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Green marketing in a unified Europe / |
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Grounded theory : a practical guide for management, business and market researchers / |
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Guerrilla marketing for consultants : breakthrough tactics for winning profitable clients / |
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Guerrilla marketing with technology : unleashing the full potential of your small business / |
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Guerrilla trade show selling : new unconventional weapons and tactics to meet more people, get more leads, and close more sales / |
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Habit : the 95% of behavior marketers ignore / |
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Hacking MySpace : customizations and mods to make MySpace your space / |
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Handbook for team-based qualitative research / |
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Handbook of CRM : achieving excellence in customer management / |
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Handbook of Islamic Marketing / |
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Handbook of brand relationships / |
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Handbook of contemporary marketing in China : theories and practices / |
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Handbook of customer satisfaction and loyalty measurement / |
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Handbook of global and multicultural negotiation / |
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Handbook of longitudinal research: design, measurement, and analysis / |
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Handbook of market segmentation : strategic targeting for business and technology firms / |
Weinstein, Art. |
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Handbook of marketing scales : multi-item measures for marketing and consumer behavior research / |
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Handbook of neuroscience for the behavioral sciences / |
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Handbook of niche marketing : principles and practice / |
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Handbook of quantitative supply chain analysis : modeling in the e-business era / |
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Handbook of research in mass customization and personalization / |
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Handbook of research in mobile business : technical, methodological, and social perspectives / |
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Handbook of research methods in social and personality psychology / |
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Handbook of research on mobile marketing management / |
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Handbook of research on text and Web mining techologies / |
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Handling qualitative data : a practical guide / |
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Hierarchical Bayesian method in the study of individual level behavior : in the context of discrete choice modeling with revealed and stated preference data / |
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Hierarchical modeling and analysis for spatial data / |
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High-dimensional nonlinear diffusion stochastic processes : modelling for engineering applications / |
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High-impact sales force automation : a strategic perspective / |
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High-performance interactive marketing : new techniques and technologies for winning and keeping customers / |
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Hillstrom's database marketing : a master's complete method for success / |
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Hiring top talent for sales & customer service / |
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History and refusal : consumer culture and postmodern theory in the contemporary American novel / |
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Hits, clicks and misses : the traffic exchange experience / |
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Hitting the headlines in Europe : a country-by-country guide to effective media relations / |
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