
資料類型 書名 作者 出版年 資源相關分類
Book Absolute appeal : direct mail design / c2007. 行銷管理
Book Academic capitalism and doctoral student socialization : a case study / Mendoza, Pilar, 1974- 2008. 行銷管理
Book Accelerated product development : combining lean and Six sigma for peak performance / Fiore, Clifford, 1960- c2005. 行銷管理
Book According to Kotler : the world's foremost authority on marketing answers your questions / Kotler, Philip. c2005. 行銷管理
Book Accountable advertising : a handbook for managers and analysts / Broadbent, Simon. 1997. 行銷管理
Book Acquiring, processing, and deploying voice of the customer / Shillito, M. Larry, 1939- c2001. 行銷管理
Book Acquisition for the 21st century : the F-22 development program / Williams, Michael D. 1999. 行銷管理
Book Actors working : the actor's guide to marketing success / Sinnett, Clair. 2003. 行銷管理
Book Acts of inquiry in qualitative research / c2000. 行銷管理
Book Ad'mat : using the 25 classic advertising formats. 2009. 行銷管理
Book AdValue : twenty ways advertising works for business / 2003. 行銷管理
Book Adaptive Networks Theory, Models and Applications. 2009. 行銷管理
Book Adaptive web sites : a knowledge extraction from web data approach / Velásquez, Juan D. c2008. 行銷管理
Book Addicted customers : how to get them hooked on your company / Todor, John I. 2007. 行銷管理
Book Adland : a global history of advertising / Tungate, Mark, 1967- 2007. 行銷管理
Book Adland : searching for the meaning of life on a branded planet / Othmer, James P. c2009. 行銷管理
Book Advanced Google AdWords / Geddes, Brad. c2010. 行銷管理
Book Advanced brand management : managing brands in a changing world / Temporal, Paul. 2010. 行銷管理
Book Advanced concepts in product engineering, design and innovation and lifecycle management. 2006. 行銷管理
Book Advanced data mining and applications : 5th international conference, ADMA 2009, Beijing, China, August 17-19, 2009 : proceedings / ADMA 2009 Beijing, China) (2009 : c2009. 行銷管理
Book Advanced sales management handbook and cases : analytical, applied, and relevant / 2012. 行銷管理
Book Advances in data mining : applications and theoretical aspects ; 9th industrial conference, ICDM 2009, Leipzig, Germany, July 20-22, 2009 : proceedings / Industrial Conference on Data Mining Leipzig, Germany) 2009 : (9th : 2009. 行銷管理
Book Advances in industrial and labor relations. 2008. 行銷管理
Book Advances in international marketing. 2008. 行銷管理
Book Advances in international marketing. 2008. 行銷管理
Book Advances in international marketing. 2008. 行銷管理
Book Advances in multivariate statistical methods / c2009. 行銷管理
Book Advances in probabilistic graphical models / c2007. 行銷管理
Book Advances in service network analysis / 2012. 行銷管理
Book Adventures in misplaced marketing / Rotfeld, Herbert Jack, 1950- 2001. 行銷管理
Book Adversarial reasoning : computational approaches to reading the opponent's mind / c2007. 行銷管理
Book Advertising & marketing : developing the marketplace / Gifford, Clive. c2006. 行銷管理
Book Advertising / c2006. 行銷管理
Book Advertising 2.0 : social media marketing in a Web 2.0 world / Tuten, Tracy L., 1967- 2008. 行銷管理
Book Advertising : a very short introduction / Fletcher, Winston. 2010. 行銷管理
Book Advertising : its role in modern marketing / c1994. 行銷管理
Book Advertising : principles & practice / Moriarty, Sandra E. (Sandra Ernst) c2009. 行銷管理
Book Advertising account planning : planning and managing an IMC campaign / Kelley, Larry D., 1955- c2011. 行銷管理
Book Advertising and competition : theory, measurement, fact / Ferguson, James Milton. c1974. 行銷管理
Book Advertising and differentiated products / c2001. 行銷管理
Book Advertising and identity in Europe : the I of the beholder / 2000. 行銷管理
Book Advertising and integrated brand promotion / O'Guinn, Thomas C. c2009. 行銷管理
Book Advertising and its mental laws / Adams, Henry Foster. 2007?] 行銷管理
Book Advertising and promotion : an integrated marketing communications perspective / Belch, George E. 1951- (George Edward), c2012. 行銷管理
Book Advertising and public relations research / c2010. 行銷管理
Book Advertising and the European city : historical perspectives / c2000. 行銷管理
Book Advertising and the artist : Ashley Havinden / Havinden, Ashley. 2003. 行銷管理
Book Advertising by design : creating visual communications with graphic impact / Landa, Robin. c2004. 行銷管理
Book Advertising campaign design : just the essentials / Blakeman, Robyn, 1958- c2011. 行銷管理
Book Advertising campaign strategy : fundamentals of planning, designing, implementing, and evaluating advertising campaigns / Smith, Allen. c2002. 行銷管理