
資料類型 書名 作者 出版年 資源相關分類
Book Transformative consumer research for personal and collective well-being / c2012. 行銷管理
Book Transforming corporations : take action now! / Balan, Dan. 2002. 行銷管理
Book Tribal play : subcultural journeys through sport / 2008. 行銷管理
Book Trust in the network economy / c2003. 行銷管理
Book Tuning the mind : connecting aesthetics to cognitive science / Katz, Ruth, 1927- c2003. 行銷管理
Book Turned on : eight vital insights to energize your people, customers, and profits / Dow, Roger J., 1946- c1996. 行銷管理
Book Twitter marketing for dummies / Lacy, Kyle. c2011. 行銷管理
Book U.S. agricultural trade : trends, composition, direction, and policy / Hanrahan, Charles. c2008. 行銷管理
Book Ubiquitous commerce for creating the personalized marketplace : concepts for next generation adoption / c2009. 行銷管理
Book Ubuntu! : an inspiring story about an African tradition of teamwork and collaboration / Lundin, Stephen C., 1941- c2010. 行銷管理
Book Uncertainty and risk : multidisciplinary perspectives / 2009, c2008. 行銷管理
Book Uncommon practice : people who deliver a great brand experience / 2002. 行銷管理
Book Uncovering fashion : fashion communications across the media / Wolbers, Marian Frances. c2009. 行銷管理
Book Under the influence : tracing the hip-hop generation's impact on brands, sports, and pop culture / Patton, Erin O. c2009. 行銷管理
Book Understanding consumer decision making : the means-end approach to marketing and advertising strategy / [2010] 行銷管理
Book Understanding consumers of food products / 2007. 行銷管理
Book Understanding hope and its implications for consumer behavior : I hope, therefore I consume / MacInnis, Deborah J. c2007. 行銷管理
Book Understanding marketing : a European casebook / Phillips, Celia M. c2000. 行銷管理
Book Understanding television texts / Wickham, Phil. 2007. 行銷管理
Book Univariate and multivariate general linear models : theory and applications with SAS. Kim, Kevin. c2007. 行銷管理
Book Unthinking : the surprising forces behind what we buy / Beckwith, Harry, 1949- 2011. 行銷管理
Book Up the agency : the funny business of advertising / Mayle, Peter. 1993. 行銷管理
Book Upgrade : the seven premium principles of customer service / Wright, Michael. c2008. 行銷管理
Book Using biometrics in customer relationship management : applictions and implications for customers and companies / Bohnet, Alexandra. 2009. 行銷管理
Book Using data warehousing to deliver integrated management information : case studies of customer data integration using sales and marketing data marts / Ponelis, Shana Rachel. c2009. 行銷管理
Book Using documents and records in social research / 2011. 行銷管理
Book Using lacuna theory to detect cultural differences in American and German automotive advertising / Grodzki, Erika. c2003. 行銷管理
Book Using trauma theory to design service systems / 2001. 行銷管理
Book Value congruence and trust online : their impact on privacy and price premiums / Cazier, Joseph A. c2006. 行銷管理
Book Value creation in e-business management selected papers 2009. 行銷管理
Book Value merchants : demonstrating and documenting superior value in business markets / Anderson, James C., 1953- c2007. 行銷管理
Book Value-based marketing : marketing strategies for corporate growth and shareholder value / Doyle, Peter, 1943 June 23-2003. c2008. 行銷管理
Book Values, lifestyles, and psychographics / 1997. 行銷管理
Book Variance components estimation : mixed models, methodologies and applications / Rao, Poduri S. R. S. 1999. 行銷管理
Book Victorian advertisements / Vries, Leonard de, comp. c1968. 行銷管理
Book Video in social science research : functions and forms / Haw, Kaye. 2011. 行銷管理
Book Vintage cookbooks and advertising leaflets / Norman, Sandra J. c1998. 行銷管理
Book Viral marketing : potential and pitfalls / Bryce, Michael. c2005. 行銷管理
Book Virtual futures for design, construction & procurement / 2008. 行銷管理
Book Virtual worlds and e-commerce : technologies and applications for building customer relationships / c2011. 行銷管理
Book Visual marketing : 99 proven ways for small businesses to market with images and design / Langton, David, 1961- c2011. 行銷管理
Book Visual marketing : from attention to action / c2008. 行銷管理
Book Visual merchandising and display / Pegler, Martin M. c2012. 行銷管理
Book Visual methodologies : an introduction to researching with visual materials / Rose, Gillian, 1962- 2012. 行銷管理
Book Voice-of-the-customer marketing : a revolutionary five-step process to create customers who care, spend, and stay / Roman, Ernan. c2011. 行銷管理
Book Walking the tightrope : ethical issues for qualitative researchers / c2002. 行銷管理
Book War in the boardroom : why left-brain management and right-brain marketing don't see eye-to-eye--and what to do about it / Ries, Al. c2009. 行銷管理
Book Warriors on the high wire : the balancing act of brand leadership in the twenty-first century / Gilmore, Fiona. 2003. 行銷管理
Book Water marketing, the next generation / c1997. 行銷管理
Book We : the ideal customer relationship / Yastrow, Steve, 1959- c2007. 行銷管理