
資料類型 書名 作者 出版年 資源相關分類
Book Russia as a network state : what works in Russia when state institutions do not? / 2011. 國家與市場關係
Book Russia's oil barons and metal magnates : oligarchs and the state in transistion / Fortescue, Stephen. 2006. 國家與市場關係
Book Russia, China and Eurasia : social, historical and cultural issues. c2010. 國家與市場關係
Book Russian government and politics : comparative government and politics / Shiraev, Eric, 1960- 2010. 國家與市場關係
Book Russo-Chinese energy relations : politics in command / Blank, Stephen. 2006. 國家與市場關係
Book Russophobia : anti-Russian lobby and American foreign policy / Tsygankov, Andrei P., 1964- 2009. 國家與市場關係
Book Safe citizenship : or, Canadian and American citizenship, an historical parallel of all great events in Canada and the United States / Jeffers, J. Frith 1842-1917. (James Frith), [2010?] 國家與市場關係
Book Safe citizenship, or, Canadian and American citizenship : an historical parallel of all great events in Canada and the United States, bimetallism, gold and silver coinage, tariffs, etc., fully explained ; different systems of government compared and expounded / Jeffers, J. Frith 1842-1917. (James Frith), [2010?] 國家與市場關係
Book Salon services : the official guide to the city & guilds certificate in salon services / 2006. 國家與市場關係
Book San Antonio : city in the sun / Peyton, Green, 1907- [2009], c1946. 國家與市場關係
Book Sarah Palin email hack : United States presidential election, 2008, Yahoo!, Sarah Palin, hacker (computer security), Bristol Palin, Facebook, Knoxville News Sentinel / 2010. 國家與市場關係
Book Satellite regulation in Europe : legal texts and materials / c2001. 國家與市場關係
Book Saudi maritime policy : integrated governance / Al-Bisher, Hatim. 2012. 國家與市場關係
Book Savage economics : wealth, poverty, and the temporal walls of capitalism / Blaney, David L. 2010. 國家與市場關係
Book Saving small island developing states : environmental and natural resource challenges / c2010. 國家與市場關係
Book Scales of justice : reimagining political space in a globalizing world / Fraser, Nancy. c2009. 國家與市場關係
Book Scarcity and growth : the economics of natural resource availability / Barnett, Harold J. 2011. 國家與市場關係
Book Scarcity and growth reconsidered / 2011. 國家與市場關係
Book Scenario planning in organizations : how to create, use, and assess scenarios / Chermack, Thomas J. c2011. 國家與市場關係
Book School and work in the Eastern Caribbean : does the education system adequately prepare youth for the global economy? / Blom, Andreas. c2008. 國家與市場關係
Book Science in environmental policy : the politics of objective advice / Keller, Ann Campbell. c2009. 國家與市場關係
Book Science, technology, and global economic competitiveness : United States Congress House of Representatives Committee on Science [2011 ?] 國家與市場關係
Book Scorched : South Africa's changing climate / Joubert, Leonie S. 1972- (Leonie Skene), c2006. 國家與市場關係
Book Seasons of hunger : fighting cycles of quiet starvation among the world's rural poor / Devereux, Stephen, 1959- 2008. 國家與市場關係
Book Secularism, religion, and multicultural citizenship / 2009. 國家與市場關係
Book Securing the city : neoliberalism, space, and insecurity in postwar Guatemala / 2011. 國家與市場關係
Book Securing the commons in an era of privatisation : policy and legislative challenges : summary conclusions of the second international workshop of the Co-Govern network, Nakuru, Kenya, 25-28 October 2004 / 2005. 國家與市場關係
Book Securities markets and corporate governance : a Chinese experience / Wei, Yuwa. c2009. 國家與市場關係
Book Securities regulation / Soderquist, Larry D., 1944-2005. 2010. 國家與市場關係
Book Securities regulation : cases and materials / Hazen, Thomas Lee, 1947- c2009. 國家與市場關係
Book Security and environmental change / Dalby, Simon. 2009. 國家與市場關係
Book Security and the environment : securitisation theory and us environmental security policy / Floyd, Rita, 1977- 2010. 國家與市場關係
Book Security beyond the state : private security in international politics / Abrahamsen, Rita, 1966- 2011. 國家與市場關係
Book Security, citizenship and human rights : shared values in uncertain times / McGhee, Derek, 1966- 2010. 國家與市場關係
Book Security, development, and the fragile state : bridging the gap between theory and policy / Carment, David, 1959- 2010. 國家與市場關係
Book Security, risk and the biometric state : governing borders and bodies / Müller, Benjamin. 2010. 國家與市場關係
Book Seeking sustainability : on the prospect of an ecological liberalism / Paton, Joy. 2011. 國家與市場關係
Book Selected national, European and international provisions from public and private law : the Maastricht collection / 2008. 國家與市場關係
Book Self-regulation and the Internet / Price, Monroe Edwin, 1938- c2005. 國家與市場關係
Book Selling the economic miracle : economic reconstruction and politics in West Germany, 1949-1957 / Spicka, Mark E. 2007. 國家與市場關係
Book Senators' perspectives on global warming : United States Congress Senate Committee on Environment and Public Works. United States. Congress. Senate. Committee on Environment and Public Works. [2011 ?] 國家與市場關係
Book Servants of war : private military corporations and the profit of conflict / Uesseler, Rolf. c2008. 國家與市場關係
Book Service economies : militarism, sex work, and migrant labor in South Korea / Lee, Jin-kyung. c2010. 國家與市場關係
Book Services in economic thought : three centuries of debate / Delaunay, Jean-Claude. c1992. 國家與市場關係
Book Services in the international economy / c2001. 國家與市場關係
Book Serving the nation : cultures of service, association, and citizenship / Watt, Carey Anthony. c2005. 國家與市場關係
Book Serving the urban community : the rise of public facilities in the Low Countries / 2009. 國家與市場關係
Book Setting standards for communication and governance : the example of infrastructure projects / Haas, Lawrence J. M1. c2007. 國家與市場關係
Book Shadow elite : how the world's new power brokers undermine democracy, government, and the free market / Wedel, Janine R., 1957- c2009. 國家與市場關係
Book Shaping a global theological mind / c2008. 國家與市場關係