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Subject to change : creating great products and services for an uncertain world / |
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Subliminal communication technology : hearing before the subcommittee on transportation, aviation, and materials of the Committee on Science and Technology, U.S. House of Representatives, Ninety-eighth Congress, second session, August 6, 1984. |
United States. Congress. House. Committee on Science and Technology. Subcommittee on Transportation, Aviation, and Materials. |
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Subprime markets, the role of GSEs, and risk-based pricing / |
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Succeeding like success : the affluent consumers of Asia / |
Wong, Yuwa, 1952- |
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Successful e-mail marketing strategies : from hunting to farming / |
Hughes, Arthur Middleton. |
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Successful global account management : key strategies and tools for managing global customers / |
Wilson, Kevin, 1947- |
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Successful marketing : secrets & strategies / |
Abrams, Rhonda M. |
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Successful product development : speeding from opportunity to profit / |
Rosenau, Milton D., 1931- |
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Superior customer satisfaction and loyalty : engaging customers to drive performance / |
Goldstein, Sheldon D. |
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Supernetworks : decision-making for the information age / |
Nagurney, Anna. |
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Supplier price analysis : a guide for purchasing, accounting, and financial analysts / |
Newman, Richard G. |
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Supply chain engineering / |
Goetschalckx, Marc, 1954- |
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Supply chain management : strategy, planning, and operation / |
Chopra, Sunil, 1960- |
c2013. |
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Supply chain science / |
Hopp, Wallace, J. |
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Supply chains and total product systems : a reader / |
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Supporting sustainable decision-making : evaluation of previous support tools with new designs / |
Maciag, Timothy. |
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Survey pain relief : transforming customer insights into action / |
Monger, Jodie Evelyn. |
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Sustainability marketing : a global perspective / |
Belz, Frank-Martin. |
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Sustainability partnerships : the manager's handbook / |
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Sustainable marketing / |
Martin, Diane, 1958- |
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Sustainable retail development : new success strategies / |
Yudelson, Jerry. |
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TV commercials : how to make them, or, how big is the boat? / |
Cury, Ivan. |
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Taboo in advertising / |
Freitas, Elsa Simões Lucas. |
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Take note in principles of advertising / |
Solomon, Barry. |
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Targeting transitions : marketing to consumers during life changes / |
Mergenhagen, Paula Marie. |
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Tata : the evolution of a corporate brand / |
Witzel, Morgen. |
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Technical marketing techniques / |
Brooks, David, 1946- |
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Techniques and applications for advanced information privacy and security : emerging organizational, ethical, and human issues / |
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Technological innovation in retail finance : international historical perspectives / |
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Technology's promise : expert knowledge on the transformation of business and society / |
Halal, William E. |
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Telecosm : the world after bandwidth abundance / |
Gilder, George F., 1939- |
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Telemarketing : regulation, response and registry / |
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Television advertising that works : an analysis of commercials from effective campaigns / |
Marshall, Stephen W. |
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Television and the American family / |
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Television marketing : characteristics, instruments and impact / |
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Temporal pattern mining in dynamic environments / |
Lattner, Andreas D. |
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Test anxiety : applied research, assessment, and treatment interventions / |
Sapp, Marty, 1958- |
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Testing 1-2-3 : experimental design with applications in marketing and service operations / |
Ledolter, Johannes. |
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Testosterone-free marketing : the yin and yang of marketing for women / |
Michaels, Denise. |
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Text mining and its applications to intelligence, CRM and knowledge management / |
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That's customer focus! : the overworked and under-appreciated manager's guide to creating a customer-focused organization / |
Miller, F. Ray. |
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The 1% windfall : how successful companies use price to profit and grow / |
Mohammed, Rafi. |
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The 22 immutable laws of branding / |
Ries, Al. |
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The 22 immutable laws of marketing : violate them at your own risk / |
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The 24-hour customer : new rules for winning in a time-starved, always-connected economy / |
Ott, Adrian C. |
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The 4 A's of marketing : creating value for customers, companies and society / |
Sheth, Jagdish N. |
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The 4Cs of truth in communications : how to identify, discuss, evaluate and present stand-out, effective communication / |
Albanese, Isabelle. |
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The 8 best practices of high performing salespeople / |
Trainor, Norm, 1946- |
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The A to Z of postmodern life : essays on global culture in the noughties / |
Sardar, Ziauddin. |
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