Book |
Gender and global restructuring : sightings, sites, and resistances / |
2011. |
國家與市場關係 |
Book |
Gender and political communication in America : rhetoric, representation, and display / |
c2009. |
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Book |
Gender and power in Sierra Leone : women chiefs of the last two centuries / |
Day, Lynda Rose, 1953- |
2012. |
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Book |
Gender and the European Union / |
Kantola, Johanna, 1977- |
2010. |
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Book |
Gender and violence in the Middle East / |
2011. |
國家與市場關係 |
Book |
Gender dimensions of investment climate reform : a guide for policy makers and practitioners / |
Simavi, Sevi. |
c2010. |
國家與市場關係 |
Book |
Gender epistemologies in Africa : gendering traditions, spaces, social institutions, and identities / |
2011. |
國家與市場關係 |
Book |
Gender politics and mass dictatorship : global perspectives / |
c2011. |
國家與市場關係 |
Book |
Gender, migration, and the public sphere, 1850-2005 / |
2010. |
國家與市場關係 |
Book |
Gender, politics and institutions : towards a feminist institutionalism / |
2011. |
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Book |
Gendered states : women, unemployment insurance, and the political economy of the welfare state in Canada, 1945-1997 / |
Porter, Ann. |
c2003. |
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Book |
General Report on the Activities of the European Union 2008. |
2009. |
國家與市場關係 |
Book |
General services administration acquisition manual. |
United States. General Services Administration. |
c2010. |
國家與市場關係 |
Book |
Genetically modified food and global welfare / |
2011. |
國家與市場關係 |
Book |
Genomics and environmental regulation : science, ethics, and law / |
2008. |
國家與市場關係 |
Book |
Geo-engineering climate change : environmental necessity or Pandora's box? / |
2010. |
國家與市場關係 |
Book |
Geo-politics of the Euro-Asia energy nexus : the European Union, Russia and Turkey / |
Tekin, Ali. |
c2011. |
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Book |
Geographies of the Haitian diaspora / |
2011. |
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Book |
Geography, history, and the American political economy / |
c2009. |
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Book |
Geological perspectives of global climate change / |
c2001. |
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Book |
Geopolitics and globalization in the twentieth century / |
Blouet, Brian W., 1936- |
2010. |
國家與市場關係 |
Book |
Germans and African Americans : two centuries of exchange / |
c2011. |
國家與市場關係 |
Book |
Getting ahead of the curve : corporate strategies that address climate change / |
Hoffman, Andrew J., 1961- |
[2009?] |
國家與市場關係 |
Book |
Getting to grips with green plans : national-level experience in industrial countries. |
2009, c1996 |
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Book |
Global : privatization handbook. |
2010. |
國家與市場關係 |
Book |
Global Forum on Transparency and Exchange of Information for Tax Purposes peer reviews : Guernsey 2011 : phase 1. |
c2011. |
國家與市場關係 |
Book |
Global Forum on Transparency and Exchange of Information for Tax Purposes peer reviews : Trinidad and Tobago 2011 : phase 1. |
c2011. |
國家與市場關係 |
Book |
Global Forum on Transparency and Exchange of Information for Tax Purposes peer reviews : the Seychelles 2011 : phase 1. |
c2011. |
國家與市場關係 |
Book |
Global Forum on Transparency and Exchange of Information for Tax Purposes peer reviews: Norway 2011 combined: phase 1 + phase 2. |
c2011. |
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Book |
Global Securities Markets : Navigating the World's Exchanges and OTC Markets / |
Arnett, George W., III. |
2011. |
國家與市場關係 |
Book |
Global activism reader / |
c2011. |
國家與市場關係 |
Book |
Global advertising, attitudes and audiences / |
Wilson, Tony. |
2011. |
國家與市場關係 |
Book |
Global auction of public assets : public sector alternatives to the infrastructure market and public private partnerships / |
Whitfield, Dexter. |
2010. |
國家與市場關係 |
Book |
Global banking / |
Smith, Roy C., 1938- |
c2012. |
國家與市場關係 |
Book |
Global biosecurity : threats and responses / |
2010. |
國家與市場關係 |
Book |
Global business : concepts, methodologies, tools and applications / |
c2011. |
國家與市場關係 |
Book |
Global business strategy : Asian perspective / |
Mun, Hwi-chʻang. |
c2010. |
國家與市場關係 |
Book |
Global business today / |
Hill, Charles W. L. |
c2011. |
國家與市場關係 |
Book |
Global carbon trading : a framework for reducing emissions / |
Lazarowicz, Mark. |
c2009. |
國家與市場關係 |
Book |
Global change and forestry : economic and policy impacts and responses / |
c2010. |
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Book |
Global circuits of blackness : interrogating the African diaspora / |
c2010. |
國家與市場關係 |
Book |
Global cities at work : new migrant divisions of labour / |
2010. |
國家與市場關係 |
Book |
Global citizenship examined : the methodology of the new triad model. |
Henderson, Jeffrey. |
2010. |
國家與市場關係 |
Book |
Global civil society 2011 / |
2011. |
國家與市場關係 |
Book |
Global classrooms : human rights unit : teachers's guide / |
Mehling, Kristen Cox. |
2010. |
國家與市場關係 |
Book |
Global climate change : linking energy, environment, economy, and equity / |
c1992. |
國家與市場關係 |
Book |
Global climate change and the road to extinction : the legal and planning response / |
Kushner, James A. |
c2009. |
國家與市場關係 |
Book |
Global climate change impacts in the United States : a state of knowledge report / |
U.S. Global Change Research Program. |
2009. |
國家與市場關係 |
Book |
Global climate governance beyond 2012 : architecture, agency and adaptation / |
2010. |
國家與市場關係 |
Book |
Global coaching : an integrated approach for long- lasting results / |
Rosinski, Philippe. |
2010. |
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