Book |
Tropical forests, international jungle : the underside of global ecopolitics / |
Smouts, Marie-Claude. |
2003. |
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Book |
Troubling the waters : fulfilling the promise of quality public schooling for black children / |
Morris, Jerome E. |
c2009. |
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Book |
Trust and betrayal in educational administration and leadership / |
2010. |
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Book |
Trusting trade and the private sector for food security in Southeast Asia / |
Alavi, Hamid. |
c2012. |
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Book |
Tuareg society within a globalized world : Saharan life in transition / |
2010. |
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Book |
Turkey and the European Union : Christian and secular images of Islam / |
Levin, Paul T. |
2011. |
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Book |
Turkey's engagement with modernity : conflict and change in the twentieth century / |
2010. |
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Book |
Turkish foreign policy : Islam, nationalism, and globalization / |
Kosebalaban, Hasan. |
2011. |
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Book |
Turning down the heat : the politics of climate policy in affluent democracies / |
2008. |
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Book |
Two country olg model on the global transmission of fiscal policy / |
Jung, Young Cheol |
2011. |
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Book |
U.S. Congress joint committee on inaugural ceremonies : Dianne Feinstein, Bob Bennett, Nancy Pelosi, Steny Hoyer, Trent Lott, Bill Frist, Chris Dodd / |
2011. |
國家與市場關係 |
Book |
U.S. Global Change Research Program : Global Change Research Act of 1990, Climate Change Science Program, Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change / |
2011. |
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Book |
U.S. climate policy and technology : the Bush administration and American conceptions of environmental challenges / |
Schniering, Peter, 1978- |
2008. |
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Book |
U.S. energy : overview of the trends, statistics, supply and consumption / |
c2010. |
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Book |
U.S. energy and the environment : an overview and comparative analysis / |
c2010. |
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Book |
U.S. environmental policy and politics : a documentary history / |
c2010. |
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Book |
U.S. foreign policy and national security : chronology and index for the 20th century / |
c2010. |
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Book |
U.S.-Chinese relations : perilous past, pragmatic present / |
Sutter, Robert G. |
c2010. |
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Book |
UNEO : towards an international environment organization : approaches to a sustainable reform of global environmental governance / |
c2005. |
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Book |
US-China Diplomatic and Political Cooperation Handbook. |
International Business Publications, USA. |
2011. |
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Book |
US-China-EU relations : managing the new world order / |
c2010. |
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Book |
USA, United States of Asia : an Asian Union initiative / |
Wu, Guang. |
c2010. |
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Book |
Ubiquitous citizens of Europe : the paradigm of partial migration / |
Golynker, Oxana. |
c2006. |
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Book |
Uncertainty in policy making : values and evidence in complex decisions / |
Heazle, Michael. |
2010. |
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Book |
Understanding American politics and government / |
Coleman, John J., 1959- |
c2011. |
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Book |
Understanding Central America : global forces, rebellion, and change / |
Booth, John A., 1946- |
c2010. |
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Book |
Understanding U.S. farm exits, farm survival and the role of commodity payments / |
c2010. |
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Book |
Understanding and managing public organizations / |
Rainey, Hal G. 1946- (Hal Griffin), |
c2009. |
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Book |
Understanding cities : method in urban design / |
Cuthbert, Alexander R. |
2011. |
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Book |
Understanding disability : from theory to practice / |
Oliver, Michael, 1945- |
2009. |
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Book |
Understanding e-government in Europe : issues and challenges / |
2010. |
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Book |
Understanding economic growth in China and India : a comparative study of selected issues / |
Wu, Yanrui. |
c2012. |
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Book |
Understanding global conflict and cooperation : an introduction to theory and history / |
Nye, Joseph S. |
2011. |
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Book |
Understanding globalization : the social consequences of political, economic, and environmental change / |
Schaeffer, Robert K. |
c2009. |
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Book |
Understanding nonprofit organizations : governance, leadership, and management / |
2012. |
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Book |
Understanding policy success : rethinking public policy / |
McConnell, Allan, 1957- |
2010. |
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Book |
Understanding public policy / |
Dye, Thomas R. |
c2011. |
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Book |
Understanding quantum phase transitions / |
c2011. |
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Book |
Understanding sustainability economics : towards pluralism in economics / |
Söderbaum, Peter, 1937- |
2008. |
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Book |
Understanding the common agricultural policy / |
Hill, Berkeley. |
2012. |
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Book |
Understanding the policy process : analysing welfare policy and practice / |
Hudson, John, 1972- author. |
2009. |
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Book |
Understanding the political world : a comparative introduction to political science / |
Danziger, James N. |
c2011. |
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Book |
Understanding theories and concepts in social policy / |
Lister, Ruth, 1949- |
2010. |
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Book |
Union of Indigenous Communities of the Isthmus Region : Oaxaca, Santo Domingo Petapa, Santiago Lachiguiri, Santiago Ixcuintepec / |
2010. |
國家與市場關係 |
Book |
United Auburn Indian Community : Indian Reorganization Act, 100th United States Congress, Bureau of Indian Affairs, Native American self-determination / |
2010. |
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Book |
United Automobile Services : London and north eastern railway, first eastern counties, transport holding company, British Transport Commission, National Bus Company (UK) / |
2010. |
國家與市場關係 |
Book |
United Kingdom Parliamentary expenses scandal : telegraph group, Members of Parliament, information tribunal, Thomas Legg, Elliot Morley, David Chaytor, Jim Devine, Paul White, Baron Hanningfield / |
2010. |
國家與市場關係 |
Book |
United Kingdom business regulations / |
Ramage, Sally. |
c2006. |
國家與市場關係 |
Book |
United Nations Department of Economic and Social Affairs : United Nations secretariat, United Nations Economic and Social Council, United Nations General Assembly, United Nations Millennium Declaration / |
2010. |
國家與市場關係 |
Book |
United Nations Division for Palestinian Rights : United Nations, palestinian people, Palestinian Authority, 1947 UN Partition Plan, Israeli-palestinian conflict / |
2010. |
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