
資料類型 書名 作者 出版年 資源相關分類
Book Inclusion in the city : selection, schooling and community / 2003. 都市與區域經濟
Book Income distribution and health in a north Indian village / Shepperdson, Mike. c1995. 都市與區域經濟
Book Income distribution theory : family, social values, and work incentives / Ishikawa, Tsuneo, 1947- 2001. 都市與區域經濟
Book Increasing access to rural finance in Bangladesh : the forgotten "missing middle" / Ferrari, Aurora. c2008. 都市與區域經濟
Book India : economic, political and social issues / c2009. 都市與區域經濟
Book India : globalization and change / Shurmer-Smith, Pamela. 2000. 都市與區域經濟
Book India : land policies for growth and poverty reduction / 2007. 都市與區域經濟
Book India : rural governments and service delivery / 2008. 都市與區域經濟
Book India Inc. : how India's top ten entrepreneurs are winning globally / Pota, Vikas. 2010. 都市與區域經濟
Book India and the global economy / 2008. 都市與區域經濟
Book India and the global financial crisis : managing money and finance / Venugopal Reddy, Y. c2010. 都市與區域經濟
Book India in a globalising world : some aspects of macroeconomy, agriculture, and poverty : essays in honour of C.H. Hanumantha Rao / 2006. 都市與區域經濟
Book India's economic reforms and development / Vaidyanathan, A. 2003. 都市與區域經濟
Book India's exports and export policies in the 1960's / Nayyar, Deepak. 2008, c1976. 都市與區域經濟
Book India's oilseeds economy / Vinayak Reddy, A., 1955- 2007. 都市與區域經濟
Book Indian agriculture in the new millennium : changing perceptions and development policy / 2006. 都市與區域經濟
Book Indian cities in transition / 2007. 都市與區域經濟
Book Indian urbanization and economic growth since 1960 / Becker, Charles M., 1954- c1992. 都市與區域經濟
Book Indigenous land management in West Africa : an environmental balancing act / Baker, Kathleen M., 1950- 2000. 都市與區域經濟
Book Indigenous peoples and tropical forests : models of land use and management from Latin America / Clay, Jason W. c1988. 都市與區域經濟
Book Indonesia and the ASEAN Free Trade Agreement : nationalists and regional integration strategy / Chandra, Alexander C. c2008. 都市與區域經濟
Book Indonesia's small entrepreneurs : trading on the margins / Turner, Sarah, 1970- 2003. 都市與區域經濟
Book Industrial causes of congestion of population in New York city / Pratt, Edward Ewing, 1886- 2010] 都市與區域經濟
Book Industrial development in a frontier economy : the industrialization of Argentina, 1890-1930 / Pineda, Yovanna, 1971- c2009. 都市與區域經濟
Book Industrial districts : a new approach to industrial change / Becattini, Giacomo, 1927- c2004. 都市與區域經濟
Book Industrial districts : evolution and competitiveness in Italian firms / Paniccia, Ivana. c2002. 都市與區域經濟
Book Industrial housing : with a discussion of accompanying activities; such as town planning - street systems - development of utility services - and related engineering and construction features / Knowles, Morris, 1869-1932. 2008] 都市與區域經濟
Book Industrial housing, with discussion of accompanying activities, such as town planning - street systems - development of utility services - and related engineering and construction features / Knowles, Morris, 1869-1932. 2010] 都市與區域經濟
Book Industrial invasion of nonmetropolitan America : a quarter century of experience / 1976. 都市與區域經濟
Book Industrial location and national resources. United States. National Resources Planning Board. 2010. 都市與區域經濟
Book Industrial networks and proximity / c2000. 都市與區域經濟
Book Industrial pollution control : the practical implications / Tearle, Keith. 1973. 都市與區域經濟
Book Industrial relocation and labour issues in Delhi / Aggarwal, Garima. 2007. 都市與區域經濟
Book Industrialisation and rural livelihoods in China : agricultural processing in Sichuan / Lingohr-Wolf, Susanne. 2011. 都市與區域經濟
Book Industrialization in Nigeria : a spatial analysis / Schätzl, Ludwig. [c1973] 都市與區域經濟
Book Industrialization in the Gulf : a socioeconomic revolution / 2011. 都市與區域經濟
Book Industries and environment : a study of impact assessment / Ranade, Prabha Shastri. 2000. 都市與區域經濟
Book Industry agglomerations and regional development in Hungary : economic processes during European integration / Wandel, Cordula 2010. 都市與區域經濟
Book Industry and environment in Latin America / 2000. 都市與區域經濟
Book Industry location and public policy / c1991. 都市與區域經濟
Book Industry, space, and competition : the contribution of economists of the past / c1998. 都市與區域經濟
Book Inefficiencies in the real estate market : implications for price dynamics / Kunzel, Peter. 2009. 都市與區域經濟
Book Informal cross-border trade in the Southern African Development Community (SADC) / Mijere, Nsolo J. 2009. 都市與區域經濟
Book Informal economies and social transformation in Romania / c2004. 都市與區域經濟
Book Informal economy centrestage : new structures of employment / 2003. 都市與區域經濟
Book Infrastructure development in the Pacific Region / 2007. 都市與區域經濟
Book Innovation policy for small farmers in the tropics : the economics of technical innovations for agricultural development / Ruthenberg, Hans. 1985. 都市與區域經濟
Book Innovation steps towards efficient goods distribution systems for urban areas / Binsbergen, Arjan van. c2001. 都市與區域經濟
Book Innovation, science, environment, special edition : charting sustainable development in Canada, 1987-2007 / c2009. 都市與區域經濟
Book Innovations, new directions, and new convergences in poverty alleviation : hearing before the Select Committee on Hunger, House of Representatives, One Hundred Second Congress, second session, hearing held in Washington, DC, May 21, 1992. United States. Congress. House. Select Committee on Hunger. 1992. 都市與區域經濟