
資料類型 書名 作者 出版年 資源相關分類
Book The principles of Islamic marketing / Alserhan, Baker Ahmad. c2011. 行銷管理
Book The procurement and supply manager's desk reference / Sollish, Fred. c2007. 行銷管理
Book The product manager's handbook / Gorchels, Linda. c2006. 行銷管理
Book The production and consumption of sport cultures : leisure, culture and commerce / 1998. 行銷管理
Book The professional selling process / Hafer, John C. c1993. 行銷管理
Book The professional service firm : the manager's guide to maximising profit and value / Scott, Mark C. 2001. 行銷管理
Book The psychology of entertainment media : blurring the lines between entertainment and persuasion / 2004. 行銷管理
Book The psychology of marketing : cross-cultural perspectives / c2010. 行銷管理
Book The purchasing environment : foundation study guide / Clark, André 2001. 行銷管理
Book The pursuit of new product development : the business development process / Annacchino, Marc A. c2007. 行銷管理
Book The qualitative manifesto : a call to arms / Denzin, Norman K. c2010. 行銷管理
Book The quiet revolution in e-mail marketing / Nussey, Bill. c2004. 行銷管理
Book The real toy story : inside the ruthless battle for America's youngest consumers / Clark, Eric, 1937- c2007. 行銷管理
Book The real u : building brands that resonate with students, faculty, staff, and donors / Moore, Robert M. 1948- (Robert Mitchell), 2010. 行銷管理
Book The referral engine : teaching your business to market itself / Jantsch, John. 2010. 行銷管理
Book The relationship marketer : rethinking strategic relationship marketing / Hougaard, Søren. c2009. 行銷管理
Book The relationship revolution : closing the customer promise gap / Hochman, Larry. 2010. 行銷管理
Book The reputation society : how online opinions are reshaping the offline world / c2011. 行銷管理
Book The retail loss prevention officer : the fundamental elements of retail security and safety / Manley, Anthony D., 1932- c2004. 行銷管理
Book The retailing reader / 2008. 行銷管理
Book The reviewer's guide to quantitative methods in the social sciences / 2010. 行銷管理
Book The rhetoric and reality of marketing : an international managerial approach / 2003. 行銷管理
Book The road to prosperity : how to grow our economy and revive the American dream / Toomey, Pat. c2009. 行銷管理
Book The role of business ethics in economic performance / 1998. 行銷管理
Book The role of exigencies in marketing : a rhetorical analysis of three online social networks / Martin, Greg. 2007. 行銷管理
Book The roots of postmodernism / Dunning, William V., 1933- c1995. 行銷管理
Book The rough guide to ethical shopping / Clark, Duncan (Duncan Antony) 2004. 行銷管理
Book The routines of decision making / 2008. 行銷管理
Book The sales force / Cohon, Charles M. c2004. 行銷管理
Book The sales training handbook : 52 quick, easy-to-lead mini-seminars / Magee, Jeffrey L. c2001. 行銷管理
Book The salience of marketing stimuli : an incongruity-salience hypothesis on consumer awareness / Guido, Gianluigi. c2001. 行銷管理
Book The satisfied customer : winners and losers in the battle for buyer preference / Fornell, Claes. 2007. 行銷管理
Book The saxophone in advertising / Eggert, Axel, 1959- c2003. 行銷管理
Book The science and art of branding / Franzen, Giep. c2009. 行銷管理
Book The science of advertising / Hubbard, Elbert, 1856-1915. [2006?] 行銷管理
Book The science of service systems / c2011. 行銷管理
Book The service edge : 101 companies that profit from customer care / Zemke, Ron. 1990, c1989. 行銷管理
Book The service journey : developing and implementing a service strategy that works for you, your business, department, or organization / Hoekstra, Susan J. c2009. 行銷管理
Book The service-dominant logic of marketing : dialog, debate, and directions / c2006. 行銷管理
Book The seven myths of customer management : how to be customer-driven without being customer-led / Abram, John. c2003. 行銷管理
Book The seven secrets of service strategy : Jacques Horovitz. Horovitz, Jacques, 1947- 2000. 行銷管理
Book The sky's the limit : marketing luxury to the new jet set / Prince, Russ Alan, 1958- c2007. 行銷管理
Book The small business marketing handbook / Maitland, Iain. c1998. 行銷管理
Book The soccer Mom myth : today's female customer : who she really is, why she really buys / Miller, Michele. c2007. 行銷管理
Book The social customer : how brands can use social CRM to acquire, monetize, and retain fans, friends, and followers / Metz, Adam. c2012. 行銷管理
Book The social media marketing book / Zarrella, Dan. c2010. 行銷管理
Book The social media sales revolution : the new rules for finding customers, building relationships, and closing more sales through online networking / Chase, Landy. c2011. 行銷管理
Book The space transportation market : evolution or revolution? / c2000. 行銷管理
Book The sponsorship handbook : essential tools, tips and techniques for sponsors and sponsorship seekers / Fenton, William 1957- (William Seaborne), 2011. 行銷管理
Book The sport business future / Smith, Aaron, 1972- 2004. 行銷管理