
資料類型 書名 作者 出版年 資源相關分類
Book Subject to change : creating great products and services for an uncertain world / 2008. 行銷管理
Book Subliminal communication technology : hearing before the subcommittee on transportation, aviation, and materials of the Committee on Science and Technology, U.S. House of Representatives, Ninety-eighth Congress, second session, August 6, 1984. United States. Congress. House. Committee on Science and Technology. Subcommittee on Transportation, Aviation, and Materials. 2006. 行銷管理
Book Subprime markets, the role of GSEs, and risk-based pricing / Temkin, Kenneth M. [2002] 行銷管理
Book Succeeding like success : the affluent consumers of Asia / Wong, Yuwa, 1952- 2007. 行銷管理
Book Successful e-mail marketing strategies : from hunting to farming / Hughes, Arthur Middleton. c2009. 行銷管理
Book Successful global account management : key strategies and tools for managing global customers / Wilson, Kevin, 1947- 2002. 行銷管理
Book Successful marketing : secrets & strategies / Abrams, Rhonda M. c2008. 行銷管理
Book Successful product development : speeding from opportunity to profit / Rosenau, Milton D., 1931- c2000. 行銷管理
Book Superior customer satisfaction and loyalty : engaging customers to drive performance / Goldstein, Sheldon D. 2010. 行銷管理
Book Supernetworks : decision-making for the information age / Nagurney, Anna. c2002. 行銷管理
Book Supplier price analysis : a guide for purchasing, accounting, and financial analysts / Newman, Richard G. 1992. 行銷管理
Book Supply chain engineering / Goetschalckx, Marc, 1954- c2011. 行銷管理
Book Supply chain management : strategy, planning, and operation / Chopra, Sunil, 1960- c2013. 行銷管理
Book Supply chain science / Hopp, Wallace, J. c2008. 行銷管理
Book Supply chains and total product systems : a reader / 2006. 行銷管理
Book Supporting sustainable decision-making : evaluation of previous support tools with new designs / Maciag, Timothy. 2007. 行銷管理
Book Survey pain relief : transforming customer insights into action / Monger, Jodie Evelyn. c2008. 行銷管理
Book Sustainability marketing : a global perspective / Belz, Frank-Martin. 2009. 行銷管理
Book Sustainability partnerships : the manager's handbook / 2009. 行銷管理
Book Sustainable marketing / Martin, Diane, 1958- c2012. 行銷管理
Book Sustainable retail development : new success strategies / Yudelson, Jerry. c2009. 行銷管理
Book TV commercials : how to make them, or, how big is the boat? / Cury, Ivan. c2005. 行銷管理
Book Taboo in advertising / Freitas, Elsa Simões Lucas. c2008. 行銷管理
Book Take note in principles of advertising / Solomon, Barry. 2009. 行銷管理
Book Targeting transitions : marketing to consumers during life changes / Mergenhagen, Paula Marie. 1995. 行銷管理
Book Tata : the evolution of a corporate brand / Witzel, Morgen. 2010. 行銷管理
Book Technical marketing techniques / Brooks, David, 1946- 2000. 行銷管理
Book Techniques and applications for advanced information privacy and security : emerging organizational, ethical, and human issues / c2009. 行銷管理
Book Technological innovation in retail finance : international historical perspectives / 2011. 行銷管理
Book Technology's promise : expert knowledge on the transformation of business and society / Halal, William E. 2008. 行銷管理
Book Telecosm : the world after bandwidth abundance / Gilder, George F., 1939- 2002, c2000. 行銷管理
Book Telemarketing : regulation, response and registry / c2007. 行銷管理
Book Television advertising that works : an analysis of commercials from effective campaigns / Marshall, Stephen W. c2008. 行銷管理
Book Television and the American family / 1990. 行銷管理
Book Television marketing : characteristics, instruments and impact / Baumann, Jasmin. 2007. 行銷管理
Book Temporal pattern mining in dynamic environments / Lattner, Andreas D. c2007. 行銷管理
Book Terminology. c2000. 行銷管理
Book Test anxiety : applied research, assessment, and treatment interventions / Sapp, Marty, 1958- c1999. 行銷管理
Book Testing 1-2-3 : experimental design with applications in marketing and service operations / Ledolter, Johannes. 2007. 行銷管理
Book Testosterone-free marketing : the yin and yang of marketing for women / Michaels, Denise. 2005. 行銷管理
Book Text mining and its applications to intelligence, CRM and knowledge management / 2007. 行銷管理
Book That's customer focus! : the overworked and under-appreciated manager's guide to creating a customer-focused organization / Miller, F. Ray. c2007. 行銷管理
Book The 1% windfall : how successful companies use price to profit and grow / Mohammed, Rafi. c2010. 行銷管理
Book The 22 immutable laws of branding / Ries, Al. 1999. 行銷管理
Book The 22 immutable laws of marketing : violate them at your own risk / Ries, Al. 1993. 行銷管理
Book The 24-hour customer : new rules for winning in a time-starved, always-connected economy / Ott, Adrian C. c2010. 行銷管理
Book The 4 A's of marketing : creating value for customers, companies and society / Sheth, Jagdish N. 2012. 行銷管理
Book The 4Cs of truth in communications : how to identify, discuss, evaluate and present stand-out, effective communication / Albanese, Isabelle. 2007. 行銷管理
Book The 8 best practices of high performing salespeople / Trainor, Norm, 1946- c2000. 行銷管理
Book The A to Z of postmodern life : essays on global culture in the noughties / Sardar, Ziauddin. c2002. 行銷管理