
資料類型 書名 作者 出版年 資源相關分類
Book The Routledge companion to social media and politics / 2016. 政治與景氣循環
Book The Trans-Pacific Partnership : a quest for a twenty-first century trade agreement / 2012. 政治與景氣循環
Book The UK labour market : comparative aspects and institutional developments / 1994. 政治與景氣循環
Book The WPA : creating jobs and hope in the Great Depression / Opdycke, Sandra, author. [2016] 政治與景氣循環
Book The WSPC reference on natural resources and environmental policy in the era of global change / [2017] 政治與景氣循環
Book The World Scientific Reference on entrepreneurship / [2017] 政治與景氣循環
Book The architecture of collapse : the global system in the 21st century / Guillén, Mauro F., author. 2015. 政治與景氣循環
Book The art of sanctions : a view from the field / Nephew, Richard, author. [2018] 政治與景氣循環
Book The attention economy : labour, time and power in cognitive capitalism / Celis Bueno, Claudio, 1982- author. [2017] 政治與景氣循環
Book The behavioral economics of climate change : adaptation behaviors, global public goods, breakthrough technologies, and policy-making / Seo, Sungno Niggol, author. [2017] 政治與景氣循環
Book The behavioral economics of foreign exchange markets : a psychological view on human expectation formation in foreign exchange markets / Schmidt, Robert, 1974- author. 2006. 政治與景氣循環
Book The capitals of nations : the role of human, social, and institutional capital in economic evolution / Som, Lalita S., author. 2014. 政治與景氣循環
Book The challenge of safeguards in the WTO / Piérola, Fernando, 1975- author. 2014. 政治與景氣循環
Book The challenges for Russia's politicized economic system / 2015. 政治與景氣循環
Book The changing face of corruption in the Asia Pacific : current perspectives and future challenges / [2017] 政治與景氣循環
Book The conversational firm : rethinking bureaucracy in the age of social media / Turco, Catherine, author. [2016] 政治與景氣循環
Book The cotton kings : capitalism and corruption in turn-of-the-century New York and New Orleans / Baker, Bruce E., 1971- author. [2016] 政治與景氣循環
Book The culture of contentment / Galbraith, John Kenneth, 1908-2006, author. [2017] 政治與景氣循環
Book The cultures of markets : the political economy of climate governance / Knox, Janelle Kallie, 1983- author. 2016. 政治與景氣循環
Book The current global recession : a theoretical and empirical investigation into developed and BRICS economies / Prabhakar, Akhilesh Chandra, author. 2017. 政治與景氣循環
Book The democratization disconnect : how recent democratic revolutions threaten the future of democracy / Grodsky, Brian K., 1974- author. [2016] 政治與景氣循環
Book The digital difference : media technology and the theory of communication effects / Neuman, W. Russell, author. 2016. 政治與景氣循環
Book The discourse of neoliberalism : an anatomy of a powerful idea / Springer, Simon, author. [2016] 政治與景氣循環
Book The disrupted workplace : time and the moral order of flexible capitalism / Snyder, Benjamin H., author. [2016] 政治與景氣循環
Book The distribution of wealth--growing inequality? / Schneider, Michael, 1935- author. [2016] 政治與景氣循環
Book The dynamic welfare state / Stoesz, David, author. [2016] 政治與景氣循環
Book The dynamics of political communication : media and politics in a digital age / Perloff, Richard M., author. 2014. 政治與景氣循環
Book The economic accomplices to the Argentine dictatorship : outstanding debts / 2016. 政治與景氣循環
Book The economic crisis in social and institutional context : theories, policies and exit strategies / 2015. 政治與景氣循環
Book The economic ideas of Marx's capital : steps towards post-Keynesian economics / Cuyvers, Ludo, 1945- author. 2017. 政治與景氣循環
Book The economic theory of eminent domain : private property, public use / Miceli, Thomas J. ©2011. 政治與景氣循環
Book The economic theory of incentives / [2017] 政治與景氣循環
Book The economic well being of Albanians : trust and social capital : how do cultural values and the levels of trust affect social capital and the robustness of economic performances in the Albanian societies? / Shaqiri, Albinot. ©2008. 政治與景氣循環
Book The economics and political economy of transportation security / Button, Kenneth, 1948- author. [2016] 政治與景氣循環
Book The economics of a declining population / Reddaway, William Brian‏ 2003. 政治與景氣循環
Book The economics of contemporary Latin America / Armendáriz, Beatriz, author. [2017] 政治與景氣循環
Book The economics of disability : insights from Irish research / 2016. 政治與景氣循環
Book The economics of e-commerce / [2016] 政治與景氣循環
Book The economics of environmental policy : behavioral and political dimensions / 2016. 政治與景氣循環
Book The economics of freedom : theory, measurement, and policy implications / Bavetta, Sebastiano, 1964- author. 2012. 政治與景氣循環
Book The economics of governance / [2017] 政治與景氣循環
Book The economics of immigration : market-based approaches, social science, and public policy / [2015] 政治與景氣循環
Book The economics of killing : how the West fuels war and poverty in the developing world / Mehta, Vijay, 1940- author 2012. 政治與景氣循環
Book The economics of land markets and their regulation / [2017] 政治與景氣循環
Book The economics of money, banking, and financial markets / Mishkin, Frederic S.‏, author [2016] 政治與景氣循環
Book The economics of natural disasters / [2017] 政治與景氣循環
Book The economics of recession / [2017] 政治與景氣循環
Book The economics of reputation / [2017] 政治與景氣循環
Book The economics of sovereign debt. 2016. 政治與景氣循環
Book The economics of sports betting / [2017] 政治與景氣循環