
資料類型 書名 作者 出版年 資源相關分類
Book The agrarian dispute : the expropriation of American-owned rural land in postrevolutionary Mexico / Dwyer, John Joseph, 1965- 2008. 都市與區域經濟
Book The agrarian economies of Central and Eastern Europe and the Commonwealth of Independent States : situation and perspectives, 1997 / Csáki, Csaba. c1998. 都市與區域經濟
Book The agrarian question in Kenya / Orvis, Stephen Walter, 1959- c1997. 都市與區域經濟
Book The agrarian question in South Africa / 1996. 都市與區域經濟
Book The agricultural development of Argentina : a policy and development perspective / Fienup, Darrell Fischer, 1926- [1969] 都市與區域經濟
Book The agricultural development of Jordan / Aresvik, Oddvar, 1915- 1976. 都市與區域經濟
Book The agricultural development of Peru Coutu, Arthur J. 1924- (Arthur James), [1969] 都市與區域經濟
Book The agricultural development of Turkey / Aresvik, Oddvar, 1915- 1975. 都市與區域經濟
Book The agricultural development of Zaire / Shapiro, David, 1946- c1992. 都市與區域經濟
Book The agricultural transition in New York State : markets and migration in mid-nineteenth-century America / Parkerson, Donald Hugh. 1995. 都市與區域經濟
Book The amenity migrants : seeking and sustaining mountains and their cultures / c2006. 都市與區域經濟
Book The art of Chinese management : theory, evidence, and applications / Schlevogt, Kai-Alexander. 2002. 都市與區域經濟
Book The art of economic persuasion : positive incentives and German economic diplomacy / Davis, Patricia A. 1959- (Patricia Annette), c1999. 都市與區域經濟
Book The association guide to going global : new strategies for a changing economic landscape / Worth, Steven M. c2010. 都市與區域經濟
Book The availability of spatial and environmental data in the European Union : at the crossroads between public and economic interests / Janssen, Katleen, 1978- c2010. 都市與區域經濟
Book The barn house : confessions of an urban rehabber / Zotti, Ed. c2008. 都市與區域經濟
Book The bewitchment of silver : the social economy of mining in nineteenth-century Peru / Deustua, José 2000. 都市與區域經濟
Book The blame game : spin, bureaucracy, and self-preservation in government / Hood, Christopher, 1947- c2011. 都市與區域經濟
Book The blue revolution : land use & integrated water resources management / Calder, Ian R. 1999. 都市與區域經濟
Book The business of decolonization : British business strategies in the Gold Coast / Stockwell, S. E. 2000. 都市與區域經濟
Book The capital and the colonies : London and the Atlantic economy, 1660-1700 / Zahedieh, Nuala. 2010. 都市與區域經濟
Book The capitalist revolution in Latin America / Roberts, Paul Craig, 1939- 1997. 都市與區域經濟
Book The case for business in developing economies / Bernstein, Ann. 2010. 都市與區域經濟
Book The challenge of environmental management in urban areas / c1999. 都市與區域經濟
Book The changing Middle East : a new look at regional dynamics / c2010. 都市與區域經濟
Book The changing boundaries of social enterprises / c2009. 都市與區域經濟
Book The changing demographic and economic structure of nonmetropolitan areas in the United States / McCarthy, Kevin F., 1945- 1979. 都市與區域經濟
Book The changing face of rural space : agriculture and rural development in the Western Balkans / c2009. 都市與區域經濟
Book The changing geography of urban systems : perspectives on the developed and developing worlds / c1989. 都市與區域經濟
Book The chosen city / Schoon, Nicholas. 2001. 都市與區域經濟
Book The church and the land / McNabb, Vincent, 1868-1943. 2003. 都市與區域經濟
Book The city : an urban cosmology / Grange, Joseph, 1940- c1999. 都市與區域經濟
Book The city and the court, 1603-1643 / Ashton, Robert, 1924- 2008. 都市與區域經濟
Book The city connection : migration and family interdependence in the Philippines / Trager, Lillian, 1947- c1988. 都市與區域經濟
Book The coherence of EU regional policy : contrasting perspectives on the structural funds / 1997. 都市與區域經濟
Book The cohousing handbook : building a place for community / ScottHanson, Chris, 1949- c2005. 都市與區域經濟
Book The colonias reader : economy, housing, and public health in U.S.-Mexico border colonias / c2010. 都市與區域經濟
Book The comparison of the Polish tax system with the tax systems in the EU countries : implications for the international location competitiveness / Heimann, Beata. c2005. 都市與區域經濟
Book The competitive advantage of industrial districts : theoretical and empirical analysis / c2000. 都市與區域經濟
Book The complete guide to buying and owning recreational property in Canada / Gray, Douglas A. c2007. 都市與區域經濟
Book The complete guide to investing in foreclosures / Berges, Steve, 1959- c2006. 都市與區域經濟
Book The complete guide to investing in property / Hodgkinson, Liz. 2009. 都市與區域經濟
Book The complete guide to investing in rental properties / Berges, Steve, 1959- c2004. 都市與區域經濟
Book The complete guide to property development for the small investor / Dawson, Catherine. 2009. 都市與區域經濟
Book The complete idiot's guide to buying and selling a home / O'Hara, Shelley. c2006. 都市與區域經濟
Book The completeLandlord.com ultimate real estate investing handbook / Lederer, William A., 1961- c2009. 都市與區域經濟
Book The conflict over land reform in rural Brazil : the Movimento Sem Terra (MST) as a Latin American alternative to neoliberalism / Coronel-Viteri, Nicholas. 2009. 都市與區域經濟
Book The conscious investor : profiting from the timeless value approach / Price, John F. c2011. 都市與區域經濟
Book The context of environmental politics : unfinished business for America's third century / Sprout, Harold, 1901-1980. c1978. 都市與區域經濟
Book The crisis of America's cities / Bartlett, Randall, 1945- c1998. 都市與區域經濟