
資料類型 書名 作者 出版年 資源相關分類
Book City limits : Shanghai-Los Angeles / 2006. 中國的都市化
Book City of God : a novel / Doctorow, E. L., 1931- [2001] 中國的都市化
Book City politics : private power and public policy / Judd, Dennis R. c2004. 中國的都市化
Book City schools and the American dream : reclaiming the promise of public education / Noguera, Pedro. c2003. 中國的都市化
Book City wilds : essays and stories about urban nature / c2002. 中國的都市化
Book City, class, and trade : social and economic change in the Third World / Harris, Nigel, 1935- 1991. 中國的都市化
Book Cityscapes and countryside in contemporary German literature / c2004. 中國的都市化
Book Civic engagement in the wake of Katrina / c2009. 中國的都市化
Book Civilized creatures : urban animals, sentimental culture, and American literature, 1850-1900 / Mason, Jennifer, 1972- 2005. 中國的都市化
Book Class and personality in society / Grey, Alan L., 1919- 2009, c1969. 中國的都市化
Book Class and religion in ancient India / Bandyopadhyaya, Jayantanuja. 2007. 中國的都市化
Book Class and struggle in Australia / c2005. 中國的都市化
Book Class conflicts and planning : a case study of contemporary development at King's Cross in London / Holgersen, Ståle. c2008. 中國的都市化
Book Class in culture / Ebert, Teresa L., 1951- c2008. 中國的都市化
Book Class struggle and deviant labeling in Mao's China : becoming enemies of the people / Cai, Wenhui, 1941- c2001. 中國的都市化
Book Class struggles / Dworkin, Dennis L., 1951- 2007. 中國的都市化
Book Class, culture and suburban anxieties in the Victorian era / Whelan, Lara Baker, 1966- 2010. 中國的都市化
Book Classes and elites in the third world / Dattagupta, Rupak. 2001. 中國的都市化
Book Clearing the air : vehicular emissions policy for Hong Kong / Rusco, F. W. (Frank W.) c1995. 中國的都市化
Book Climatopolis : how our cities will thrive in a hotter future / Kahn, Matthew E., 1966- c2010. 中國的都市化
Book Clio at the table : using history to inform and improve education policy / c2009. 中國的都市化
Book Co-op villages : the next evolution / Reed, Jack. c2007. 中國的都市化
Book Cobb County, Georgia and the origins of the suburban South : a twentieth-century history / Scott, Thomas Allan. c2003. 中國的都市化
Book Collaborative colonial power : the making of the Hong Kong Chinese / Law, Wing Sang. x2009. 中國的都市化
Book Colonial governance and the Hong Kong story / Wong, Thomas W. P. 1998. 中國的都市化
Book Communities at the margin : studies in rural society and migration in Southern Africa, 1890-1980 / c2002. 中國的都市化
Book Community action for school reform / Baum, Howell S. c2003. 中國的都市化
Book Community culture of Beijing / Yuan, Jing. 2008. 中國的都市化
Book Comparative governance reform in Asia : democracy, corruption, and government trust / c2008. 中國的都市化
Book Comparing cities : the Middle East and South Asia / 2009. 中國的都市化
Book Comparisons of urban traffic and traffic management in the U.S. and China / Chen, Bo. c2007. 中國的都市化
Book Competitive Scottish cities? : placing Scotland's cities in the UK and European context / Hutchins, Mary. 2005. 中國的都市化
Book Comprehensive reform for urban high schools : a talent development approach / c2002. 中國的都市化
Book Conflict and cooperation in Sino-British business, 1860-1911 : the impact of pro-British commercial network in Shanghai / Motono, Eiichi, 1955- 2000. 中國的都市化
Book Conflict and social order in Tibet and inner Asia / 2008. 中國的都市化
Book Conflict over cabbages : the reform of wholesale marketing in China / Watson, Andrew, 1942- 1992. 中國的都市化
Book Constantinos A. Doxiadis : texts, design drawings, settlements / Doxiadēs, Kōnstantinos Apostolou, 1913-1975. 2006. 中國的都市化
Book Constellations : constructing urban design practices / c2007. 中國的都市化
Book Consultation within WTO dispute settlement : a Chinese perspective / Zhang, Qi. c2007. 中國的都市化
Book Contemporary China studies. 2011. 中國的都市化
Book Contemporary China studies. 2011. 中國的都市化
Book Contemporary Chinese interiors / 2005. 中國的都市化
Book Contemporary Chinese society and politics / 2009. 中國的都市化
Book Contemporary India : a sociological view / Deshpande, Satish. 2004. 中國的都市化
Book Contemporary art + philanthropy : public spaces/private funding : foundations for contemporary art / 2007. 中國的都市化
Book Contemporary minority migration, education, and ethnicity in China / Iredale, Robyn R. c2001. 中國的都市化
Book Contrasting styles of industrial reform : China and India in the 1980s / Rosen, George, 1920- 1992. 中國的都市化
Book Conversational borderlands : language and identity in an alternative urban high school / Rymes, Betsy. c2001. 中國的都市化
Book Cooking from China's Fujian Province : one of China's eight great cuisines / Newman, Jacqueline M., 1932- c2008. 中國的都市化
Book Coromandel lacquer screens / Kesel, W. G. de, 1941- 2002? 中國的都市化