
資料類型 書名 作者 出版年 資源相關分類
Book The EU through the eyes of Asia. c2009. 國家與市場關係
Book The EU- Russia strategic partnership : the limits of post-sovereignty in international relations / Haukkala, Hiski. 2010. 國家與市場關係
Book The Earth Charter : a framework for global governance / c2010. 國家與市場關係
Book The Earthscan action handbook for people and planet / Litvinoff, Miles. 2009. 國家與市場關係
Book The Earthscan reader on adaptation to climate change / 2009. 國家與市場關係
Book The Effects of transnational corporations in the era of globalisation : the case of China / Yan, Li 2011. 國家與市場關係
Book The European Commission and interest groups : towards a deliberative interpretation of stakeholder involvement in EU policy-making / Tanasescu, Irina. c2009. 國家與市場關係
Book The European Union and Central Asia / 2011. 國家與市場關係
Book The European Union and culture : between economic regulation and European cultural policy / Littoz-Monnet, Annabelle, 1977- 2007. 國家與市場關係
Book The European Union and democracy promotion : a critical global assessment / 2010. 國家與市場關係
Book The European Union and global governance : a handbook / 2011. 國家與市場關係
Book The European Union and the regulation of media markets / Harcourt, Alison. 2005. 國家與市場關係
Book The European Union as a leader in international climate change politics / 2011. 國家與市場關係
Book The European Union encyclopedia and directory 2009. 2008. 國家與市場關係
Book The European neighbourhood policy in perspective : context, implementation and impact / 2010. 國家與市場關係
Book The Europeanization of national foreign policy : continuity and change in European crisis management / Gross, Eva. 2009. 國家與市場關係
Book The FCC and the politics of cable TV regulation, 1952-1980 : organizational learning and policy development / Zarkin, Michael J. c2010. 國家與市場關係
Book The GCC and the international relations of the Gulf : diplomacy, security and economic coordination in a changing Middle East / Legrenzi, Matteo. 2011. 國家與市場關係
Book The German question and the international order, 1943-48 / Lewkowicz, Nicolas, 1973- 2010. 國家與市場關係
Book The Global greenhouse regime : who pays? : science, economics and North-South politics in the Climate Change Convention / 1993. 國家與市場關係
Book The Governance of Water and Sanitation in Africa : Achieving Sustainable Development Through Partnerships / Stewart, Amy. 2009. 國家與市場關係
Book The Greeley Guide to Physician Employment and Contracting / Cors, William K. 2010. 國家與市場關係
Book The International Monetary Fund in the global economy : banks, bonds, and bailouts / Copelovitch, Mark S., 1975- 2010. 國家與市場關係
Book The International Trade Centre : export impact for good / Browne, Stephen. 2011. 國家與市場關係
Book The Iraq War and international law / 2008. 國家與市場關係
Book The Korean economic system : governments, big business and financial institutions / Shim, Jae-Seung. c2008. 國家與市場關係
Book The Kyoto Protocol in the EU : European Community and member states under international and European law / Massai, L. (Leonardo) c2011. 國家與市場關係
Book The Leipzig model : myth or reality? : a study of city management in the former East Germany / García Zamor, Jean Claude. c2008. 國家與市場關係
Book The Limits of Transnationalism : Collective Identities and EU Integration / Thiel, Markus, 1973 May 9- 2011. 國家與市場關係
Book The London Underground and the Public-Private Partnership Agreements : Second Report of Session 2007-08 : Report, Together With Formal Minutes, Oral and Written Evidence. Great Britain. Parliament. House of Commons. Transport Committee. 2008. 國家與市場關係
Book The Middle East : the politics of the sacred and secular / Akhavi, Shahrough, 1940- c2009. 國家與市場關係
Book The Muslim brotherhood : the organization and policies of a global Islamist movement / 2010. 國家與市場關係
Book The New York times on emerging democracies in Eastern Europe / King, Mary. c2010. 國家與市場關係
Book The OECD and transnational governance / c2008. 國家與市場關係
Book The Organization of American States (OAS) : global governance away from the media / Herz, Monica. 2011. 國家與市場關係
Book The Oxford handbook of American bureaucracy / 2010. 國家與市場關係
Book The Oxford handbook of British politics / 2009. 國家與市場關係
Book The Oxford handbook of political science / 2009. 國家與市場關係
Book The Peacock Committee and UK broadcasting policy / 2009. 國家與市場關係
Book The People's Republic of China today : internal and external challenges / c2011. 國家與市場關係
Book The Philippine economy : alternatives for the 21st century / 2001. 國家與市場關係
Book The Political economy of defense : issues and perspectives / 1991. 國家與市場關係
Book The Politics of Population : Cairo 1994 / Johnson, Stanley, 1940- 2009. 國家與市場關係
Book The SAGE handbook of governance / 2011. 國家與市場關係
Book The Scottish building regulations : explained and illustrated / Bett, George. 2003. 國家與市場關係
Book The Seneca restoration, 1715-1754 : an Iroquois local political economy / Jordan, Kurt A. c2008. 國家與市場關係
Book The Snail Darter case : TVA versus the Endangered Species Act / Murchison, Kenneth M., 1947- c2007. 國家與市場關係
Book The U.S. jet transport industry : global market factors affecting U.S. producers : United States Congress House of Representatives Committee on Transportation and Infrastructure, subcommittee on aviation United States. Congress. House. Committee on Transportation and Infrastructure. Subcommittee on Aviation. [2011 ?] 國家與市場關係
Book The UK low carbon transition plan : national strategy for climate and energy 2009. 國家與市場關係
Book The UN Human Rights Council / Ramcharan, B. G. 2011. 國家與市場關係