Book |
The political economy of Reaganomics : a critique / |
Rousseas, Stephen William. |
2016. |
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Book |
The political economy of U.S. monetary policy : how the Federal Reserve gained control and uses it / |
Dickens, Edwin T., author. |
2016. |
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Book |
The political economy of aid and accountability : the rise and fall of budget support in Tanzania / |
Tilley, Helen, 1968- author. |
2014. |
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Book |
The political economy of business ethics in East Asia : a historical and comparative perspective / |
[2017] |
政治與景氣循環 |
Book |
The political economy of development / |
Faaland, Just, author. |
2013. |
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Book |
The political economy of electricity : progressive capitalism and the struggle to build a sustainable power sector / |
Cooper, Mark, 1947- author. |
[2017] |
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Book |
The political economy of employment relations : alternative theory and practice / |
Aykac, Aslihan, author. |
2017. |
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Book |
The political economy of energy and growth / |
2014. |
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Book |
The political economy of food and finance / |
Schmidt, Ted P., author. |
2016. |
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Book |
The political economy of global citizenship education / |
Andreotti, Vanessa De Oliveira, author. |
2014. |
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Book |
The political economy of human happiness : how voters' choices determine the quality of life / |
Radcliff, Benjamin, 1963- author. |
2013. |
政治與景氣循環 |
Book |
The political economy of international trade / |
[2015] |
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Book |
The political economy of low carbon transformation : breaking the habits of capitalism / |
Wilhite, Harold, 1946- author. |
[2016] |
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Book |
The political economy of natural resources and development : from neoliberalism to resource nationalism / |
2016. |
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Book |
The political economy of predation : manhunting and the economics of escape / |
Vahabi, Mehrdad, 1959- author. |
2016. |
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Book |
The political economy of privatization in rich democracies / |
Obinger, Herbert, 1970- author. |
2016. |
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Book |
The political economy of progress : John Stuart Mill and modern radicalism / |
Persky, Joseph, author. |
[2016] |
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Book |
The political economy of public debt : three centuries of theory and evidence / |
Salsman, Richard M., author. |
[2017] |
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Book |
The political economy of public sector governance / |
Bertelli, Anthony Michael. |
©2012. |
政治與景氣循環 |
Book |
The political economy of regional peacemaking / |
[2016] |
政治與景氣循環 |
Book |
The political economy of rent-seeking in Turkey : rent-seeking, political economy / |
Demirbas, Dilek, author. |
2010. |
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Book |
The political economy of the Persian Gulf / |
©2012. |
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Book |
The political economy of the World Bank : the early years / |
Alacevich, Michele. |
©2009. |
政治與景氣循環 |
Book |
The political economy of trade finance : export credit agencies, the Paris Club and the IMF / |
Blackmon, Pamela, author. |
2017. |
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Book |
The political economy of trade policy : theory, evidence and applications / |
Mitra, Devashish, author. |
2016. |
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Book |
The political economy of workplace injury in Canada / |
Barnetson, Bob, 1970- |
©2010. |
政治與景氣循環 |
Book |
The political spectrum : the tumultuous liberation of wireless technology, from Herbert Hoover to the smartphone / |
Hazlett, Thomas W., author. |
[2017] |
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Book |
The politics of CANDU exports / |
Bratt, Duane, 1967- author. |
©2006. |
政治與景氣循環 |
Book |
The politics of advanced capitalism / |
2015. |
政治與景氣循環 |
Book |
The politics of dependency : US reliance on Mexican oil and farm labor / |
Menchaca, Martha, author. |
[2016] |
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Book |
The politics of ecosocialism : transforming welfare / |
2015. |
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Book |
The politics of international economic law / |
2011. |
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Book |
The politics of value : three movements to change how we think about the economy / |
Collins, Jane Lou, 1954- author. |
2017. |
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Book |
The prison school : educational inequality and school discipline in the age of mass incarceration / |
Simmons, Lizbet, 1971- author. |
[2017] |
政治與景氣循環 |
Book |
The privileges of wealth : rising inequality and the growing racial divide / |
Williams, Bob author. (Robert B.), |
2017. |
政治與景氣循環 |
Book |
The problem of social inequality : why it destroys democracy, threatens the planet, and what we can do about it / |
McNall, Scott G., author. |
2016. |
政治與景氣循環 |
Book |
The real cyber war : the political economy of internet freedom / |
Powers, Shawn M., 1981- author. |
[2015] |
政治與景氣循環 |
Book |
The regulation of standards in British public life : doing the right thing? / |
Hine, David, 1949- author. |
2016. |
政治與景氣循環 |
Book |
The rejuvenation of political economy / |
[2016] |
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Book |
The return of ordinary capitalism : neoliberalism, precarity, occupy / |
Schram, Sanford, author. |
[2015] |
政治與景氣循環 |
Book |
The right balance for banks : theory and evidence on optimal capital requirements / |
Cline, William R., author. |
2017. |
政治與景氣循環 |
Book |
The rise and fall of Ireland's Celtic tiger : liberalism, boom and bust / |
O'Riain, Seán, 1968- author. |
2014. |
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Book |
The rise of thana-capitalism and tourism / |
Korstanje, Maximiliano, author. |
2017. |
政治與景氣循環 |
Book |
The rise of the global company : multinationals and the making of the modern world / |
Fitzgerald, Robert, 1959- author. |
2015. |
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Book |
The rise of the military welfare state / |
Mittelstadt, Jennifer, 1970- author. |
2015. |
政治與景氣循環 |
Book |
The role of government in the history of economic thought / |
2005. |
政治與景氣循環 |
Book |
The shield of nationality : when governments break contracts with foreign firms / |
Wellhausen, Rachel L., author. |
2015. |
政治與景氣循環 |
Book |
The silent sex : gender, deliberation, and institutions / |
Karpowitz, Christopher F., 1969- author. |
[2014] |
政治與景氣循環 |
Book |
The social life of money / |
Dodd, Nigel, 1965- author. |
2014. |
政治與景氣循環 |
Book |
The sociology of unemployment / |
2015. |
政治與景氣循環 |