
資料類型 書名 作者 出版年 資源相關分類
Book Regulating transnational corporations in domestic and international regimes : an African case study / Oshionebo, Evaristus, 1967- c2009. 國家與市場關係
Book Regulation and the Reagan era : politics, bureaucracy, and the public interest / 1989. 國家與市場關係
Book Regulation for chemical safety in Europe : analysis, comment, and criticism / c1998. 國家與市場關係
Book Regulation of bank financial service activities : selected statutes and regulations / c2008. 國家與市場關係
Book Regulation of government procurement within the WTO : procurement policies and multilateral trade rules / Gelbrich, Astrid. 2008. 國家與市場關係
Book Regulation of the legal profession / Gillers, Stephen, 1943- c2009. 國家與市場關係
Book Regulation of the voluntary sector : freedom and security in an era of uncertainty / Sidel, Mark. 2010. 國家與市場關係
Book Regulation, deregulation, reregulation : institutional perspectives / c2009. 國家與市場關係
Book Regulation, enforcement and governance in environmental law / Macrory, Richard. 2010. 國家與市場關係
Book Regulation, valuation and depreciation of public utilities / Wyer, Samuel S., 1879-1955. 2010] 國家與市場關係
Book Regulations for the government of the United States Coast and geodetic survey. United States. Coast and Geodetic Survey. [2010?] 國家與市場關係
Book Regulations for the movements and formations of a division or brigade of cavalry. 2008?] 國家與市場關係
Book Regulations of the railway clearing house: 1895. Railway Clearing House. [2010?] 國家與市場關係
Book Regulations prescribed by the President for consular officers of the United States : Department of state. United States. Department of State. [2010?] 國家與市場關係
Book Regulations prescribed for the use of the consular service of the United States / United States. Department of State. [2010?] 國家與市場關係
Book Regulatory impact analysis : a tool for policy coherence. c2009. 國家與市場關係
Book Reinventing civil society : the emerging role of faith-based organizations / Jackson-Elmoore, Cynthia, 1965- c2011. 國家與市場關係
Book Reinventing order in Congo : how people respond to state failure in Kinshasa / 2004. 國家與市場關係
Book Reinventing public service communication : European broadcasters and beyond / 2010. 國家與市場關係
Book Reinventing the Republic : gender, migration, and citizenship in France / Raissiguier, Catherine, 1957- c2010. 國家與市場關係
Book Reinventing water and wastewater systems : global lessons for improving water management / c2002. 國家與市場關係
Book Reisen in Britisch-Guiana in den Jahren 1840-1884 : In Auftrag Sr. Majestät des Königs von Preussen / Schomburgk, Richard, 1811-1891. 2010- 國家與市場關係
Book Rejecting the EU constitution? : from the constitutional treaty to the Treaty of Lisbon / c2009. 國家與市場關係
Book Religion and democratic citizenship : inquiry and conviction in the American public square / Clanton, J. Caleb, 1978- c2008. 國家與市場關係
Book Religion and democratizations / 2011. 國家與市場關係
Book Religion and ethics in a globalizing world : conflict, dialogue, and transformation / 2011. 國家與市場關係
Book Religion and modern society : citizenship, secularisation, and the state / Turner, Bryan S. 2011. 國家與市場關係
Book Religion and politics in the Middle East : identity, ideology, institutions, and attitudes / Lee, Robert Deemer, 1941- c2010. 國家與市場關係
Book Religion and politics in the United States / Wald, Kenneth D., author. c2011. 國家與市場關係
Book Religion and the state in Turkish universities : the headscarf ban / Seggie, Fatma Nevra. 2011. 國家與市場關係
Book Religion, communities and development : changing contours of politics and policy in India / 2010. 國家與市場關係
Book Religion, politics and law in the European Union / 2010. 國家與市場關係
Book Religious free exercise and contemporary American politics : the saga of the Religious Land Use and Institutionalized Persons Act of 2000 / Waltman, Jerold L., 1945- 2010. 國家與市場關係
Book Remaking citizenship : Latina immigrants and new American politics / Coll, Kathleen M. 2010. 國家與市場關係
Book Remapping citizenship and the nation in African-American literature / Knadler, Stephen P., 1963- 2010. 國家與市場關係
Book Remote sensing for ecology and conservation : a handbook of techniques / 2010. 國家與市場關係
Book Renewable energy and climate change / Quaschning, Volker, 1969- 2010. 國家與市場關係
Book Renewable energy and the public : from NIMBY to participation / c2011. 國家與市場關係
Book Renewable energy in Europe : markets, trends, and technologies / 2010. 國家與市場關係
Book Renewable energy project development under the clean development mechanism : a guide for Latin America / Lokey, Elizabeth. 2009. 國家與市場關係
Book Renewtown : adaptive urbanism and the low carbon community / Scott, Andrew, 1965- 2012. 國家與市場關係
Book Reopening the frontier : homesteading in the modern West / Cannon, Brian Q. c2009. 國家與市場關係
Book Reorienting global communication : Indian and Chinese media beyond borders / c2010. 國家與市場關係
Book Repositioning the Hong Kong government : social foundations and political challenges / 2012. 國家與市場關係
Book Reproductive technologies as global form : ethnographies of knowledge, practices, and transnational encounters / c2012. 國家與市場關係
Book Reputation and power : organizational image and pharmaceutical regulation at the FDA / Carpenter, Daniel P., 1967- c2010. 國家與市場關係
Book Reputation-based governance / Picci, Lucio, 1965- c2011. 國家與市場關係
Book Research and international trade policy negotiations : knowledge and power in Latin America / 2010. 國家與市場關係
Book Research in internet-based citizen participation : the unrealized promise of bringing citizens closer to their governments / Aikins, Stephen Kwamena. 2009. 國家與市場關係
Book Research methods for criminal justice and criminology / Maxfield, Michael G. c2011. 國家與市場關係