
資料類型 書名 作者 出版年 資源相關分類
Book Global competition : trade adjustment assistance / c2011. 國家與市場關係
Book Global corporate finance : a focused approach / Kim, Kenneth A. c2011. 國家與市場關係
Book Global corruption : rebuilding hope: corruption in infrastructure developments in Nepal. Sharma, Bharti. 2010. 國家與市場關係
Book Global corruption report : climate change / 2011. 國家與市場關係
Book Global cosmopolitans : the creative edge of difference / Brimm, Linda. 2010. 國家與市場關係
Book Global crises, global solutions / 2009. 國家與市場關係
Book Global customs laws and trade regulations handbook / 2012. 國家與市場關係
Book Global democracy and sustainable jurisprudence : deliberative environmental law / Baber, Walter F., 1953- c2009. 國家與市場關係
Book Global democracy for sustaining global capitalism : the way to solve current global problems / Andreu, Jose Miguel. c2009. 國家與市場關係
Book Global design history / 2011. 國家與市場關係
Book Global diversity : winning customers and engaging employees within world markets / 2010,c2007. 國家與市場關係
Book Global ecological politics / 2010. 國家與市場關係
Book Global ecology and unequal exchange : fetishism in a zero-sum world / Hornborg, Alf. 2011. 國家與市場關係
Book Global energy governance : the new rules of the game / c2010. 國家與市場關係
Book Global energy governance in a multipolar world / Lesage, Dries. c2010. 國家與市場關係
Book Global energy security and American hegemony / Stokes, Doug, 1972- 2010. 國家與市場關係
Book Global environmental challenges : perspectives from the South / c2008. 國家與市場關係
Book Global environmental change and human security / c2010. 國家與市場關係
Book Global environmental forest policies : an international comparison / McDermott, Constance. 2010. 國家與市場關係
Book Global environmental policies: impact, management and effects / c2010. 國家與市場關係
Book Global environmental policy : concepts, principles, and practice / Eccleston, Charles H. c2011. 國家與市場關係
Book Global environmental politics : concepts, theories and case studies / 2011. 國家與市場關係
Book Global environmental profiles handbook / 2010. 國家與市場關係
Book Global environmentalism and local politics : transnational advocacy networks in Brazil, Ecuador, and India / Rodrigues, Maria Guadalupe Moog. c2004. 國家與市場關係
Book Global ethic or global hegemony? : reflections on religion, human dignity and civilisational interaction / Chandra Muzaffar, 1947- c2005. 國家與市場關係
Book Global finance / Holton, R. J. 2012. 國家與市場關係
Book Global financial crisis : the ethical issues / 2011. 國家與市場關係
Book Global financial crisis and Islamic finance : is Islamic finance provides way out of the global financial crisis crisis / Alasrag, Hussein. 2010. 國家與市場關係
Book Global financial integration thirty years on : from reform to crisis / 2010. 國家與市場關係
Book Global financial stability report : meeting new challenges to stability and building a safer system. c2010. 國家與市場關係
Book Global financial system : Financial System, Financial Institution, International Monetary Fund, Bank for International Settlements, Central Bank, Treasury Bank, Hedge Fund / Miller, Frederic P. 2010. 國家與市場關係
Book Global food crisis : a critical analysis / Karrer, Linda. 2010. 國家與市場關係
Book Global food-price shocks and poor people : themes and case studies / 2012. 國家與市場關係
Book Global governance and the UN : an unfinished journey / Weiss, Thomas George. c2010. 國家與市場關係
Book Global governance and transnationalisation of the state : capitalist restructuring of the Turkish secondary contender state through governance Mechanisms. ŞenalpÖrsan. 2010. 國家與市場關係
Book Global governance of hazardous chemicals : challenges of multilevel management / Selin, Henrik, 1971- c2010. 國家與市場關係
Book Global governance of the environment : environmental principles and change in international law and politics / Akhtarkhavari, Afshin. c2010. 國家與市場關係
Book Global health : an introduction to current and future trends / McCracken, Kevin, 1946- 2012. 國家與市場關係
Book Global health governance / Harman, Sophie. 2012. 國家與市場關係
Book Global health partnerships : the pharmaceutical industry and BRICA / Wang, Mei-Ling, 1960- 2009. 國家與市場關係
Book Global hospitality and tourism management technologies / c2012. 國家與市場關係
Book Global human resource management casebook / 2012. 國家與市場關係
Book Global ideologies and urban landscapes / 2011. 國家與市場關係
Book Global inequality matters / Moellendorf, Darrel. 2009. 國家與市場關係
Book Global institutions and development : framing the world? / 2004. 國家與市場關係
Book Global justice and due process / May, Larry. 2011. 國家與市場關係
Book Global justice and neoliberal environmental governance : ethics, sustainable development and international co-operation / Okereke, Chukwumerije. 2008. 國家與市場關係
Book Global labour history : a state of the art / c2008. 國家與市場關係
Book Global media : premier league and the youth: the impact of English premier league satellite-TV coverage on youth. Woldetsadik, Dereje. 2010. 國家與市場關係
Book Global media and communication policy / Iosifidis, Petros. 2011. 國家與市場關係