
資料類型 書名 作者 出版年 資源相關分類
Book Biennials - Art on a Global Scale / Vogel, Sabine B., 1961- c2010. 國家與市場關係
Book Binding their wounds : America's assault on its veterans / Topmiller, Robert J., 1948- c2011. 國家與市場關係
Book Bioarchaeology and climate change : a view from South Asian prehistory / Schug, Gwen Robbins. c2011. 國家與市場關係
Book Biodiversity, environment & sustainablility [sic] / International Conference on Biodiversity, Environment and Sustainability Challenges for Future University of Delhi) (2008 : c2008. 國家與市場關係
Book Bioethics : biological warfare, eugenics, gene therapy, biosafety, biosecurity, reproductive technology, biodefense, social ecology, placebo, animal rights, use of performance-enhancing drugs in sport, United States biological weapons program. 2011. 國家與市場關係
Book Bioethics : issues and dilemmas / c2010. 國家與市場關係
Book Bioethics around the globe / c2011. 國家與市場關係
Book Bioethics in a cultural context : Philosophy, Religion, History, Politics / Barry, Vincent E. c2012. 國家與市場關係
Book Bioethics in perspective : corporate power, public health and the political economy / Mann, Scott. 2010. 國家與市場關係
Book Bioethics, public moral argument, and social responsibility / 2012. 國家與市場關係
Book Biofuels and the globalization of risk : the biggest change in the North South releationship since colonialism / Smith, James, Ph. D. 2010. 國家與市場關係
Book Biotechnology & nanotechnology : regulation under environmental, health, and safety laws / Naidu, B. David. c2009. 國家與市場關係
Book Biotechnology and public engagement in Europe / Hansen, Janus, 1973- 2010. 國家與市場關係
Book Bittker on the regulation of interstate and foreign commerce / Bittker, Boris I. c1999. 國家與市場關係
Book Black star : African American activism in the international political economy / Bandele, Ramla M., 1949- 2008. 國家與市場關係
Book Black townsmen : urban slavery and freedom in the eighteenth-century Americas / Dantas, Mariana L. R. 2008. 國家與市場關係
Book Blacks and blackness in Central America : between race and place / 2010. 國家與市場關係
Book Blake V. City and County of San Francisco : appeal, decree, private bill, assignment (law), letters patent, list of United States Supreme Court cases, volume 113, Horace Gray / 2010. 國家與市場關係
Book Blindness and enlightenment : an essay / Tunstall, Kate E. 2011. 國家與市場關係
Book Bloomberg's New York : class and governance in the luxury city / Brash, Julian. c2011. 國家與市場關係
Book Blue genes : sharing and conserving the world's aquatic biodiversity / Greer, David (David Seton) 2004. 國家與市場關係
Book Blue sky with a white sun : Kuomintang, flag terminology, flag of the Republic of China, Republic of China, Chinese units of measurement, Republic of China Navy / 2010. 國家與市場關係
Book Boosting paychecks : the politics of supporting America's working poor / Gitterman, Daniel Paul. c2010. 國家與市場關係
Book Bossism and reform in a southern city : Lexington, Kentucky, 1880-1940 / Bolin, James Duane, 1955- c2000. 國家與市場關係
Book Bounded rationality and politics / Bendor, Jonathan B. c2010. 國家與市場關係
Book Bounded rationality in decision-making : how cognitive shortcuts and professional values may interfere with market-based regulation / Nielsen, Helle (Helle Ørsted) 2009. 國家與市場關係
Book Branding Canada : projecting Canada's soft power through public diplomacy / Potter, Evan H. c2009. 國家與市場關係
Book Breaking the logjam : environmental protection that will work / Schoenbrod, David. c2010. 國家與市場關係
Book Britain in a global world : options for a new beginning / c2010. 國家與市場關係
Book Britain's railways 1997-2005 : Labour's strategic experiment / Gourvish, T. R. (Terence Richard) 2008. 國家與市場關係
Book British government and politics : balancing Europeanization and independence / Mannin, Michael L. c2010. 國家與市場關係
Book British politics and the environment / McCormick, John, 1954- 2009. 國家與市場關係
Book British shipbuilding and the state since 1918 : a political economy of decline / Johnman, Lewis. c2002. 國家與市場關係
Book Broadening the dementia debate : towards social citizenship / Bartlett, Ruth. 2010. 國家與市場關係
Book Broker-dealer regulation in a nutshell / Hazen, Thomas Lee, 1947- c2003. 國家與市場關係
Book Brokering belonging : Chinese in Canada's exclusion era, 1885-1945 / Mar, Lisa Rose. 2010. 國家與市場關係
Book Budgeting for public managers / Swain, John W., 1948- c2010. 國家與市場關係
Book Building and connecting learning communities : the power of networks for school improvement / Katz, Steven, Ph. D. c2009. 國家與市場關係
Book Building code recommended by the National Board of Fire Underwriters, New York : An ordinance providing for fire limits, and regulations governing the construction, alteration, equipment, repair or removal of buildings or structures. National Board of Fire Underwriters. [2010?] 國家與市場關係
Book Building from the bottom : infrastructure and poverty alleviation / 2010. 國家與市場關係
Book Building global democracy? : civil society and accountable global governance / 2011. 國家與市場關係
Book Building global order in the 21st century : an approach of international relations informed by international law and a call for interdisciplinary research agenda / Hong, Nong. 2010. 國家與市場關係
Book Building regulations in brief / Tricker, Ray. 2007. 國家與市場關係
Book Building states and markets after communism : the perils of polarized democracy / Frye, Timothy. 2010. 國家與市場關係
Book Building strong nations : improving governability and public management / Vigoda-Gadot, Eran, 1966- c2009. 國家與市場關係
Book Building trust through civic engagement : publication based on the 7th Global Forum Workshop on Building Trust Through Civic Engagement, 26 to 29 June 2007, Vienna, Austria / 2008. 國家與市場關係
Book Business : its legal, ethical, and global environment / Jennings, Marianne. c2012. 國家與市場關係
Book Business and public policy : responses to environmental and social protection processes / Rivera, Jorge E. 2010. 國家與市場關係
Book Business ethics : managing corporate citizenship and sustainability in the age of globalization / Crane, Andrew, 1968- 2010. 國家與市場關係
Book Business law : text and cases : legal, ethical, global, and corporate environment / Clarkson, Kenneth W. c2012. 國家與市場關係