
資料類型 書名 作者 出版年 資源相關分類
Book Forest resource economics and policy research : strategic directions for the future / 1989. 都市與區域經濟
Book Forex on five hours a week : how to make money trading on your own time / Horner, Raghee. c2010. 都市與區域經濟
Book Forex patterns and probabilities : trading strategies for trending and range-bound markets / Ponsi, Ed, 1961- c2007. 都市與區域經濟
Book Form and content in industrial democracy : some experiences from Norway and other European countries / Emery, F. E. (Frederick Edmund) 2001, c1969. 都市與區域經濟
Book Forma y volumen = [Form & volume] / c2008. 都市與區域經濟
Book Forum of Cities and Regions of South-East Europe : 9th economic forum ; promoting partnerships with cities and regions of south-east Europe ; summary of debates ; Novi Sad (Federal Republic of Yugoslavia), 18-20 April 2002. Forum of Cities and Regions of South-East Europe Novi Sad, Serbia) 2002 : (9th : 2002. 都市與區域經濟
Book Framing a domain for work and family : a study of women in residential real estate sales work / Wharton, Carol S. c2002. 都市與區域經濟
Book Framing globalization : visual perspectives / 2007. 都市與區域經濟
Book France after revolution : urban life, gender, and the new social order / Davidson, Denise Z., 1967- 2007. 都市與區域經濟
Book Franchise agreements within the European Community / Gamet-Pol, Françoise J., 1958- c1997. 都市與區域經濟
Book Free trade area in Asia / Chand, Ramesh, 1956- 2006. 都市與區域經濟
Book Free trade under fire / Irwin, Douglas A., 1962- [2009] 都市與區域經濟
Book Freer trade, protected environment : balancing trade liberalization and environmental interests / Runge, C. Ford (Carlisle Ford) c1994. 都市與區域經濟
Book Freight flows and spatial aspects of the British economy / Chisholm, Michael, 1931- 2009, c1973. 都市與區域經濟
Book French studies in urban policy : a survey of research / c1990. 都市與區域經濟
Book From EC to EU : an historical and political survey / McAllister, Richard, M.A. 1997. 都市與區域經濟
Book From ejido to metropolis, another path : an evaluation on ejido property rights and informal land development in Mexico City / Cymet, David, 1931- c1992. 都市與區域經濟
Book From recreation to re-creation : new directions in parks and open space system planning / c2008. 都市與區域經濟
Book From self-help housing to sustainable settlement : capitalist development and urban planning in Lusaka, Zambia / Tait, John. 1997. 都市與區域經濟
Book From the Common Market to EC 92 : regional economic integration in the European Community and transnational corporations / 1993. 都市與區域經濟
Book From the Indian Ocean to the Mediterranean : the global trade networks of Armenian merchants from New Julfa / Aslanian, Sebouh David. c2011. 都市與區域經濟
Book From unipolar to tripolar world : multipolar transition paradox / Virmani, Arvind, 1949- 2010. 都市與區域經濟
Book From wilderness vision to farm invasions : conservation & development in Zimbabwe's south-east Lowveld / Wolmer, William. 2007. 都市與區域經濟
Book Frontier and metropolis : regions, cities, and identities in Canada before 1914 / Careless, J. M. S. 1919- (James Maurice Stockford), c1989. 都市與區域經濟
Book Fuel for growth : water and Arizona's urban environment / Kupel, Douglas E. 1956- (Douglas Edward), c2003. 都市與區域經濟
Book Fuels, minerals, and human survival : an inquiry concerning the future of our industrial society / Reed, C. B. (Charles B.) [1975] 都市與區域經濟
Book Fundamentals of economic development finance / Giles, Susan L. c2001. 都市與區域經濟
Book Fundamentals of residential construction / Allen, Edward. c2006. 都市與區域經濟
Book Fundamentals of urban economics / McDonald, John F., 1943- c1997. 都市與區域經濟
Book Furs and frontiers in the far north : the contest among native and foreign nations for the Bering Strait fur trade / Bockstoce, John R. c2009. 都市與區域經濟
Book GIS based facility location planning with different types of consumers / Zeng, Weiping. 2009. 都市與區域經濟
Book GIS data sources / Decker, Drew. c2001. 都市與區域經濟
Book GIS for business : discovering the missing piece in your business strategy / c1995. 都市與區域經濟
Book GIS in land and property management / Wyatt, Peter, 1968- 2003. 都市與區域經濟
Book GIS in the classroom : using geographic information systems in social studies and environmental science / Alibrandi, Marsha. c2003. 都市與區域經濟
Book GIS, environmental modeling and engineering / Brimicombe, Allan. c2010. 都市與區域經濟
Book Gender and green governance : the political economy of women's presence within and beyond community forestry / Agarwal, Bina. 2010. 都市與區域經濟
Book Gender and rural geography : identity, sexuality and power in the countryside / Little, Jo, 1958- 2002. 都市與區域經濟
Book Gender inequalities in the 21st century : new barriers and continuing constraints / c2010. 都市與區域經濟
Book Gender, economic growth, and poverty : market growth and state planning in Asia and the Pacific / 1994. 都市與區域經濟
Book Gender, land and livelihoods in East Africa : through farmers' eyes / Verma, Ritu. c2001. 都市與區域經濟
Book Gender, urban development and housing / Chant, Sylvia H. c1996. 都市與區域經濟
Book Genius of common sense : Jane Jacobs and the story of the death and life of great American cities / Lang, Glenna. 2009. 都市與區域經濟
Book Geo-economics, the new science ; or, The gospel of development according to Chairman Mac / Conway, H. McKinley 1920- (Hobart McKinley), c1994. 都市與區域經濟
Book Geo-space urban design / Golany, Gideon. c1996. 都市與區域經濟
Book Geographic information science and public participation / Ramasubramanian, Laxmi. c2010. 都市與區域經濟
Book Geographic information systems and the law : mapping the legal frontiers / Cho, George, 1946- 1998. 都市與區域經濟
Book Geographic information systems in transportation research / 2000. 都市與區域經濟
Book Geographic methods for health services research : a focus on the rural-urban continuum / c1994. 都市與區域經濟
Book Geographical accessibility and land-use and land-cover dynamics : the case of Nang Rong district, Northeast Thailand / Kriengsak Rojnkureesatien. 2008. 都市與區域經濟