Silver State / c2004. 應用人類學
Book Understanding Canada : building on the new Canadian political economy / c1997. 應用人類學
Book Understanding Indian society : the non-Brahmanic perspective / c2005. 應用人類學
Book Understanding Singapore society / 1997. 應用人類學
Book Understanding and applying medical anthropology / c2010. 應用人類學
Book Understanding and implementing sustainable development / c2003. 應用人類學
Book Understanding children / c2001. 應用人類學
Book Understanding media industries / Havens, Timothy. c2012. 應用人類學
Book Understanding media studies / 2010. 應用人類學
Book Understanding religious sacrifice : a reader / 2003. 應用人類學
Book Understanding social change in the nineties : theoretical approaches and historiographical perspectives / Conversaciones Internacionales de Historia Pamplona, Spain) 1993 : (5th : c1995. 應用人類學
Book Understanding the past : a matter of surface-area : acts of the XIIIth session of the EAA Congress, Zadar 2007 / 2011. 應用人類學
Book Understanding urban unrest : from Reverend King to Rodney King / Gale, Dennis E. c1996. 應用人類學
Book Unequal protection : environmental justice and communities of color / c1994. 應用人類學
Book Unsafe motherhood : Mayan maternal mortality and subjectivity in post-war Guatemala / Berry, Nicole S., 1970- 2010. 應用人類學
Book Unsettling Gaza : secular liberalism, radical religion, and the Israeli settlement project / Dalsheim, Joyce, 1961- 2011. 應用人類學
Book Until Darwin, science, human variety and the origins of race / Brown, B. Ricardo. 2010. 應用人類學
Book Uprisings for the earth : reconnecting culture with nature / Lake, Osprey Orielle. c2010. 應用人類學
Book Upsizing the individual in the downsized organization : managing in the wake of reengineering, globalization, and overwhelming technological change / Johansen, Robert. c1996. 應用人類學
Book Urban anthropology : perspectives on "Third World" urbanisation and urbanism / Gutkind, Peter Claus Wolfgang. 1974. 應用人類學
Book Urban development and employment: the prospects for Calcutta. Lubell, Harold. [1974] 應用人類學
Book Urban development and urban renewal : an edited selection of papers presented at the fifth World Congress of Engineers and Architects in Israel, convened by the International Technical Cooperation Centre (ITCC) and the Association of Engineers and Architects in Israel in December 1979 / World Congress of Engineers and Architects in Israel Tel Aviv, Israel) 1979 : (5th : 1981. 應用人類學
Book Urban development in the Third World : policy guidelines / Herbert, John D. 1979. 應用人類學
Book Urban development law and policy / Ryan, Patricia (Patricia F.) 1987. 應用人類學
Book Urban geoscience / 1996. 應用人類學
Book Urban life : readings in urban anthropology / c1988. 應用人類學
Book Urban symbolism / 1993. 應用人類學
Book Urban symbolism and rituals : proceedings of the international symposium organised by the IUAES Commission on Urban Anthropology, Ljubljana, June 23-25, 1997 / 1999. 應用人類學