
資料類型 書名 作者 出版年 資源相關分類
Book Product experience / 2008. 行銷管理
Book Product information management for mass customization : connecting customer, front-office and back-office for fast and efficient customization / Forza, Cipriano, 1962- 2007. 行銷管理
Book Product innovation and technology strategy / Cooper, Robert G. c2009. 行銷管理
Book Product innovation in the Dutch food and beverage industry : a study on the impact of the innovation process, strategy and network on the product's short- and long-term market performance / Enzing, Christien. 2009. 行銷管理
Book Product management / Anandan, C. c2009. 行銷管理
Book Product management / Lehmann, Donald R. c2002. 行銷管理
Book Product placement in Hollywood films : a history / Segrave, Kerry, 1944- c2004. 行銷管理
Book Product platform knowledge management using the semantic web paradigm : share, analyze, and optimize both codified and unarticulated product platform knowledge by developing ontologies based on the semantic web paradigm / Nanda, Jyotirmaya. 2008. 行銷管理
Book Product realization : a comprehensive approach / c2009. 行銷管理
Book Product release planning : methods, tools, and applications / Ruhe, Günther. c2010. 行銷管理
Book Product safety handbook : the manufacturer's guide to legal requirements and management strategies / Kalin, Stanley R. c2001. 行銷管理
Book Product strategy and six sigma : challenges, convergence and competence / Rajagopal, 1957- c2011. 行銷管理
Book Product-country images : impact and role in international marketing / c1993. 行銷管理
Book Production flow analysis for planning group technology / Burbidge, John L. 1996. 行銷管理
Book Products liability and safety : cases and materials / Owen, David G., 1945- 2010. 行銷管理
Book Professional blogging for dummies / Getgood, Susan. c2010. 行銷管理
Book Professional event coordination / Silvers, Julia Rutherford. c2004. 行銷管理
Book Professional purchasing / Gadde, Lars-Erik, 1945- c1993, 1994. 行銷管理
Book Profit impact of marketing strategy project : retrospect and prospects / 2004. 行銷管理
Book Profit maximization through customer relationship marketing : measurement, prediction and implementation / 2007. 行銷管理
Book Profitable buying strategies : how to cut procurement costs and buy your way to higher profits / Buchanan, Mike, 1957- 2008. 行銷管理
Book Progress in utility and risk theory / c1984. 行銷管理
Book Project management in new product development / Barkley, Bruce, 1939- c2008. 行銷管理
Book Project marketing : beyond competitive bidding / Cova, Bernard. c2002. 行銷管理
Book Project procurement management : a guide to structured procurements / Guth, Stephen R. c2009. 行銷管理
Book Projective techniques for social science and business research / Soley, Lawrence C. c2008. 行銷管理
Book Promiscuous customers : invisible brands : devivering value in digital markets / Bayler, Michael. 2002. 行銷管理
Book Promotion in the merchandising environment / Swanson, Kristen K. c2007. 行銷管理
Book Protecting the brand / Franklin, Talcott J. c2003. 行銷管理
Book Psyching the ads : the case book of advertising; the methods and results of 180 advertisements / Rheinstrom, Carroll. 1929. 行銷管理
Book Psychology in economics and business : an introduction to economic psychology / Antonides, Gerrit, 1951- c1996. 行銷管理
Book Public relations cases : international perspectives / 2010. 行銷管理
Book Public relations client strategies : Top PR executives on enhancing brand value, developing communication strategies, and understanding customer needs. c2006. 行銷管理
Book Public relations in Asia Pacific : communicating effectively across cultures / Devereux, Mary M. 2009. 行銷管理
Book Public relations in the digital era / Shrivastava, K. M. c2007. 行銷管理
Book Public relations writing : a rhetorical approach / Kent, Michael L., author. ©2011. 行銷管理
Book Pulse : the new science of harnessing Internet buzz to track threats and opportunities / Hubbard, Douglas W., 1962- c2011. 行銷管理
Book Purchase inspector (shop steel) / National Learning Corporation. Civil Service Division. c2009. 行銷管理
Book Purchasing and supply chain management c2009. 行銷管理
Book Purchasing factomatic : a portfolio of successful forms, reports, records and procedures / c1977. 行銷管理
Book Purchasing in the 21st century : a guide to state-of-the-art techniques and strategies / Schorr, John E. c1998. 行銷管理
Book Purchasing performance : measuring, marketing, and selling the purchasing function / Roylance, Derek, 1938- c2006. 行銷管理
Book Qualitative inquiry : the path of sciencing / Parse, Rosemarie Rizzo. c2001. 行銷管理
Book Qualitative inquiry : thematic, narrative and arts-informed perspectives / Butler-Kisber, Lynn. 2010. 行銷管理
Book Qualitative research : a personal skills approach / Shank, Gary D. c2006. 行銷管理
Book Qualitative research : an introduction to methods and designs / c2012. 行銷管理
Book Qualitative research : studying how things work / Stake, Robert E. c2010. 行銷管理
Book Qualitative research and social change : European contexts / 2008. 行銷管理
Book Qualitative research in international settings : a practical guide / Stephens, David. 2009. 行銷管理
Book Quality : a critical introduction / Beckford, John, 1958- 2010. 行銷管理